UMvC3 Hulk

I like to do rocks x factor then either command grab or low into kill - depends on the scenario but i get a LOT off kills dhcing into quake off an unsafe blocked hyper charging star then x factoring after his fist hits the floor.

That’s the only x factor “trick” i use other than guard cancel launcher on the right attacks

  1. You can also do gamma charge M, that way you can charge a gamma wave, do the otg yourself and call assist to combo instead of requiring an otg assist. (e.g. dorm dark hole or spencer armor piercer).

A mixup I like to do is cr. L into st.H. If they are hit with cr. L, the st.H will combo. If you are quick and see that they blocked the cr. L, you can cancel the animations of the st. H into gamma tornado and go for full combo off of that which usually leads to character death for those without more than 1mil health if you build your team well.

Also, a few things I’d like to add:

  1. While jump-cancelling greatly helps Hulk move around, the instant his feet leave the ground, he is considerably more vulnerable since he has no armored moves in the air and he has no specials in the air. So try to stay on the ground as much as you can.
  2. St. H cancel into quick gamma charge H followups is pretty hard to punish for most characters and will make people scared to press buttons.
  3. If you ever corner someone, try your best not to let them escape. AA gamma charge H followup spam does considerable chip, and not many people know how to deal with that appropriately. Don’t forget to throw in a gamma tornado in between.
  4. Don’t be afraid to spam Gamma wave from a distance. It has insane durability and will beat out almost all projectiles in the game. Chipping a character down is essential to kill tougher characters in 1 combo.

*edited to make it clearer
The biggest unlisted buff that no one has mentioned is Hulk’s dash. It can now hop over crouching characters a lot more consistently, excluding the taller ones (i.e. Nemesis, Sentinel). It also works with standing “small” characters (Joe, Amaterasu, RR). This is great for mix-ups, especially when people try to roll out of the corner. In anywhere but the corner, you can call a lockdown assist like Cold Star or Drones, and then hop around them multiple times while they try and block. You can switch sides at least twice safely, and because of how scary armor is, you can usually get a third one in. It’s one of the better Left-Right mix-ups in the game IMO. If they aren’t crouching, just hit with cr.L, or even just cancel the dash into jump and can hit with j. S on either side. This mix-up alone, along with Hulk’s already great corner pressure is what gets me PERFECTS with my Hulk team, even against decent players. Getting a PERFECT with Hulk on point the whole game is the best kind of win, since it’s HULK, mixing it up like a champ and not using armor.

That’s not a buff, actually. He has always had that.

Yeeeeeaaaaaah he’s been able to do that since Vanilla lol. BUT now he can do it on Strider/Rocket Raccoon too. I accidentally hopped over Strider last night and was like OH WORD STRIDER TOO!! Got my smash sense tingling.

I’m not saying the dash itself is a buff, but that they buffed it so that it’s more consistant and works on more characters than before. I was never able to hop over a blocking wolvie three times in a row, that’s all I know.

I think Lazily Perfect is right. When I first practiced with Hulk in Ultimate, it felt like dashing over characters was more consistent. The devs might have removed a little bit of the hurtbox/collision-area of Hulk’s legs while dashing.

yeah you have to push block it or he can just spam it because of the plus frames on the move. Push block and then dash up punish works very effectively.

it would be amazing and like broken lol! How many moves do you expect to have armor lol!?

no way to follow up on it unless you do gamma tsunami midscreen or gamma crush in corner. Or if you x factor but unless you’re in corner you won’t be able to get much off it except more gamma charges. Too much recovery time. Boy though do I wish you could lol.


Alright so I have a buddy who is actually willing to go to Wednesday night fights and we had a chance to go last night! I was able to Rep my rusty hulk and actually give some people a hard time. I thought that when Ultimate came out I was eventually going to drop hulk, but I’m realizing that people are afraid of him. I will pop in and tell you guys how I do at WNF and see if I can do right by Hulk.

lol fun stuff! I’ll be going to wnf when I get back to so cal!

Just throwing some tech out there…

You can link st.L after st.H, if it connects on an opponent at jump height or above, adding a couple hundred K to combos that begin with anti-air H.

Most assists let you convert airthrows into full combos if you call the assist and lift the opponent into it using gamma wave L. Dorm’s Dark Hole, for example, will work. This also works for Gamma Tornados- gamma charge H into range of gamma wave L and call the assist as fast as possible. Hulk’s throw damage is now extremely high.

