Just announced. Get hype.
Ultra Street Fighter 4 will include 5 new characters (4 of which are ported from Street Fighter x Tekken: Rolento, Elena, Poison, and Hugo. The 5th is current unknown but is said to have never been in a street fighter game before. NOTE IT IS NOT ASURA OR BBA MEGAMAN
It will include 6 additional stages said to be Pitstop 109, Mad Gear Hideout, Cosmic Elevator, Blast Furnace, Half Pipe, and Jurassic Era Research Facility. All from SFxT.
A complete rebalance to the entire cast based off of fan suggestions
It will cost 15$ for a digital version which you can upgrade from EITHER Super or Arcade Edition for the same price. The full retail version will cost $40 and include all of the DLC costumes at no extra charge. The game will be released on PS3/Xbox360/PC early 2014. Capcom is hoping for a simultaneous release on all 3 platforms or to at very much keep the PC closer to the PS3/Xbox360 release date than ever before. Pre-ordering will get you special pre-order exclusive costumes designed by Udon for the 5 new characters.
There will be location tests and special events in both Japan and USA for players to play early builds and give feedback that may impact the balance changes before they become final.
NOTE: USF4 may in fact use Steamworks instead of GFWL!