Ultra Street Fighter 4 | General Lounge

5 new characters is quite likely a way more drastic change to the game’s balance than allowing both Ultras.

I wouldn’t rule it out this fast. It would also fit nicely to the title.

Making all ultras available removes a strategic element since you would no longer have to make choices based on each matchup. Also, having multiple ultras stocked can be a bit too good given that you get ultra in exchange for getting your ass kicked.

Let’s forget balance issues for a second. It would reward getting beaten up too much.

Being able to pick both ultras woud be just stupid as fuck,when enemy have ultra stocked you just can block and be away from him,nothing more,the only one that won’t be THAT good with that might be Sakura or Rose meaby

Add a 3rd Ultra. There’s no need to have more than 1 available to us at any given time.

How about making the game not ass?

Nerfing Ultra Damage.
Taking away FADC on block.
Taking away all the safety net bs like safe sweeps and safe fireballs at point blank.
Make Focus Attacks more viable.
Speed the game up.
Make the jumps faster.
Take away the Kindergarten negative edge bs where scrubs can mash Downfoward twice to get an SRK.
Narrow the reversal window.
You can now quick rise from anything except Supers and Ultras. There, that fixes the whole vortex whining.
Change input for Utlras. Why do they have to be 3 buttons? Make them 2 buttons.

Akuma with U1 and U2? Oh lord. Gouken with 1 or 2? Oh lord. Cammy with 1 and 2? Seth with 1 and 2? Balrog? ZANGIEF this would be a nightmare?! T Hawk?BLANKA WITH 1 AND 2?! Nah son full screen chip or cross up chip ball take your pick. Worst suggestion I’ve seen for USF4.

I’d rather have 2 supers to choose from than to have 2 ultras at the sametime…

I’d like to have 2 supers to choose too,even more than 3 diferent ultras

What the FUCK do input shortcuts have to do with Negative Edge?

Don’t see much to gain from this other than making the game more annoying to pick up

I would get a request for having Supers/Ultras be only a single motion, but why would you reduce the amounts of buttons pressed? That doesn’t help with anything?

is capcom supposed to be announcing anything today sf wise?

I also suspect they initially had the idea of have both ultras available mid-match when they first introduced the 2nd ultras in SSF4, but then decided against it. Is it just a coincidence that every character’s Ultra 2 is a different input than Ultra 1 (Even Gen, who has 4 ultra inputs that are all different)? I don’t see how they can’t implement it to make it balanced, but it would be a drastic change.

Speaking of which, somebody who I guess knows a bit more about the update (not gonna say who, so please don’t ask) hinted at there possibly being a change that “a lot of people might not like”. As per usual, take that with a grain of salt, but have it on your minds. People are talking about variable wakeup timing in the other thread as well and I have no idea where that came from, but both that and the possibility of having both Ultras definitely sounds like something that would cause some controversy.

That came from the Cody patchnotes; ‘Many people have requested him to get better reversal options. We will look into this, and we may do a system wide change to tackle the problem of unblockables and post-knockdown mixups’ something like that. It was just a thing people came up with as a possible change that’d fix a lot.

Oh okay, that makes sense. I missed that while glancing over the announced changes so far.

There is no grain of salt needed for this.

This is the Street Fighter community. They could implement the change “Gen’s default robe color is now a slightly richer hue of purple” and there would be four pages of forum posts bitching it out. On multiple forums.

Two ultras at once? That… sounds pretty broken. Yun would have ultra 1 which combos off of anything and ultra 2 that goes through fireballs
please no
I lose to Yun enough already.
Does that mean Gen would have 4?!
Yeah I don’t really see Capcom thinking that would be a good idea.
Also I’ve seen a video of some nerfs and buffs in USF4, and Fei Long’s rekka range has been decreased
also Chun-Li’s EX fireball now causes knockdown
T-Hawk can FADC his DP
and yeah it’s just little things like that, nothing too drastic.
The point of the balances was to make the weaker characters a bit stronger so "every character poses a threat"
Hakan is obviously gonna get buffed, but maybe it’ll just be more oil duration, that’d make him 100x more powerful right there.
Honestly I think they know what they’re doing with the buffs/nerfs, and I don’t think theres gonna be any new drastic game mechanic changes like 2 ultras or 2 supers (even though 2 supers would be kind of cool)

I don’t know, F Champ was saying on his stream that you have a 3rd option, which is both ultras at once, but they’re both nerfed to compensate. He also talk about every single one of the changes Dhalsim is going to get in the new update. While I don’t trust him entirely, he could be telling the truth because the way he was saying these things sounded legit.


How many characters would experience a net gain from cutting their Ultra damage in half (guessing) in exchange for doubling their options?

What type of changes to dhalsim?

Yoga Blast no longer has HKD, but has a bigger hitbox, almost everything got buffed damage, especially EX Yoga Flame, he said it does like 190 now or something absurd. Yoga flame has less pushback on block. Far HP has more hitstun so it trades less if you try doing 2 in a row. Better anti airs. He said the only nerf is that you can’t do Ultra 1 while a yoga fire is on the screen, but he has both ultra’s now so it doesn’t matter.

EDIT: I forgot he also said that his lk and mk slides are no longer punishable on hit, and the already known 2 hit s.mk.

EDIT 2: More news from F champ: He says that Poison is probably going to be ass, Adon has 10 less damage on all Jaguar kicks and st.rh is only one hit. Sagat gets st.lk cancel back. All of Rufus’s messiah kick enders are nerfed, so is U1. Akuma’s jump back fireball is “bodied”. Elena is going to be booty butt cheeks. Gen has been buffed, but he might be nerfed after Xian won EVO. Cammy has TKCS, but it’s -5 on block. Daigo is supposedly switching to Rolento.