UMvC3 Hulk

Say that I catch someone with a Hulk M command throw, can I combo off that with Super-Skrull’s Stone Smite assist?

You possibly try dash+stonesmite, jump cancel the dash, and see where you are. Dunno if you can catch up. maybe you can plink dash afterwards, or another dashing jump cancel to do j:h:, and j:s:.

Lemme get in the lab and try different timings, because it wasn’t working if I called the assist right after the throw at midscreen.

Ok, so shit has been pretty quiet around here lately. I’ve come up with some stuff that I think is worth discussing.

I recently figured out a couple of things that are applicable to Hulk that I don’t think many people have touched on so far.

[]Hulk’s forward dash cancel window. This started getting some action when the M command throw nerf came about - I mentioned in passing that Hulk had a “wave dash” of sorts, which allowed Hulk to cancel his dash into a normal or crouch during a specific window in his forward dash. What I didn’t realise was that this window also applies to specials. This isn’t usually a big deal because you can just jump cancel a special during ANY point in his forward dash. All except Gamma Wave, which is a charge move and for some reason, can’t be jump cancelled into. This brings me on to my second discovery…
]There’s a strange input leniency with charge moves in this game. I’m not sure if anyone else has discovered this, but once you’ve held your back charge for long enough (that’s any combination of back directions for what I think is 60 frames for Gamma Wave) you can “store” that charge. What I mean by that, is that you can let go of back for a brief moment, do something, then press back, then forward instantly and your move will come out. I’m going to try explain this as best I can without being able to record anything.
[]With Hulk, walk backwards for 2 seconds.
]Let the stick go to Neutral, then go back to walking backwards for less than 2 seconds
[]**REPEAT STEP 2 AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE **(do this slow enough that you don’t accidentally back dash)
]From walking back, press forward and attack - you should get the Gamma Wave
Now, there are a few conditions I figured out while testing this:
[]You have to start with a full charge. You can’t charge for 30 frames, go to neutral, then charge for another 30 frames and Gamma Wave
]Your charge disappears if you press any forward direction, then go back to charging. Charging at down+back, going to forward, then going back to down+back will not work. Neutral, Up and Down are the only directions this seems to work with.
Now, to tie back in to what I originally said about Hulk’s dash cancel window. This discovery makes it possible to hold down+back for 2 seconds, wave dash x amount of times, then Gamma Wave. You can do this by doing down+back to get your charge, briefly letting go of charge and doing a 2 button dash, then going straight back to down+back again. Press forward+attack and out comes the Gamma Wave.
I haven’t found too many applications for this just yet as I just discovered it, but I’m putting it to the public so we can get some more discussion going since these boards have been pretty dead lately. One I did think of was using a long range lock down assist (Hidden Missiles, Bolts of Ballsacks) to allow you to gain charge, then dashing in and using Gamma Wave as they exit block stun. Gamma Wave is positive on block if you aren’t point blank, which sets up his frame trap game pretty well. You can also do something like s.H + drones, cancel H into Horizontal Gamma Charge and start charging for Gamma Wave during the block stun.
TL;DR - Hulk is secretly OP, what nasty shit is waiting to be abused?

Hmm. Very informative. Videos usually help me understand these kind of things better, though.

how much plus frames is wave?

It depends on the spacing - L wave is -1 on block if the rocks hit on the very first frame. Space it out and you can get some heavy frame advantage

Fair enough - if I had the right equipment I would totally make a video of this. Anyone out there with the right gear want to put something together?

awesome info bro, gonna be using this especially jl to coomand grab siiiick!
was wondering do you know how to wavedash with hulk, where is this info would change my game!

could you be more specific on how to this even if its just hops. there is a use for it, u can connect coomand grab into a combo with projectile assist with wave hop.
would apprerciate more tips on how you do it?

It’s not a “proper” wave dash, and can only be done with his forward dash. Right as he’s landing from his jump animation, you cancel into crouch, normal or special. Just cancel into crouch, then dash again. The timing takes a little bit of getting used to, but it’s really simple and greatly improves how fast Hulk can move from full screen to right in your face, assuming you have something to clear the path ways (think drones, hidden missiles, Gamma Tsunami/Okami Shuffle THC)

And yes, this is one of the most important reasons for learning how to do the wave dash - it opens up some otherwise impossible combo opportunities

thanks for replying bro, i can wave dash which is useful, But how do you do that weird looking hop dash? you what i mean like they cancel his dash so fast. Bum uses this technique.

I mentioned that above - check here: UMvC3 Hulk

I still haven’t found much use for wave dashing with hulk, if I need to dash in to attack is just Tiger knee my AA gamma charge and combo with that.

bro i dont think you get me, your description just says how to do a wave or plink dash im looking for that bum technology, i could be wrong if so please put up a vid of it

Pretty sure we’re talking about the same thing - the “hop dash” IS Hulks wave dash.

ok lets make a reference point have you seen bum play, im talking about that dash he does after a command throw? if you know that reference are we talking about the same thing?

Yep. Same thing.

After command throw, dash, then right as Hulk lands from his dash animation, crouch, then immediately dash again - it can also be done as a plink dash rather than crouch, which I personally find easier.

just to make sure heres a video reference [media=youtube]zhT00h1LQPw[/media]

at the 3:03 mark he does it, i hear what your saying on how to do it but for me those are the directions for his plink dash im not getting even close to doing the dash he does at 3:03