UMvC3 Hulk

By gone, does this mean his standing H has the exact same properties as in MVC3?

Yes. I am not sure how I feel about losing the armor.

On one hand, it’s bad because Hulk will still have problems with multi-hitting attacks. On the other hand, if he has more armor on gamma charge. and he retains the +5 on block for the downward GC, he should be okay.
That was one of my primary tools for getting in on people with Hulk.

I’d prefer that they just speed up standing H and M by 1 frame and call it a day on those normals. I’d also prefer Mighty Punch to be like Viper’s focus attack. She can convert just as much damage from her move and all that bitch has is a fancy suit.

hulk has not “lost” his armor - the more remains as it was

there was never any proof of the 3 hits anyway was there?

wasn’t it was just a very popular rumor that everyone jumped on board about?

Lost the extra point of armor. Semantics. You knew exactly what I meant.

I believe Seth might have said something on a stream about it, but I have not seen visual proof.

but he never had the extra point of armor to begin with is what i’m saying - i never heard SETH say it that’s for sure i just remember when there was a huge storm about it in the official ultimate marvel vs capcom 3 thread

the point is that hulk didn’t lose any extra points of armor because he never had any extra points of armor

even if he did in a test build somewhere, he still didn’t lose it because none of us (very very VERY few at most) got significant time with that build anyway

so you didn’t “lose” the buff which wasn’t ever really there. it’s not like this is a nerf, it’s just a buff people were hoping for and speculating about - hardly a huge deal. Not like that is make or break for hulk… although it sure would’ve made things EASIER.

Yeah I’m not too worried about extra armor on his s.H. I’ve gotten by without it and honestly it’s not that big of a deal to me. I am hopeful for some unlisted buffs though, I know Capcom is big on having players find out things on their own. Personally I am really hoping he gets super armor on his j.H similar to how Sent is.

Armored j.H would be way too good, in my opinion. Same if he had something like armor on j.S. Just feels almost unfair.

Not having the 3 hits on 5H is hardly anything to be depressed over. Would it have ruled? Absolutely, and I wish we were getting it…but those saying we’ll live are right. We do ok already, and all the other buffs are gonna be pretty damn nice.

I don’t know why everyone is so bummed in the first place we never had it, no footage no actual mention of it nothing. Why can’t we be happy with the buffs we actually have instead of whining about something we never had to begin with?

Armor on j.H and j.S would be so amazing, I do feel that hulk will be hurting in Umvc though as it’s being pushed toward more zoning type gameplay.

Nah, I think the armor on horizontal Gamma Charge will be a big help. On top of that, we can spam Gamma Wave faster now. There will still be a few tough matchups, but the change on non-blocking airdashes helps us against rushdown AND runaway.

Just because I main Hulk here’s a little early info on my thoughts on UMvC3 Hulk.

  • st H still has 1 hit. yes, I’m sad too…
  • gamma charge anti air might have armor on the first charge, inconclusive testing but it seemed it does. (ground charge has it as was reported and it is great)
  • I was able to do 2 reps of the infinite against wolverine. was this possible in vanilla? I’m not sure if this is a limit or if I was messing up the 3rd rep, but I’m 100% sure you can do 2 reps on small characters.
  • new super punch is really gimmicky, usable to fake punch into gamma tornado. only has 1 hit of armor.
  • gamma charge AA 2nd hit M gives a wallbounce, seemed easy to combo near the corner, couldn’t get it to combo midscreen.
  • didn’t really notice any difference in the gamma wave charge being faster but it could just be me messing up.
  • air xfactoring gamma crush gives some really crazy results, can’t really explain lol but crush> air xfactor > wave > crush is viable, I did it.

I knew I saw a little more combo-ability from gamma wave, thanks for the confirmation.

Probably a stupid question, but did you try dash-cancel jS? Or does Hulk not recover quick enough?

I did try that but the j.S hitbox was always a little short of the other character. Maybe it is possible with perfect execution, but I would guess no.

Just wanted to say thanks, Obake, for taking the time to test Hulk out like you did. I may have came across as a gooch in the Official thread about the lack of testing and documentation, but you answered a lot of questions and the like.

Not getting those extra hits of armor on :h: hurts our ability to keep pace with the rest of the cast. I see Virgil being a severe pain in the ass with the Sword Ring/Teleport shenanigans. We’re still going to get beat out by a lot of multi-hit normals and assisted entries… and that just isn’t right. Hulk really needed that buff to his :h:.

Did you happen to see the recovery properties of grounded Grounded Gamma charge having been tweaked? Is it safe on a whiff or an empty stop? Do we get the ability to come out of it attacking, or grabbing? Do you remember how long the armor on it was good for? Anything noticeable about the follow-ups?

Were you able to try to cancel Incredible Punch with a :l: Gamma Charge?

Guys, what is the motion for Hulk’s new charge punch?

Toward B if I’m not mistaken

Damn, I was really hoping it was a special move. Oh well

Why? Making it a command normal allows Hulk to cancel the move into both hypers and specials, and he can still call assists while charging it.