UMvC3 Hulk

If the new punch really does cause a wall-bounce, even if we can’t follow it from full-screen, that can really only help Hulk’s “bully game” anyway. The sooner he pushes puny humans there, the sooner they succumb to the onslaught and get torn apart in one combo.

Thinking about it now, a wall-bounce could open a whole new world of options for combos. We need to learn more, though. Why is nobody feeding us info on the new punch?

Noah got a chance to play it during that demo with Seth, we should ask him lol. I wonder if the kid has an SRK account.

ill give him a few tries at comic con hulks not really my best character though

Awesome thanks! :tup: Any info about the new move and you’ll be our hero!! Stuff like:
1. See if st.:h: or st.:m: can cancel into it, or if you can cancel the charge punch into a special.
2. Confirm if super armor is 1 hit (most likely is). Also if the armor seems to activate early or late in the startup (may be difficult to tell this one so don’t sweat it)
3. Confirm if there is any difference between charging the punch or not charging it. Maybe the non-charged version doesn’t wall bounce?

If anybody going to these events can answer these questions it would be very much appreciated.

Finding out if it’s miraculously unblockable or not is also huge. If we could also get info on st.H vs. multi-hit moves or super-fast jabs, it’d be cool too.

For our reference, I came across this in the Doctor Strange thread:

Command is M (hold/charge)
Wallbounces (only full-charge was shown - is relatively fast)
Can be special-cancelled on wiff or hit

Nice! That answers some of our questions pretty easily. Thanks for the find.

Well, if nothing else I think I should be able to work it into my current corner combo for a tiny bit more damage than st.M currently gives me. Couldn’t see for sure how much damage it did in comparison, though.

Yep, definitely lab material come November. Still, if anyone aspiring has the chance to play around with it before release we can theory-craft all day.


That combo wont work because you already got a ground bounce from st.H. Probably should do st.H, -->+M, j.L, j.L, j.M, st.L, cr.H. st.S, Air magic

It wasn’t intended as a combo. It was a cancel for safety on block. The AA Charge wouldn’t even connect if the first two did because the opponent would have been wall bounced.

Well we got another question answered thanks to Jintor!!:pray:

Aw, man. It’s not unblockable if fully-charged? That’s too bad. =/

I’m worried about something, actually. I was watching the UMvC3 stream yesterday and when I saw Hulk activate Level 3 X-Factor, he didn’t get a speed boost. I thought that X-Factor is supposed to be normalized throughout the cast. I mean, Ammy got a speed boost, so why not Hulk?

I’m hoping that this is just some oversight on the developers part…

Speaking of the Norcal v. Capcom stream…there sure was some terrible Hulk on display the few times I saw him. Really distressing.

Yeah I said the same thing, I just watched the archived video last night. There wasn’t any decent Hulk play going on, and I don’t think anybody even attempted his new move. I think the one time I saw a Hulk land a few hits it went launch, MMHS into “uhhh what does hulk do next??” The mindless “OMG TEAM NOAH” comments kinda irked me too.

For real. I know it’s just a joke, but every time I hear “Team Noah” I die a little bit inside. Oh well.

kara cancel command grab mind games anyone? At least I hope so, I think I’ll learn hulk for umvc3. I guess he’ll be my anti-scrub, all of my mains will be anti-something. Haven’t quite figured out what anti-something Iron Man will be though…

Oh and just ignore Team Noah biz. It ain’t that serious.

Yeah that’s the main use I’m thinking of for it. I think it’ll do wonders for his command grab setups. Additional mixup potential is a big buff imo.

And I normally don’t mind the Noah jokes, sometimes I even use them on myself. Just something about that stream in particular and the tone of it irritated me at the time. Jokes are jokes, but when poorly delivered can be annoying as hell.

Honestly, Noah will probably main Nemesis, that hyper super armor is disgusting. He’ll be generating more salt than sentinel could.

But Hulk’s command normal might give some interesting tricks.

So, the other day I was playing against a really not good Zero. You know the kind. Jump in spamming H, shipuuga, Hienkyaku into the sky, drop down with H, repeat. I eventually caught him and beat him into the dirt, of course, but I got to thinking about the st.H buff coming in Ultimate, and really loved the simplicity/necessity of it.

Against this Zero, I knew exactly what he was going to do every time. I could see that j.H coming a mile away, but because st.H only has the one hit of armor I really couldn’t do anything about it outside of Gamma Crushing him or block. So happy that, come November, we’ll be able to tag scrub players like that for free every time.