UMvC3 Hulk

electric I got the mission 4 and 6 last night thanks. letting the stick reset was key.

Not sure where to ask this, but how do you dash cancel with Hulk?

Hulk can only cancel his dashes into jump, so when you dash just jump forward and you’re golden.

cool, thanks man

Not entirely correct - he can also cancel his landing frames from his dash like any other character - so it’s possible to do wave dash with Hulk, but it can only be done at specific points in his dash animation.

His wave dash is just constant hops and I honestly haven’t found a reason to wave dash with Hulk since dash-jump cancelling is the better option in my opinion.

His wave dash is pretty much the only way to combo off of an M command grab now with most assists - there are definite uses outside of that though. Using full screen Gamma Waves to zone with Hidden Missiles is useful in some matches, and the wave dash allows Hulk to close the distance during the lock down portion of the Hidden Missiles assist quickly - using jump cancelled dashes is far too slow for this.

Not dissing your post at all, but it’s definitely a useful tool.

Would you be able to show a video in which the wave dashing lets u combo after the command throw? I more or less dropped hulk because of this nerf because i was no longer able to combo and that made him significantly less of a threat. I used to use gamma charge, gamma wave + assist. Not sure if this would even apply to my team but I would like to see how this is done.

What matches would zoning with Hulk be the better option? I’m actually curious about this since I always just go for air throws or counter hits to get my damage.

I suppose that wave dashing is useful I guess but it’s not something I would imagine would be worth working on unless Hulk is left alone in a match.

Arthur springs to mind - in saying that - it’s not the “better” option, per say, it’s just a good way to start the match if he manages to keep you out - Gamma Wave has good durability, so you can use it to protect Hidden Missiles like I mentioned.

I actually think it’s much harder to utilize if he’s left alone - the main purpose of his wavedash is to cover space quickly while being protected by an assist. If you’re alone, you don’t have that cover - so jump cancelled dashes are much better in this situation because at least you can block when you jump

What was your assist? i really differes.

Hey Guys,
Lvl5LazerBuddha has got some good stuff on the way. Keep an eye for some Hulk highlights


at about full gamma charge H-L distance to corner with drones i’ve found some pretty cool set-ups that nullifies chicken block as an option. on block,if spaced correctly, i get DP gamma charge H-H withthe last drone hitting directly after dp GC then input c. l if they try to chicken block they eat the low. obviously you have 3 opportunities to hit within the string. if they get hit by the initial gamma charge depending on how late, you have s.H or M follow-up or jump h-s follow up. and if they get hit by dp gc etc. considering how easily people tense up around hulk in the corner and how effective the armor is on GC it works really well for me.
and if they try to avoid chip on the initial GC alot of people attempt to DHC out and most times this beats it clean, or raw tag in for the optimal damage combo.
and boy do people like to chicken block, its almost free damage. i have trouble doing it online,sometime, but offline its crisp. if they block the low after it all, you do standing h cancel into another GC and if they hit buttons, free gamma crush, or i guess you burn the meter to be safeiish, but they always try to punish standing h.

this stuff is most definitely old news, but his corner game feels so much better than vanilla. my main team in vanilla was dante/akuma/sent with my secondary dante/hulk/sent but i really want to up my hulk game, and ive been experiencing great results. i tend to use my akuma team when i’m playing spencers,zeroes and hawkeyes but other than that i prefer hulk.

Hi i play Hulk since Vanilla(MvC 3), want to join Green Beast family :slight_smile:

Okay want to ask ,how to Get Close with Spammer like Hawkeye,Std H,qcf L is so annoying
if opponent always blocking and want to punish Std H,with start low,cr L,M,H,air combo to anything
what should id do to break opponent defense, i try command grad but too slow get punished with cr L
any advice ?

Thanks for help :slight_smile:

Not much you can do against Hawkeye really. You are going to eat A LOT of chip when you are facing him. You need an assist that forces him to block or stop chucking arrows at you so you can get close. Once you close in on him and back him into a corner, try at all cost not to let him get out. Stay a decent distance away (like a bit beyond :h: range) so that if he tries to super jump over you, you can clap him down.

Also, when facing Hawkeye, when you see him normal jump, don’t jump with him. When he is standing and does standing :h:, odds are he’ll follow it with triple arrow, so when you see him do the standing :h:, that is a good time do jump cancel a dash to close in. He controls space parallel to him well, so don’t be on the same level as him. Absorb some of the chip as to let your assists come out and do what it needs to do. When he slides into you and you block it, it’s time to do some :h:s and :m:s because poison tip is 1 hit and so is launch.

Since the Q+A thread was closed, I have a quick question.

What normal does the super armor startup on the fastest?

Stand M’s armour kicks in after 3 frames, IIRC.

Hey Guys,
Be Kind, Believe, Enjoy. More on the way


What is the best and safest to double or plink dash with the Hulk? Should I assign a two attack button to make this tricky command easier?

Soooooooo is st. S jump cancellable?