UMvC3 Hulk

Oh. Got ya.

Sorry - seems we were talking about different things after all :slight_smile:

That’s just a dash, quickly cancelled into H gamma charge. You need to jump cancel the dash. It goes something like…

Command throw :mp:, :mp: + :hp:, :qcf::uf: :hp:

oh thanks bro thats sick ive pulled it off already yes!!

Lets say hypothetically I want to put Hulk in the 2-spot on a team to give my point access to Hulk’s upwards Gamma attack (sorry, dont know the exact name) as a GTFO. Assume the 3rd is a character both Hulk and the point can both benefit from (drones, missiles, combo extender, not sure).

Unless this is an ill advised strat in general(point + Hulk ‘uppercut’ as GTFO), I was wondering, in your collective experience, which point characters you find benefit most from having this assist (either for defense or to help offense)? Hawkeye and Dorm both seem like good candidates off the top of my head, but I dont know much about Hulk so I could be way off. I dont dont only mean for knocking them away exclusively either, but maybe some character can also do nasty things confirming from this assist too?

I just figured if I were to give a Hulk team a shot, I’d really like to do so by having a GTFO assist like I enjoyed so much in vanilla (sniff Tron). Thanks!

How does one defeat a good Hulk? I can beat him with Hawkeye but with Spencer and Vergil I just feel helpless, it seems like I can’t press anything. Please help me I run Spencer/Vergil/Hawkeye >.<

If hulk gamma charges all day just snapback that shit on reaction, if possible. Play some casuals vs hulk and then you understand when to do it and when not to do it. Snapback with A2 so hulk has to be an anchor, hulk anchor is so ass.

Spencer qfc atk also beats armor, but thats a big risk to do

Spencer + vergil will TOD hulk, but hulk can also TOD spencer, so one hit kills, at least in corner, so dont take stupid risks.

Hulk has harder time opening up spencer, empty jump crl and shitty command grab is almost all the tools hulk has, look out for those. Good hulk might have some more tech, so read hulk forums on srk.

Hawkeye assist plus zip is still good in this match, jump H with spencer is so much + on block, lower it hits the better (of course).

when the hulk player is contitioned, command grab and TOD. Finish combos.

Dont bionic arm. Pushblock gammacharge, maybe even leave it unpunished, cus hulks do the meteor super as a “frametrap”.

Vergil hulk is easy, sword super is hell for every character. Vergil snap>everything.

All 3 of those characters piss on Hulk. It should be the Hulk player asking for help against those 3 characters not the other way around.

The assist doesn’t give you much time to confirm. You’d have to predict the hit and set something up with the anticipation of a hit. Your best bet would be characters that have ground bounces from the air. I KNOW Sent can convert of it into a full combo so long as you are in the air and land an S. Thor, Deadpool (bolo), Hawkeye (pre-emptive scatter shot), Akuma, Zero (lightning/buster) Doctor Doom (footdive) and others who can do something with the hit might be your best bets. I know it’s not that helpful, but the assist really is a GTFO move and not easily converted.

Are there any hulk players left? I just picked him up!

I want to know Hulk’s Practical Solo Combos please. I just picked up this game and I want to learn hulk :smiley:

Midscreen BNB Hit Starter:
-Gamma Charge
-Anti Gamma Charge

Corner BNB Hit Starter:
-Anti Gamma Charge
-Gamma Charge

Sorry, I don’t know anything about Hulk but was thinking of using him as a meat shield for my team.

My question is, do all of his assists have armor? If not, which ones have armor and which ones don’t?

Finally, Does he have any armored moves, special or normal, that absorb 2 hits? Or do they all just absorb 1?

Both Gamma Charge assists have armor - Gamma Wave doesn’t

Just one hit for everything. His armored moves are s.M, f+M, s.H, Gamma Charge, Up Gamma Charge.

thank you!

GGC Seph’s Hulk TAC Infinite… Only tested on sent

^ video unavailable?


How about now?

Nice - I had similar thoughts on how Hulk could potentially abuse this TAC infinite glitch - good find!

I was actually trying the above method when I got home, lol.
I knew he could do it, especially with how much hit stun is on that soul clap.

that’s just not true, you can totally jump cancel dash into gamma wave, charge back let the stick go neutral and press 2 punches then press forward and punch then up forward.

2 Questions for you guys.

  1. Who are the top Hulk players I could watch. I want to learn this guy, I need a GFTO assist for Tony. And I pretty much only run the Avengers for fun in this game.

  2. I’m sure there must be some Hulk comic book fans here who play this game. So I was wondering if any of you could tell me what TPB’s I should get for the Jade Giant, since the only thing I read for Hulk was WWH (which I really enjoyed).


What do you guys do when a s.H is blocked? Call an assist? Go into a GC?

I’m running Hulk, X-23, in interchangeable positions and the anchor is almost always different. I’m dedicated to Laura so she isn’t going anywhere but from watching combo videos Hulk doesn’t even need an OTG assist.