UMvC3 Hulk

Not sure if it’s been covered yet, but a fully charged Incredible Punch resets your wallbounce. I don’t have access to the game right now, but I wonder whether it’s possible to abuse this and get more AA Charge M follow ups later in the combo.

Have any of you used the awesomeness that is Hulk’s horizontal Gamma Charge assist? The super armor added to the move really buffed it. You can’t just mash on it like vanilla lariat assist, but used strategically, it makes your opponent second guess on whether or not to attack.

I use it with Dorm for crazy mixups. Teleport + Hulk assist leads to easy hit confirms and combos from anywhere. I also use it for mean resets that usually result in a kill.

^ another good thing about Hulk horizontal assist is that it causes a soft knockdown, so you can use it late in combos without them resetting in the air.

This is incorrect. If it’s in a long combo, they will flip out instantly after the Hulk assist hits them.

i’m conflicted about my hulk assist. in vanilla i used up because it escaped from pressure really well, in ultimate i’m using the forward charge assist, still does similar pressure breaking stuff, but i still feel it’s super vulnerable but has better combo options…

but one thing to keep in mind i guess for myself is that i can actually call assist and cartwheel the next frame to escape from any pressure strings in the world, if they hit hulk cap can save the day, if not then it’s a crazy crossup with armor that i can combo off…

too hard to combo off of the up assist

but i’m still conflicted. up assist hits alllllllll day.

I actually am used to comboing off the AA assist in vanilla. I like to fly around with Sentinel, call it where they can’t see it when I’m overhead, then hit them with a frying pan. Proceed to full combo. Makes for a nice scary runaway game.

With Sent getting so heavily nerfed though, I’m wondering if I can fit anyone else into the flying anchor slot that can combo effectively off the AA charge (and replace that Rocket Punch assist so that I can extend combos / threaten with throws).

I feel the same way. It’s pretty easy to hit Hulk out of the horizontal assist (seriously, try it in training), but it leads to easy combos. Vertical charge is still an awesome “gtfo me” assist but is nearly impossible for more than half of the cast to combo off of.

Yea I’ve noticed this as well, but I can’t find any applicable uses for this yet that would exceed normal bnbs for any situation. He can’t seem to land a fully charged one without assists late in combos, and it seems only useful late in combos as extenders when you’ve already used your wall bounce previously.

Anyone else having trouble against Ghost rider and Vergil? Ghost can keep Hulk away pretty easily and those long range normals canceled in his projectile make it to safe to do much. Vergil well he’s Vergil and if he calls daggers there isn’t much hulk can do to stop him.

Ghost Rider is naturally going to be a pain, and it will ultimately test the synergy of your team. More specifically, can the other members of your team handle G.R. lameness? I switch to Dorm for that match and punish j.S with supers, pillars, holes, or teleports.

I find Vergil annoying only because his range extends Hulk’s st.M/H range. Plus, his chains (L,M,H) are fast enough to punish super armor. Use Gamma Waves to get him airborne, but beware of teleports. Just remember, his extremely low health results in free kill if you touch him once.

Ghost is indeed annoying, but patient play to get him in the wall and he can’t get out except super jumping, but you can jump right after him and is still in the same situation he was. Don’t crouch against Ghost Rider, hop to him with u/b block, and then pressure him with gamma charges and command throws.

i think ghost rider is one of hulks worst match ups. it made me really have to learn to use multiple teams for different match ups. ghost rider gets dominated by chris redfield in return.

You are telling me Hulks Godpunch does not beat Ghostriders chains?

Yes I’m mad.

New to Hulk, didn’t play him at all in Vanilla, but I decided to pick him up because he has pretty good DHC options with my other characters (Super Skrull and Felicia) plus I played Tron in Vanilla and his AA assist is like a poor man’s Tron Fire.

Anyways, beginners tips? What moves should I use to approach and open people up. What are his strong suits? His weaknesses? Which of his moves have armor? How can I (If I can) follow up his grabs, air grabs and command grabs?

st.H st.M have armor on them along with with his gamma charges. His Gamma wave has a lot of durability points and pretty much wrecks all projectiles in the game.

very cool, so how should I approach? What are his follow up options to grabs, etc.

  1. Don’t just mash st.M/H. Smart players will punish it.
  2. To approach, learn to jump-cancel dash. This is done by :f::f::uf: . Assists also help in getting in. Against certain character’s projectiles, you can gamma charge forward through it and punish.
  3. His ground grabs cannot be combo from.
  4. After an airgrab, certain otgs hit and others miss. However, you can charge and use a gamma wave to otg the opponent while calling an assist to combo after the airthrow.
  5. After a command grab, it’s easiest to do a jump-cancel dash and call an otg assist.
  6. His strong point is ridiculously high damage (I consider it higher than both Thor and Nemesis). From my experience, landing one hit can easily result in your winning the match. Other strong points include: high health, super armored moves, and an invincible super.
  7. His main weakness is speed and mobility. Several characters can zone him alone; add assists to the mix and it’s even worse.
  8. For pressure and mixups, use cr.L (HIS ONLY LOW!), st.M/H, dp gamma charge with the H followup, airgrabs, and command grabs.

Excellent. Jump Dashing canceling helps a lot, makes him substantially more mobile, thanks for that tip along with the others. Any good safe block strings? Recommended non-assist reliant BnBs? Any cool X-Factor tricks?

  1. After a airgrab you can gamma wave into gamma crush. works mid-screen too

Not many safe blockstrings besides (cr.L, cr.M, dp Gamma Charge + H followup) and not even that is airtight. Instead of blockstrings, Hulk is about frame traps. For example, st.H is punishable. But, you can use it, wait a second, then cancel into Gamma Charge. Your opponent may get hit if he tries to punish the st.H, especially since you paused.

X-Factor tricks? Eh, not many of those either. I very rarely use XF to cancel a blocked Gamma Crush into a j.H. XF should never be used on Hulk unless it will win you the game within a combo you’ve already started.