XBL: LazyActor14
I’m in the Bay Area, CA if location matters.
I don’t have a set team yet, trying out a whole bunch of different people in different orders.
Right now I’m mostly doing: Wolverine/Iron Man/Akuma and Hulk/Doom/Phoenix. Trying out an all girls team of X23/Storm/Morrigan but they’re on the backburner. (and I want to fit Spidey in that first team somewhere)
I’m more of a casual player, but I wouldn’t mind training with someone else or getting my butt kicked by someone just as long as they’re willing to chat with me a bit after the match. I’d love to be competitive later down the road. I do have some MvC2 background.
I got in a lobby with you the other day.
We fought one time, we went down to the wire and you won; and then you began T-bagging and Taunting. Then you left.
Awesome stuff, welcome to SRK.
Next time stick around, and defend your title as “Winner of one match against MODOK in a player lobby”
my bad for not getting into the tourney haha. I’m training for ReveLAtions this week, is anyone else going? Can you play some matches against me I’m in socal
Looking for some casuals. I’m down to play some main teams or if you wanna try some experimental teams out as well. No ego’s, I don’t care if you win of if I lose, I’m just trying to get better each day.
I’m on usually after 9pm PT and usually all day on Saturdays during the day.
My gamer tag is “hella grubbin” I’m going to add the recent people who posted in this thread for some MvC3. I’m San Diego bound btw, so the connection may be stronger for those in the west coast.
Add me guys as well, I’m always down for a good MvC3 match. AIM: “tehh secks” I’m friendly!
I think you messaged me a week ago. My bad I was online, but away from live. I messaged you back to get a few games in, but never got a response. Anyways…message me if you still want to get a few MvC3 games in.