UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

the suspense with playing vs zero should be the first hit, then the incoming mixup, then the incoming mixup

To be fair, it could’ve just been the area. Because the streets weren’t nearly as filled when we went for food the next day later in the day.


I think your cab drivers…took you for a ride. Cabs in nyc aren’t bad at all, Phillys are a little more expensive but $50? Where the hell did you go?

Literally not that far lol. I was watching the wage every step of the way. The traffic jam was pretty bad and it goes up if the car is idle for a certain amount of time.

Pretty much a ton of things went wrong at that major for me, but it’s not a surprise considering it was my first. Which is why I made a pact with myself to avoid going when everything isn’t completely planned out.

ugh storm is terrible

Better than Magneto

ugh flux stop doing devil trigger instead of swords

But no hard drive?

Flux pls win.

and magneto is much better than storm. just magneto can’t beat morrigan zero or vergil really.

Magneto needs sword normals in the patch.

Spooky commentating Flux, Chris G uses his test character for the whole tournament and noone pulls the plug for anything.
See how easy that was?, everyone does their part and you got yourself an amazing tournament.
RayRay too fair.

Why didn’t you Jam Session :(((((((((((((

morrigan level 3 is 0 post flash. can’t hard drive it after the flash.

flux …


yep get mashed out of call jam session + m teleport. come on.

I thought Doom loses to Dante guys ;-0


Magneto is fine vs zero