UMvC3 Hulk

I don’t get the hype over Nemesis’s armored hyper. It doesn’t do anything that the large number of forward-moving invulnerable hypers already in the game don’t do (Joe, X-23, Viper, Spencer, etc); in fact, it’s worse because Nemesis takes damage during the armored hits. I wouldn’t trade Gamma Crush for that hyper.

Yeah I’d prefer Gamma Crush over Nemesis’s armored super too, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be badass. Gamma Crush is just the STRONGEST LEVEL ONE THERE IS!!!

nemesis’s armored super looks like it has a sweet hit box everywhere. but yeah gamma crush makes mommies cry all day long when there super babies get crushed out of there hyper combos.

Well it’s more of a “don’t press buttons super”. I can tell you after at most a month no one will be using it, and most likely him.

how do you do hulks incredible punch i was trying all day to get it and nothing

:f:+:m: I believe

Official list of changes.

Added new move, the Incredible Punch.

• It’s possible to chain into the Incredible Punch from Light and Medium Attacks.

• Gamma Charge’s attacking priority has been improved.

• Grounded Gamma Charge now has Super Armor. (It’s not specified, but assuming they mean the first part of the move)

• The second part of grounded Gamma Charge now floats higher. (Not specified, but I assume they mean the rising attack)

• Anti-Air Gamma Charge’s second hit (Medium version) will now wallbounce the opponent.

• Gamma Wave’s charge time decreased.

• Gamma Tornado’s damage increased.
New combo opportunities arise with wallbouncing second hit of AA Gamma Charge. Gamma Charge super armor just makes that assist much better. Gamma Wave charge time decrease will help immensely, especially when zoning with it.

A lot of awesome unexpected changes there! Im excited

I think ima play hulk like for real for real now…

The avengers team just got all kinda buffs.

cap hulk hawk

This is a case of Hulk getting More Hulk with these buffs. His wallbounce moves means that he’s not dependent on Spencer or Skrull to do it on assist. Gamma Charge now has Super Armor all around (the way it was in MvC2), and Gamma Wave’s buffs, like Astaroth said, makes it damn near impossible to get near Hulk on the ground. Especially if he has a good beam assist.

One thing I noticed is they made no mention of his previously announced buff on Standing H. Is he still going to have that extra point of armor or did they take it back out?

Probably just another case of them not listing every single change, like how Seth said they would put out a changelog but leave out some details for people to discover on their own.

I wouldn’t mind if it’s gone with all the other buffs Hulk got, though. Especially the priority increase/added super-armor of Gamma Charge. Either one of those would have been great; getting both of those is a dream come true.

I think Hulk players deserve to be a bit greedy with our buffs. I was already ecstatic to be getting more armor on 5H and having a new move. Armored Gamma Charge takes it to a whole 'nother level. Give me MORE, Capcom! Hulk WILL BE strongest there is!

i’m hype on wallbounces and the like - that’s tight.

I think I heard somewhere that Hulk’s horizontal charge assist has armor, or had some changes. Did anyone else hear this, or am I just retarded?

Edit: My bad. Didn’t read that you meant the assist. I’d doubt that got the same buff since AA Charge already does this and isn’t a knockdown…

[S]Yup. The first part of G Charge now has a hit of super armor. Shit’s gonna be glorious. ;)[/S]

[S][/S] ** 6:43**
Ok I just noticed that Doctor doom got hit by the second part of gamma wave in the corner, isn’t that how Hulk lands anti-air gamma charge on the large characters after his corner bnb? If this becomes universal Hulk is becoming nastier and nastier each day…er I mean THE STRONGEST THERE IS!

It looks like the previously reported buff to st.H (the 3 hits of armor) is gone.

Unless I’m not seeing it, Wesker hits Hulk twice during the startup of st.H and the second hit interrupts Hulk’s st.H, even though it has already hit Wesker, allowing a followup. Am I seeing that correctly?

[INDENT=1]It looks like the previously reported buff to st.H (the 3 hits of armor) is gone.[/INDENT]


[INDENT=1]Unless I’m not seeing it, Wesker hits Hulk twice during the startup of st.H and the second hit interrupts Hulk’s st.H, even though it has already hit Wesker, allowing a followup. Am I seeing that correctly?[/INDENT]
Edit, sorry double post