UMvC3 Magneto Videos: Day minus[-] 3 Combo's

For some of you guys that have timing issues with the Ali loop , Try mine and see if it works you [media=youtube]HJi4tV50SnA[/media] .
In this particular vid I end up going into a Grav loop with Vergil assist for close to 600k before meter. Mines is similar to the Ali loop but its starting sequence differs, The reason for this for more consistency for the mid to end part and also to confirm from the usual air l > cr.l,m,h.

The damages for the combo from full-screen when ended with with the usual launcher into air M,M,H Air-dash F, H,S after the final blast are : close to 520 (when hit confirmed from a Air L) and close to 560 (when confirmed from a Air S). If started with air S into cr.h then the damage will be close to 585. (ending with the usual air combo of course), Grav loop damages vary depending on what you do.

The one downside to this combo I can see is that some people may have difficulty doing the L Mag blast after the air dash at the start but once you get that part down your good to go.

But anyways, Hope this helps.

So… after pulling that the guy just unplugs the controller and goes play Call of Duty or some shit, right? hahaha

Awesome man.

haha pretty much ,lol.

Heh that vid makes me wonder what kind of bullshit Vergil would’ve been capable of if the DHC glitch was still in

what is magneto’s most damaging bnb that from any where on screen? Also can someone put the inputs for the corner grav loop.

Magblast loops or the ROM both suffice for most damaging midscreen combos.

Hypergrav loop is L.hypergrav, Super jump, Airdash down forward, j.H, s.H, L.hypergrav, repeat

Can someone help me edit my combo so it’s more damaging?


needs more hyper grav

True, instead of sent drones i’ll probably just do like 1-2 reps of grav. Or add sent drones and do 1 rep, i’ll look at the damage output.

Highest damage magneto combo i found

I see you do that quite consistently in the latest Teamsp00ky streams, good shit.

Hey Haven’t touched the game since Vanilla, and I’m trying to get back into, and find a new Magnus bnb to replace the ROM =(.
Question: How does one go from the fly loop in the corner, to the hyper grav loop? Is it an unfly? or is it an air dash down?

pardon the novice questions.

most people do unfly instead of air dash down because it’s more consistent


This is a cool loop I created using Amaterasu’s slowdown hyper with Magneto. As far as I know, this only works on bigger characters (Sentinel, Thor, Nemesis, etc.)

Another vid, this time in the right thread

So for those who do joker’s bnb. The one where H hyper grav adf side switch magnetic blast. Do you guys do auto correct magnetic blasts or just wait to do the motion on the other side? I was able to do it without auto correct. Haven’t done the auto correct version. I was also able to do it mid-screen with sent drones as well. Here’s the notion do ROM or some corner carry combo, sj.:h:, addf :h:, st.:h: + sent drones, light hyper grav, dash back st.:h:, delay H hyper grav, sj forward at life bar height (jumping forward seemed easier for some reason), adf to the other side, L magnetic blasts, st. :h:, Magnetic shockwave. I’m learning to be more stylish i guess. Also if you buffer the magnetic blasts b4 side switch then it doesn’t work right?

Wait to side switch then blast is the way I alway do it. U can also get 1 more H while the drones hit… H+drones, L hypergrab, dash back H, dash foward H, H hypergrab, adf blast,H, shockwave, or H, H disrupter, squeeze

Teach me mags, I’ll bring a 12 pack lol. Btw u stay in Toronto?

Brampton but usually in Toronto… Where u from?

Probably a dumb question, but in regards to HyperGrav loops is there any difference in doing SJ addf j.H st.H HyperGrav over boxjump j.MH st.H HyperGrav? I haven’t learned the former, and wanted to know if there’s any benefit to doing that version instead.