Ultra changes (location test)

With a decent late tech people will block your crMK frame traps… ad infinitum. Its easy to block the crMKs frame traps AND tech the kara grabs at the same time.
If they stand tech/regular crTech, say goodbie to yours late tech killer, like crLP clHP.
If they don’t tech at all, well, they are ridiculosly far away by now.

With a -1 point blank CH we can deal with the first two kind of defensive stance that I stated (which are the most common ones) without having to guess which one the guy is doing.

Also, Claw best way of blowing people up is the classic and beautiful (that I have only seen like 3 players do) crLP crLP walk forward, walk back and then doing a CH. People always tech when they see Claw walking forward like that. Always. From the 128PP Ryu with U2 that we see once in a while to Tokido, Daigo and Sako. Its not like you can mimic something like with another move. clMP MAY do something like this, but its gimmick as its the same -1 on block and the chances of you getting backthrow/counter hit are bigger, because the clMP lacks that godlike property of CH having the hurtbox shrunk from a period of time.

If its -2 on block instead of -3, it means that I can use CH without the risk of DYING. Its ok losing the momentum if you guessed wrong. But dying? No. Its not ok. And it needs to be changed.

Yeah I don’t catch too many people with that because most crouch techs are too fast for that 14 frame start up to catch. I do better with using cMK for a counterhit (which if I cared about playing enough I’d master counterhit cMK into U2). If they are crouch teching with a heavy though I’ll lean toward using CH.

And for alpha axe kick… just curious but what would be the command?

How about down forward + short? Then each of his kick buttons has a command normal.

Don’t crouch tech a crossover or ibuki’s zoom

What’s that mean?

Means your down back became down forward

It’s not like it’s hard to change direction during a cross over. With a little forward momentum you could do it early and tag them before they cross over anyway. Unless you meant during wake up, and why would you do something like that during wake up anyway?

Why would you crouch tech on wake up?

You never had someone throw, whiff a normal and then throw, or tick throw on wake up?

Well yeah but just because it can be beaten and its overused doesn’t mean it never has a place or use. I suppose if you never crouch tech in a situation where you’re getting crossed up you’d never get that new move accidentally. For me… it’d come out just as often as PoM does when being crossed over.

i love cr.lp ,walk forward and CH, fast tech means nothing because CH moves me backwards on the first 6 frames, so essentially, it beat both fast and slow tech. but i hate having me counterhit setup guesses wrong and potententially get punished while every other characters can do it for free and not get punished, like fei’s cl.mp, or ryu’s cr.mp. i thought the penalty of a wrong guess is that vega is in your face and at -1 or so was already enough of a penalty…

^My point exactly.

tips for doing it cause I’m the one that ends up getting counterhit when I try

If you try it against Cody, Gouken and other characters with really long crTechs it will be a problem. But it works wonders against pretty much all the rest of the cast.

Special notes on doing it on chun li, her cr.lk shinks her hurtbox, so you need to do it really close…close enough where you would get CH stuffed…so don’t risk it on chun. Then again, all she gets out of it is 1 cr.lk. unless she’s a bloody spammer, haha

That is strange to say the least. Claw is supposed to get stronger while getting farther from close to intermediate range. First active frame range is 0.5 to 1.45 range, roughly the same than cLP. If I read this correctly, with that kind of tweak, CH could only be used as a close range frame trap (not point blank (aside of wake-up) due to long startup, nor medium range due to this strange tweak of being -4 from anywhere farther than first active frame), or as a punish.

It could be used after 2 cLPs for example, while still getting positive. So it would be a bit similar to Dan’s LK-Danku in strings, but could not be used outside of them.

Personally, I already didn’t used CH as an offense launcher, so it wouldn’t impact my style that much. But that change spirit still feels a bit puzzling. O_o

Exactly, +1. =)

The problem with cr.lp > walk >CH trap is that good players, especially shotos often tech with a medium button that will either reach and counter hit CH on startup or make it whiff if done from out of range of cr.mks.

Shoto’s crMK are no problem. But either way thats the easiest defensive tactic to explore.
Just hold down MK+MP after your crLP and you will win the round.

Then you just vary your stings with cLP cLP sLK cLP or cLP cLP focus, so you can nail that sort of long ranged crouch tech. One tool for each situation, that CH would still be an improvement over the clMK some of us use at the moment. Specially if the opponent in fact does not press a button : you end up coming back at close range with +2, for another cLP cLP or throw mix-up. =)

EDITED : was answering to Galahand. :wink:

I don’t got exactly what you meant.
But crumple a crLK is way harder than a crMK due to having less recovery and much less impact freeze.
Focus is not a reliable way to open up the opponent to Claw… because jump+forward is actually a decent option when dealing with Claw’s oki.