UMvC3 M.O.D.O.K. changes/notes

His H normals are basically swords that have good reach, but not a good area, and are really slow.

Make MODOK the best character in the game, while still really hard to do well with.

UMVC3 changes posted on neogaf:

Here’s the MODOK bit:

I can confirm that the air S-blaster was NOT in the evo build, dunno about now

I can confirm that he could airdash cancel air normals

No idea about the last one? If it’s true, it might really help against phoenix teams since I don’t think Modok is the greatest at mixing her up when she comes in… just drain all their meter instead haha

I knew I saw that somewhere!

If one of the meter draining moves is not S-Blaster, then I’m wondering what they might be instead. I really hope it’s not in his throw like Shumas or something impractical like that. I guess I know what to look for at NYCC after all!

Killer illumination maybe?

Seems like a draining sort-of-move… If so… Meh.

I remember seeing MODOK pulling off Killer Illumination in a UMVC3 stream recently. No super drain.

A meter draining move is honestly perfect for MODOK. Kills the opponents meter usage (and best punishes to MODOKs mid/fullscreen projectile bullshit), making him more dominant from afar.

If it IS his grab, MODOKs grab game ain’t too bad, andngod knows it would be better off MODOKs grab than Shumas (poor forgotten bastard)

Hey nos99 or anyone else that may know, can you airdash cancel all of modoks air normals or just a few?

It’s been a while since I played at Evo, but I think I remember canceling air H, air M, and air L(?) into airdash. Dunno about S?

…also, maybe ground S-blaster is the move that drains meter? Would be an interesting buff to S-blaster.

I’m not much of a “wish list” guy, but I think it’d be interesting if MODOK can cancel any command normals/non-powered up specials into a powered up special move. It’d also be interesting if, S-wall aside, all of MODOK’s powered up specials were flight cancelable. What this would do for MODOK is essentially give him flight cancels on all his special moves (and his normal wall) at the cost of 1 cube. If this sounds absurdly OP, let me know cause I’m half asleep :stuck_out_tongue:

Depends on how fast you could cancel into powered up specials~flight. Could potentially make all specials safe by cancelling with the flight~block glitch (please say this is still in ultimate).

I hope its not s blaster that drains meter…would never see any use. I’m hoping for cubes draining even though that would be too good…graphically modok even drains something from them. Also hoping killer illumination is the mash super and you still do the same combo afterwards. Might get into the 800k range for one throw super.

The Gamescom build didn’t allow MODOK to drain with his S Blaster. And recently I saw Killer Illumination hit and not drain, so that’s not it either.

All I know is MODOK would have to get some compensation, cause from the sound of things, that hit stun deterioration stuff hit quite a few people hard. What’s MODOK without ridiculously long cube combos?

I don’t think they changed histun decay really, just the base hitstun values for certain moves (rocket punch for example)

As for cubes draining meter, that would be awesome! :slight_smile:

the only other thing that I could logically see draining meter would be bombs, and honestly, that wouldn’t be half bad. They make great pressure tools, this will make them even scarier to the opponent.

That would make sense, especially since I don’t really see many people use the bombs as much. I’ll definitely be testing this at NYCC next week!

Bombs are one of my favorite tools, and H. Bomb makes for a great combo breaker, so making that move EVEN SCARIER for the opponent would be fantastic.

I honestly would be ver (pleasantly) surprised if bombs or cubes drain the opponent’s meter.

If cubes drained meter, what would happen when you do a TAC combo? Build 10 cubes, kill the guy, and drain like 3 levels of their super meter? That would be ridiculous! Even bombs would be crazy because you can combo 5 or more of them with the right assists.

Or if it’s bombs, he would take away all of their meter with his X-Factor loop.

Wouldn’t it be kinda funny if his shield drained meter while the opponent touches it XD

I’m not even sure if thats a good buff or a shitty one, but I Would find it hilarious

If cubes drain meter, Modok is going to be an amazing phoenix counter… Put him in 2nd slot, and TAC the first opportunity you can… They’ll probably be trying to stop the side exchange anyway, so you get the other two directions to try, and you get to rape their meter regardless.

Sounds way too good to be true

Honestly, if his ability to drain meter end up being truly viable (like, it actually takes off a healthy chunk of meter), MODOK will be an anti-EVERYONE THAT RELIES ON METER. There are plenty of character like that, like wolvie and the shotos, who get crazy punish/ rushdown if they have meter, but end up having gimped combos without it.

Honestly, I can see fellow zoning characters getting hit the hardest by meter draining, since they tend to have shorter combos/ harder times starting combos, and also tend to rely on beam/projectile hypers for fullscreen punishes.