UMvC3 Hulk

Sorry if this has already been addressed, but I have recently picked up hulk to be a part of my main team, and I noticed that he can land a lot more hits than he could in extended combos compared to vanilla mvc3. Did they decrease the hit stun deterioration on his moves or am I just missing something? For example, in ultimate, I can do j.s, cr.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.S. Land, wesker OTG assist, cr.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, gamma wave xx gamma crush. In vanilla I had to omit the two j.M attacks proceeding the wesker OTG assist and instead just use j.H into j.S. I did not see the change on the change logs which is why I am confused. Anyone have the answer?

If that’s true, then yes, they did decrease his hit stun deterioration. I really wish I had my Xbox to experiment. This probably means we can do a combo with Hulk’s new charge punch or Gamma Charge Medium with the wall-bounce after OTG, which would be awesome for smacking people into the corner and getting more damage.

Sadly, I just noticed this last night in some casuals. I did j.MMHS twice in a combo. Maybe he does have a little bit better hitstun detioriation…

In regards to match-ups, I start Hulk on point, and if I can get an air-throw or st. H in the first second of the match, I can take about 400k damage with no meter, put the opponent in the corner, and start my mix-ups with a lockdown assist. If I don’t get that first hit, especially against a zoning character, I usually don’t even try to get in, and switch to Deadpool. Almost all of Hulk’s match-ups against good zoners are bad unless he gets a hard knock-down in my opinion.

Great find. Guess Capcom decided hulk needed a TOD.

This only works in the corner though, right? I don’t have my xbox with me, so I can’t find out things until Winter Break.

I can still land all the hits that I had to omit in vanilla if its not in the corner and follow up with gamma tsunami.

If I make it back down to game galaxy again I will be sure to play some casuals with you man.

Be sure to post up ahead of time. Or, come to one of our monthly tournaments. :slight_smile:

doom missles are amazing for hulk! Combo into gamma crush anywhere on screen! I’m running strange(eye)/hulk(anti-air gamma)/doom(missles)! Hulk can help strange with people that get in on him and although doom’s plasma beam is better for teleport mixups you can still get pretty cool mixups with the missles, and maintain good pressure and zoning capability!

I actually run hulk with doom missiles too. With hulks new wall bounce stuff, you can do some seriously damaging midscreen combos with missiles (close to 1mil depending on when you used ground bounce). This is with JUST doom, if you have another assist, hulk has TOD.

Hey guys, when killing a opponent’s character, when you wait for them to jump in, do a gamma charge H, H it will cross the 2nd hit up, it’s easier on

What you also can do is, do Gamma Charge H,H the 2nd hit will cross them up if you have them coming in at the corner, it works easier on Sentinel and other bigger characters, and if they block you end up with +5 frame adv. anyways. Win, Win situation.

(Think of T. Hawk) Cross up with Condor Dive.

I would like add on to what Slayer mentioned with crossup Gamma charge H,H. If you cross em up good, u can xfactor and then jump back. The gamma charge will make them come flying towards u so u can start a combo.

Also I’ve been messin with Hulks j.M. On block that move gives a lot of frame advantage and even if advance guarded doesnt push Hulk back far at all. Now what else that I find to be awesome is air grabbing people who advance guard j.S while in the air. The opponent normally has no choice but to tech the throw if u dash cancel right after the advance guard. Characters cant do normals, specials, or even supers. Characters with teleports cant avoid it and characters with fast air supers (like Hawkeye or Sentinel) cant beat it.

All good points. I’ve been trying to incorporate j.M more into my game, but j.S distracts me. Now that we can break grabs DURING attacks (I find this as a stupid mechanic. As long as you mash H during attacks, you won’t get grabbed out of the animation.), j.S is stronger. Getting to your point, I’ve been doing that j.S advancing guard trap for a while now. I think one of us here brought it up during vanilla times. I’m glad you mentioned it though, because many people need to utilize it.

I also want to remind people that airdashes are not a threat any more. If you corner Magneto, he will superjump and try to dash away. Punish these dashes with Gamma Crush!

careful relying on the fact that you can grab break out of it - you can still get, you know… HIT before the jump s lands.

using j.s too much is asking to get nailed by stuff IMO, not that it’s bad, it’s actually really good… but still.

also the “can’t get grabbed” is going away with a patch so careful out there hulks!

I think the glitch is more detrimental than beneficial to Hulk, as he’s one of the few chars that can TOD from an air grab and the right assists, thanks to his higher minimum damage reduction.

I use j.S as low to the ground as possible most of the time, because otherwise, you’re vulnerable for the rest of the fall. j.S’s effectiveness depends on the matchup too. Certain ground S’s stuff it clean, like Magneto’s.

And yeah, I saw where they were patching out the grab glitch. Like Kane Blueriver said, it mostly will help us since we can accurately punish with airgrabs into ToD.

Not sure if this has been discovered or not, but I stumbled across something with Hulk in training mode today. If specific conditions are met, you can jump cancel his st.S, although this isn’t nearly as interesting as it sounds.

Yeah that’s been around since like week 1 of vanilla, seems to random to make any real use out of.

Oh, okay, my bad. It kept happening after I did his new move in the corner, sort of point blank, and the tried to launch, but I agree, way too random. It seems like the character switching sides cancels his launcher from hitting the second time.

Is Hulk the only character with a 1 frame snap back? He’s the only one I’ve noticed in the brady guide. And following up on that, is there any way to abuse it?