UMvC3 Hulk

You can react to x-factor cancel gaurd break attempts with a snap back, and it’ll beat it clean. Same for super flashes with no start-up invincibility. Every character used to have 1 frame snap backs but they changed it because of these two things, which are ridiculous if you have it committed to muscle memory.

I don’t have the new guide, so this is GREAT to read. Yeah, punish XF guard cancels or random supers with it. Plus, it has st.M range…

Gonna start practicing this now. Hopefully it doesn’t end up being a typo.

Found a nice way to utilize the ‘anytime throw tech’ bug/ glitch with Hulk in the corner. Basically once you get your opponent in the corner, do a ‘Gamma Quake’ and mash f+H. Since Hulk has no mashable hypers, you won’t sacrifice any of the damage but you will be buffering a throw break all through the move.

This is important because most people will try to throw you to get out of the ‘Gamma Quake’ chip damage so not only do you break their throw attempt, they’ll also get hit by the rocks from the ‘Quake’. If an opponent does not have an invincible hyper ready (another Hulk doing ‘Gamma Crush’ for example) this is a nice way to chip an opponent out and also make Hulk safe as well.

Enjoy it will we can, the patch is around the corner tho.

EDIT: [media=youtube]iRxxudBhlmk[/media]

Video now included showcasing this.

With Hulk gaining armor on his grounded gamma charges, is there anything that a team of Tron/Frank/Nova can do to punish that? I had a really hard time fighting a smart hulk who covered his strings with tatsu or disruptor, basically doing sequences of s.H xx gamma charge gamma charge… he seemed completely safe the entire way through and I’m scared to call shopping cart because of s.H’s massive range.

Off the top of my head I can only think of say, Tron using drill, maybe gustaf fire, and j.L and c.L. If I can get a hit with Tron I can get an instant level 5 for frank, so his paddlesaws would help. But in the meantime I was wondering if there was some vulnerability to this strat that I overlooked and was hoping you Hulk mains could help me out.


errr guys i cannot M command throw now and then dash/otg assist for combo.

is this part of the hidden changes? holy crap that’s terrible.

Part of the H&H patch. We’ve been discussing it in the Hulk Infinite thread, since that was also nerfed by the update.

Is there any reliable way to counter Wesker? I went up against one with Dande’s multi-hit shooting assist and I couldn’t do anything. It seemed like all of his normals beat out mine.

diddnt all characters get that x factor thing changed in the patch? another nerf for hulk. lol. should be good for punishing the non invincible supers though

Question Hulk players, how the hell do you deal with Hulk at the start of the match?

Hold up/back as the match starts. Some chars move faster by jumping than walking, and you want to avoid being close quarters with him. Alternativaly, move towards him and jump over/move under, and start retreating. You’ll have less distance, but you’ll be far from the corner.

Holding upback is fine, just remember that you better not be in range for an airthrow. If the Hulk player doesn’t have a low hitting assist, downback isn’t a bad choice either. You’ll most probably eat a ground throw but Hulk can’t get a combo after it so you don’t really have to worry about it. If you want to create space between you and the opponent, don’t start backing off right at the start. Often people let me push them to the corner before the match even starts. It’s a bad place to be against Hulk.

Quick note. Anyone catch on that you can gamma wave an assist nonstop? If i have 2 meters I will do his super and dhc into Dorm. The assist will usually die.

that’s quite old.

Hey guys, not sure if this deserves a new topic or not but I found something really interesting while playing around with Hulk earlier, almost as a complete accident. I was hoping the community could try to flesh this out so we could develop it into real Hulk technology.

Everybody knows that Hulk is really reliant on jump ins to begin attacks. But most of the time these jump ins default to j.S due to the fantastic properties involved.

And as all Hulk players know Hulk’s j.H causes him to clap and cancel all momentum, resetting his air trajectory and also his air velocity. It’s a useful move for stopping a deep jump in among other things.

What we may not all know is that Hulk’s j.L, like most of the cast in the game is chainable into itself one time. For most characters this is completely meaningless. For the Hulk through it helps open up a big new world of jump in options.

First off some basics on Hulk’s j.L, since it is the heart of the ideas below: It is angled for jump-ins, comes out in 7f, active for 3, and is +15 on hit, +13 on guard. That’s as much advantage on guard as Chun-Li’s j.H!

