:l: ~ Light Attack
~ Medium Attack
:h: ~ Heavy Attack
:s: ~ Launcher/Special Button
:s::atk: ~ Bold Jump/Bold Cancel
:atk:~:atk: ~ Attack cancelled into another attack. (Example: Launcher cancelled into Clay Pidgeon cancelled into Prop Shredder, or Volcano cancelled into Beehive. Not used for inputs like Hammer (j.:qcf::l::l:) where Killer Bee does not have to hit for Hammer to come out or cause the property of the move to be changed, unlike Volcano~Beehive where Volcano OTGs for Beehive to connect)
:a1: ~ Assist Button 1
:a2: ~ Assist Button 2
:atk::atk: ~ Two Attacks
cr. ~ Crouching
j. ~ Airborne
sj. ~ Airborne Via Superjump
XF ~ X-Factor Cancel
DHC ~ Delayed Hyper Combo
A general rule in Dante combos is that if a combo uses the wall bounce on Stinger ( :f::h: ) and they are very far away from the wall in the corner, you have to perform Stinger followed by Bold Cancelling into Air Trick. For tips on that, refer to this thread. That thread will also help you with the Skydance linked into Beehive ground bounce resets that the advanced combos use.
Basic Combos**:**
[ Day 1 Ultimate ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf::l: :s:~:h: j.:qcf::l::l: :df::h::h::h: :f::h:
:s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:~:m: :qcf::atk::atk:- 638,000 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about 1.1 bar]
Use: Anywhere except where you are too close to a wall and [:f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l:] will not work. In those cases, take out the [:f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s:] and just do [:f::h: :s::atk: j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l:] mid-jump.
Notes: Day 1 Ultimate combo. Use this on small characters like Viewtiful Joe, Rocket Raccon, and (strangely) Frank West. Uses the ground bounce extremely early in the combo. Use this on small characters only. Remember to do the Hyper at the end BEFORE the last hit of Beehive hits.
[ Get back! ] - j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l::df::h::h::h:~:s: j.:qcf::l::l: :df::h::h::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:~:m: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 515,400 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds .95 bar]
Use: Anywhere.
Notes: Builds slightly more meter than the optimal post j.:s:/Hammer combo but does less damage.
[ Anti- Air ] - :s: j.:h: j.:qcf::l: :s:~:h:~:s: j.:qcf::l::l: :df::h::h::h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::l::l: :qcf::atk::atk: - 616,600 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds .8 bar]
Use: Anywhere.
Notes: Beginner anti-air combo with standing . Same rules as first combo in the thread apply. If too far from the wall, after the wall bounce Stinger, do :s::atk: :d::d::s:.
Intermediate Combos:
**[ Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom BnB ] **- :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h:~:s: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk:- 657,000 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about 1.3 bar]
Use: Anywhere
Notes: This is the base of your BnBs in Ultimate. This combo is ideal because it doesn’t use the ground bounce as early in the combo as the day 1 combo, builds more meter, and does more damage. To make this combo easier, hold forward through the entire j.:h: j.:qcf: j.:h: :s:part to inch your way closer to your opponent throughout the combo. Everything else is fairly basic. Don’t forget to backdash after the first Volcano~Beehive and cancel the backdash with a :s:. The backdash is necessary to place Dante in the correct position for Stinger to connect after Clay Pidgeon. If you’re in the corner and you don’t opt for the combo below, jump back while performing j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h:. Remember to do the Hyper before the last hit of Beehive like always.
[ Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom BnB (Corner Version) ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :h::s: j.:h: j.:qcf::l:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk:- 689,600 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about 1.1 bar]
Use: Corner.
Notes: More damaging variation on the Ultimate BnB that builds slightly less meter. Perform the last j.H of the air series after Volcano as late as you can so you can link st.H after it.
[ Acid Rain 1 ] :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h:~:s: :qcf::l::l: :qcf::l::l: :s: j.:s: :df::h::h::h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :f::h: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk:- 667,100 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about 1.7 bar]
Use: Corner.
