UMvC3 Hulk

Anyone notice a range nerf on s.H?

Let’s hope not…

hey guys idk if anyone has thought about his but if you cross over counter into hulk’s anti air assist and then air xfactor i think you can get a full combo!

So I was watching this maximillian video:

Uh, seems like a huge undocumented hulk nerf? You can’t do extended combos with gamma crush anymore?

Nah poison arrow assist fucked it up.

Oh ok, nvm then.

I was like wtf is happening

Just got the game and went to the lab. An odd minor change is that it appears that Gamma Wave will not register on down-forward inputs anymore. I’ve always been in the habit of charging down-back then doing the forward input with down-forward, and it just gets a cr. L in Ultimate. Not a big deal, but a little irritating.

Is it me, or does Hulk’s gamma charge have projectile-absorbing properties? I’ve seen that thing derp through Hawkeye’s triple arrow AND Mag’s disrupter in one swoop.

@ShinQM: It has a point of armor now. It’ll absorb any single hit, be it a projectile or whatever.

In general, I’ve noticed what seems like a overall “crispness” to Hulk’s moves. The new punch, :f::m:, almost gets in the way now and will force you to clean up your execution as I noticed that you may get AA Gamma Charges when you just want a regular Gamma Charge.

The window for the Gamma Wave > Gamma Crush in the corner is just fine… I don’t notice any tightening of the window as was mentioned.

I haven’t gotten to really test out what beats what in terms of :m: and :h: useage against the retooled cast. It’s going to take a few weeks to restock my mental catalogue of :m:, GC, and :h:'able things.

Keep Hulkin’.

Yeah, this is what I discovered too when I went for my bnb corner relaunch or gamma crush. Normally I hold down-back > down-forward because it was really easy to get the correct input with my TE stick. Now I hold down-back > forward, just works for me.

What I’m wondering is how to capitalize on Hulk’s shiny new armored horizontal gamma charge. Besides adding on a gamma crush if it carries to the corner, don’t really know what else to follow up on a hit with.

Midscreen you can cancel it into Gamma Tsunami; you have to do it pretty early after the L followup and the damage isn’t great. Other than burning your x-factor, there’s not much you can do out of a Gamma Charge hit. If you have a lot of meter and really need to get in, you can Charge then burn it on Tsunami or Quake to keep him sort of safe. Gamma Charge also does a ton of chip damage if you have your opponent cornered and low on life.

Yeah, I use it for chipping and maneuvering. Was just wondering if anyone had found any way to follow up on it (besides just burning a meter).

Hey Hulk users. I think I may have just found a glitch when DHC’ing into Hulk.

I was practicing Hawkeye, and noticed that whenever I DHC into Hulk from a Hawkeye combo that ends in poison arrow xx Gimlet (the Gold arrow), it’s nearly impossible to get Gamma Tsunami afterwards. Instead, Gamma Quake comes out. With input display, it’s even showing me that I’m using :qcf::l::m:, yet Quake still follows.

Can any of you test and confirm this? I don’t think it’s a personal or pad problem, because I can get Gamma Tsunami all day on point and in other DHC situations.

You tried doing a half circle?

Just tried that, and it still gives me a dp super. It’s definitely a glitch.

Lame ass Capcom killing it again… Hulk / IronFist Glitch:
After a typical magic string with Hulk into gammatsunami thc into um… whatever IF qcf super is (sorry haven’t learned all the new characters move names yet). Point is it doesn’t work most of the time. IronFist goes the wrong way and runs into the wall. I haven’t done any extensive testing to see why it works sometimes but not others but the majority of times he ran into the wall. Could be a corner thing thinking back on it since I think it worked properly midscreen.

I have a question about playing against Hulk – what do you do in the corner against a Hulk who does Vertical Charge -> DF Charge over and over? Just pushblock and try to get out seemed to work one time.

If you already used a ground-bounce in a combo, you can’t get another one.

Nail people through 1 hit projectiles. I’ve also had some luck going through dorm’s flame carpet. I take 1 hit, he takes 1 hit, carpet disappears is what I imagine happened. If he blocks though you eat the remaining hits of the flame carpet.