Speaking of j.H…
Normally doing a j.H against a grounded foe is suboptimal, j.S has a lot better properties and is easy to confirm into major damage combos. But if you do a deep j.H you will end up in a weird position where you canceled your momentum right above an opponent. Usually there’s not much you can do here except call an assist or put yourself in an unfavorable position. But I accidentally discovered that in certain cases you can perform a nearly invisible j.L after the clap, giving you a completely unreactable overhead. Even better this j.L doesn’t change your fall directory, and as soon as you land you can do cr.L and if all three just hit they will combo and open up all of Hulk’s combos starting off cr.L. If all three are blocked they seem to act like a full blockstring/frametrap, and best of all the ambiguous j.L in the middle can cause some really silly high/low mixups. Because not even you the player can detect if the j.L is coming out it is impossible to know if you should block high or low. This kind of mixup is something that is normally completely alien to the Hulk.

The best ways to start this “mix-up” seem to be in the corner because you can use the enemy collision box.

  • Deep jump ins which place Hulk right above the opponent in the corner. Because he has to fall “around” the opponent’s collision box he spends more time in the air, which makes the j.L more likely to come out cleanly.
  • Using j.H higher in the air, but this can make the j.L more transparent.
  • In the corner it is very easy to tick throw the opponent with the j.L. j.L is +13 on block, and Gamma Tornado L is 11f startup, 2f active and is actually TOO FAST unless you delay it. Gamma Tornado M is 16f startup, 2f active and seems to give the opponent about 2-3fs to move.

But the mixup also works midscreen, the only issue is that your cr.L isn’t going to reach most of the time. You can still enter combos and use the ambiguous second overhead though.

Additionally from some basic testing you can also do this:

  • Deep jumpin H, visually confirm enemy is blocking during the clap, call a low assist while clapping (sadly Wesker is of course best at this), and j.L on the way down. This is REALLY easy to do, and the high/low hit within 1-2 frames of each other.

And finally to add additional mixup to everything above: A very simple jump-in of j.L j.L. It works similar to the above with most of the same options including tick throws and near invisibility if done at the right height, the only loss being the Wesker unblockable. You have to use the first j.L pretty high up, but once you get this down it makes Hulk feel like a completely different character.

This is also quite old. Same stuff as vanilla. J. m is pretty invisible too and also has a ton of hitstun, but range shorter.
Low J. H will get push blocked instantly, so stuff afterwards is rare unless they are hit by it. If you choose to whiff the J. H above the opponent, then you are free to air throws.
Its a good gimmick to pull out once a match when they don’t push block, unless you have an elaborate team setup for it which may not work 100% of the time.
Hulk still relies on cross up J. S, assist + dash in mixups, and the opponent pressing buttons on Hulk when his feet are planted.

You are better off jump cancelling a dash into early j. L in his face when he’s standing. If he push blocks, you won’t be too far and your momentum will keep you in and he will be in block stun long enough for you to do a low j. L for a combo. If no push block, then you can j. H, or j.S. If he’s crouching, well, you better have an assist for that.

Also, doing J. H on a grounded foe isn’t suboptimal, J. S and J. H have different uses. J. H causes the opponent to mistime certain things since it changes your trajectory and landing time. It has a ridiculous hitbox and hitstun it catches people trying to punish your J. S if they are expecting it.

My advice is when you are midscreen, go for J. H and J.S. When you trapped someone in the corner, go for J. L when you take to the air.

I’ve been doing this in vanilla and still do it now in Ultimate. If I want to snap a character in and I’m doing a combo that ends in the corner, instead of Gamma Wave xx Gamma Crush I’ll do Gamma Quake then snap back. Works every time. I don’t know If it’s ever been posted here (I don’t check Hulk forums often) but it’s something worth saying.

I was trying to find a place to post my question and I guess this spot will do
I am having problems at linking the standing impact punch into gamma charge I always get gamma charge air.

I think this is mission number 5

Thanks for any suggestions.

After doing toward + M for the impact punch, return your stick back to neutral before you enter the d,df,f motion.

Thanks Electric I will try it tonight.

Is there a place that we can ask people to set up lobbies and fight on the forums?