When the fuck did I promise you weed?
mang now dont be holdin out on ya boy!
Alright alright man damn lol When I get the chance, then I’ll post up a video with me and a blunt doing my combos/setups. Will that satisfy you Tim? (sorry to kind of put you on the spot)
That would be lovely.
Shit I must have been dreaming.
Well, as long as we’re sharing some impractical combos, thought I’d share mine. 735,900 Damage Magento/Drones! Sup RayRay
Really though, I think the most optimized would be some combination of this and RayRay’s combo, but I suck at doing Mag’s j.S Grav loop
^ nice vid, it’s badass to see so many more mags players! We can come up with more shit
Yo speaking of emp loop I’m trying to do like a different version of your midscreen emp loop, so far I’ve gotten cr.lmhs, sj uf+H, addf H, j.H, addf S, S but that’s it lol I don’t have a lot of time to play wondering if maybe you could help out ?
My nigga Rich on that mid emp! I’ll test that shit out in a lil.:tup:
I got that EMP shit on lockdown. Max I’m getting off of a cr.L is 621k before the hyper
just saw ur mags/zero vid. DAT GRAB TOD THOUGH
Yea man Ive been inspired through all the stuff everyone has been posting, I didnt want to be left out LOL
Here you go
oh yes that creativity! Imma have to hit you up everytime i find some new stuff for sure!
YO Zuchi, off the top of my head do you think cr.lmhs, sj uf+H, addf H, j.H, addf S, call drones, S Sj cancel Gravitation (falls to drones), j.H, addf S, S etc would work??
For Zuchi’s song.
i’m just picking up mags and i’m hella lost. I see everyone doing a shit ton of combos and different variations but i was trying figure out what’s magnus combos from midscreen to corner,corner combos… my team is Zero, Mags and Dante/Doom. I was trying out one combo but I can’t get it to work consistently,…
i tried J.S LMH launch J.H ADF J.H L.MBLAST J.H. L.MBLAST st. H launch J.H .MBLAST But everything whiffs after that… basically i was trying to do this combo but up until the hypergrav, since i don’t use sent
I want to know wtf is going on also.
What do you mean by
Sorry, I forgot to test this out. I do know that S, Grav + Drones works fine.
Magneto TAC corner combo ending in Air Tempest:
Here’s the notation:
TAC Hit > j:m::h: xx adf j:h: xx Fly > j:l::h: xx aduf :h: xx addf :h: xx adub :h: xx addf :h: xx adu :h: xx adf :l: pause pause :h: :s: xx :l: Disruptor xx MAGTEMPEST
Here’s the thing with this TAC. For some reason, you can’t cancel the last j :h: directly into disruptor. You need to kara cancel the j. :s: into it. Crazy stuff.
EDIT.: Ok, wild thought, work with me here guys. See if you can kara cancel that S into fly. There just might be a system exploit here. It’ll probably be another dead end, but, whatever. I expect results when I come back here tomorrow >: (
:badboy: Stole this from you so long ago. I never thought of using it as a TAC. Anyway, I’m too burnt out to test anything. so I’ll leave that job to you guys. I really need to take a break from UMvC3. My body is at it’s limit too much labbing.