Hulk’s buffs in Ultimate and the changes to the metagame (no Tron assist, less Haggar) actually make him competitively viable. His game is improved 100%.

While true about no tron assist and less hagger, the metagame is about the same in terms of viability for hulk because zoning is that much stronger. IMO he’s even LESS viable now, because the new characters are a nightmare for hulk (dr. strange and his assist, vergil, hawkeye, ghost rider in mind). And all his hard match ups are still hard. (zero got buffed - and hulk’s buff’s doesn’t do much against that match-up, but zero’s buff makes it that much harder to get in on zero with the faster buster charge and buster cancelling).
I used to use Hulk religiously in vanilla, but I ended up dropping him sadly because so many people is loving the new lame game strategy.
Wesker got sped up, and everyone and their moms are using hawkeye and vergil.
P.S. Vergil is so derpy it angers me.

Yeah, Hulk’s worst matchups (in my opinion, of course) are Zero, Vergil, Hawkeye, and Morrigan. Everything Zero does is safe AND multihitting. Vergil’s range is the derpiest thing in the game, and I find it near impossible to punish him unless it’s an obvious teleport. Hawkeye has THE BEST zoning in the game. Morrigan has deadly mixups and fast, multihitting moves.

I don’t find fighting Strange to be overwhelming difficult like people make it out to be. We can punish his behind-teleports with a backwards st.H.

The Wesker matchup is actually easier since his gunshot was nerfed and we can charge through it for free. Play the matchup right and you’ll do fine. That is, until he pops XF lv3. lol

I haven’t fought enough Ghost Rider to gauge the matchup. Super jump over the j.S and punish jump-aways with air grabs. He’ll be hitting j.S, not j.H.

As for the rest of the cast, I feel like the matchup is either even or somewhat in Hulk’s favor, but he needs his assists of course. Yes, that’s a bold statement, but this is from my experience. If it helps prove my credibility a little bit, I consistently place top two/three in locals, win percentage on XBL is greater than 80% (using only my Hulk team), went nearly even (8-10) a few days ago against Stone Nguyen who placed 13th at EVO in UMvC3, and took three games out of seven against Flocker today on XBL. Both Flocker and Stone use Zero, so take that as you will.

The Dr. Strange mention was more so for that eye assist, not so much for the actual matchup. Once the eye of Agamato comes out, its like a big NO to hulks face. Even if you catch them with a jump over cross up J. S, once you go do an attack that moves him forward can you touch that assist, that’s when your combo ends and you gotta work to get in again.

As for wesker, if he’s anchor, then XF lvl 3 IS coming. If he’s 1st or second, then he has assists to back him up so if he isn’t gunshot spamming from full screen/superjumping (which he would be doing for like 90% of the time hes on screen) then his approaches are covered and you can’t do much outside yomi stuff.
Ghost rider is kind of the same deal. Full screen stuff with assist annoyingness. And his b+h (fire pillar thing) is pretty nuts.

But yea, Vergil stuff, oh my goodness. Obvious teleports I can’t even punish if they call beam/hawkeye assist first. Because jump up/ jump back S gets owned by any one of vergil’s standing attack since it hits like zero’s H, i.e. ALL AROUND HIM.

Sucks that Hulk’s buffs would have made him awesome in vanilla, but in ultimate, the buffs only keep him on the same level: almost viable

Whenever you see Wesker as anchor on a team, snap him in ASAP. This is a valid strategy, especially if your mixup game is strong.

does hulk have any good snap in 5050s? i need some tips with that

Characters with air dashes may try to airdash away or upwards. Catch them with j.S.

Calling an assist while dashing under them is a left-right mixup. Because of Hulk’s large hitbox, the dash must be input pretty early.

Characters without airdashes or airsupers can be locked down by an assist. I lock them down with Dorm’s Dark Hole and charge :f::m:. Sometimes I’ll kara-cancel it into tornado throw.

St.:h: beats nearly every aggressive attempt when the opponent is coming in.

My favorite tactic on incoming characters is to taunt, wait a bit, pop x-factor, then st. H. If you time it right and don’t x-factor too early, this works almost everytime, especially if you just KOd a character with Hulk.
…however, people tend to hate on this tactic, and I have received many rude messagess on xbox live. If you don’t mind death threats to you and your loved ones, this is a great way to KO dive-kickers, or any anchor after you KO the first two characters.
*If you want to counter this, air x-factor.