UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Chris G just got lucky.

Not if he gets Scooped or clipped low. Oddly enough no footdives. And matchups mean nothing to Chris “Cena” G

Flux, why didn’t you just fly then do more thunderbolts? Doom had no meter and no options, if Flux was just lame and chippy he wouldn’t have had to engage at all. :frowning:

And storm can?

not quite, magneto can’t effectively neutralize zero’s gameplan without having to deal with the assist, or neutralize the assist while dealing with zero [outside of magnetic shockwave]. zero can neutralize both magneto and mag’s assist, then set up his own assist and fight on his own terms.

Yeah explains why the best magnetos get routinely embarrassed by a decent Zero. I doubt even a Magneto of Mixup’s caliber could go even with a true Zero.

Another one of those “Flux does the right things, but drops enough combos to lose” tourneys. Not sure why that bday dropped at the end there.

Didn’t really like the whole burning XF to save Zero either. Not against his side Morri/Doom team.

Storm’s very good at not being in the vicinity of a buzzsaw of death.

Hail Storm owns buzzsaw. Plus top 1 Doom to come back.

burning xf on zero was the right choice IMO - even if it might be the wrong choice for the matchup since you’d like to have it to neutralize chip dmg from storm/morrigan, it was the right timing based on chrisG’s lower meter, and flux’s best char is definitely zero at this point.

storm was pretty useless in all the matches i watched outside of a few hailstorms that kinda punished flux for making mistakes earlier on and then having to die to the hail chip. so basically they indirectly punished mistakes flux shouldn’t have made in the first place.

i liked the part where flux punished hailstorm though i thought that was hilarious

Vergil landing with XF2 could have did hella work considering I doubt Chris G would have a strong enough mix up to time perfectly with missiles to mix up Vergil coming in. Don’t matter how good your Zero is whne he’s full fucking screen against Storm/Morri/Doom. In that order Storm gets free meter with harmonizer any way.


I doubt even a Magneto of Mixup’s caliber could go even with a true Zero.



Edit: Damn, the quote function sucks now

zero players are only as good as their 2nd and 3rd character, but yea i dont think he was gonna catch storm with vergil/dante.

sometimes I make bad decisions/execution errors ok

EMSMixup I believe is the username here. The Florida Magneto. The one true Magneto. Trains in secret with his chosen. Makes magneto’s like Rayray and even your boytoy FChamp looks like childlike novices.

flux pls ;_;

You’ll get him next time, like DevilJin said that drop in the last Happy B-Day just didn’t make sense

I think your Vergil/Dante would have gotten over there. You should have believed.

it’s ok flux at least you have a weekly tournament that gets 6k viewers consistently

To play the robot, you must become the robot.