Notes: Acid Rain loop with 2 Acid Rains. Jump cancel the Prop Shredder into the Acid Rain by essentially doing :qcf::uf::l::l:. Try putting the target at the tip of the Prop Shredder when you do this. When performing this in the corner, jump back while doing j.:h: j.:qcf: j.:h:. as always.
[ Acid Rain 2 ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h:~:s: :qcf::l::l: j.:h: j.:s: :dp:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
:qcf::atk::atk: 656,900 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about 1.5 bar]
Use: Corner.
Notes: Acid Rain loop with 1 Acid Rain. Much easier to do than the above combo. It doesn’t do as much damage or build as much meter though.
[ “Get Back!” 2 ] - j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l: :dp: j.
j.:h: j.:qcf::l:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 684,5000 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [Builds about .8 of a bar]
Use: Anywhere.
Notes: Optimal combo after a j.S or Hammer hit confirm. The Volcano must be done extremely soon after the j.:s:/j.:qcf::l::l:. If not, the HSD timer is too much and the Killer Bee will probably whiff. If you’re late on your hit confirm, just go with the normal [ Get Back! ] combo instead.
[ Anti-Air 2 ] - :h::s: j.:h: j.:qcf::l:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: View
Meter used: 1
Use: Anywhere.
**Notes: **Anti-Air standing combo but more damage and more meter built. Pretty much the same as before except the hitstun isn’t as hard to deal with because the lack of a Prop Shredder in the combo.
Advanced Combos:
(most combos here require you to use the ground bounce reset, again for help with that read over this thread a bit: Dante Technical/Help Thread.)
[ Sky Dance ~ Beehive Ground Bounce Reset Solo ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h:~:s: :qcf::l::l: j.:h: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::h: :dp:
:f::h: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 675,100 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [builds about 1.8 bar]
Use: Corner.
Notes: Remember to let the opponent fall as low as possible to backdash then launcher. With assists this combo can be extremely lethal and extended even more. More on that later.
[ Sky Dance ~ Beehive Ground Bounce Reset Solo 2 ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :h::s: j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: j.:qcf::l:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h: :f::h: :s::atk: j.:qcf::h: :dp:
:f::h: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 698,700 Damage View
Meter used: 1 [builds about 1.4 bar]
Use: Corner.
Notes: More damaging variation on the solo Sky Dance ~ Beehive ground bounce reset combo.
[ Clay Pidgeon Loop ] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h::h::h::h::h:(xN) :f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: View
Meter used: 1 [meter build varies]
Use: Anywhere.
Notes: Builds more meter than the single shot loops but does less damage because of the lower number of :s: attacks and more scaling because of the number of shots. On smaller characters you can only do about 2 before they’re too far away to launch again.
[ Clay Pidgeon Loop 2 ]
:l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :s:~:h: (xN) :f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: View
Meter used: 1 [meter build varies]
Use: Anywhere.
Notes: More damaging than the full shot loops but less meter. Delay the first shot to do the entire loop. Delaying the first shot is essential to not having Prop Shredder come out instead of a normal :s:.
[Midscreen Dash Up S Acid Rain] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :f::f: :s:~:h:~:s: :qcf::l::l: j.:h: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h::f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:qcf::l::l: IAD j.
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 659,200 Damage
Meter used: 1 [builds about 1.6 bar]
Use: Fullscreen, midscreen.
Notes: Carries to the corner and uses the hitstun from j.:h: to dash up and launcher, putting you in a better position to Acid Rain after the Prop Shredder. After the Stinger, Teleport, Hammer, IAD j.M is used to put the opponent back in the corner. Completely optional, it is a pretty tight link. You have to IAD (instant air dash) really fast and pretty much buffer the Volcano~Beehive during it.
[Midscreen Dash Up into Killer Bee Relaunch] - :l::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :dp:
j.:h: j.:qcf:
j.:h: :f::f: :s: j.
j.:h: j.:qcf::l:
:atk::atk: :s:~:h::h::h::h::h: :f::h: :s::atk: :d::d::s: j.:qcf::l::l: :dp:
~:m: :qcf::atk::atk: - 682,500 damage
Meter used: 1 [builds about 1.2 bar]
Use: Anywhere
Notes: More damaging dash up st.:s: combo. Builds less more than the Acid Rain variation.