Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

Alright. I’ve got exchanges going into vertical grapple from all directions midscreen*. *I’d put up a video… But it’s something I’d really rather show off in my upcoming combo video.

I’m saying you just drop without doing anything after the OTG grapple and go straight into armor piercer xx lancer when you land. It’s way easier that way, there’s zero chance of them flipping out if it’s late in a combo. The zipline adds exactly 1k damage and the possibility of them flipping out. Sorry for any confusion, but I’m talking about after like 40 hits.

And I’m saying shut up, why would you want to do lancer when you could be doing maneuvers? Yeah, no matter how long your combo is, you can always TK j.:qcf::h: |> :qcf::s: :qcb::atk::atk:. That’s all well and good except that is also true for TK j.:qcf::h:, :d:zip |> :qcf::s: :qcf::atk::atk:, which does 68k more.

Geez relax, sometimes I can’t help but feel like you’ve got a gigantic chip on your shoulder.

Anyway, thanks for the tip, I didn’t know this.

Duck Strong vs Stark 3: Fate of Two Spencer Combos.

combo not valid on airthrow, they tech out after the 5m in bionic bomber>5m>5h

turns out you can use bionic knee to OTG at certain spacing. about 3/5ths of regular jump height, and at most just a little bit above it (6/5thish). anywhere else, and unless you have speed boost, it wont work.

in corner

airthrow>immediate j.236S>5m5h5s>2367H~L>backdash>2367M>delay>5s>zip forward L+S neutral>zip df 3L+S>5s>jcc 2367H+L>cancel into super, extend with assist, or end with j.236H. does 613,900 dmg with manuevers+j.236H, builds about 90% meter, net loss 10%

for midscreen area

airthrow>immediate j.236s>5mhs>j.MMH>3L+S (grapple df)>j.S>dash up>2367H>lowest j.S>236H+L>super, extend with assist, or end with j.236h. 540k,700 dmg, 95% meter gain, net loss 5% (maneuvers+j.236h)

reverse corner,

airthrow>immediate j.236s>5mhs>j.MMH>3L+S>j.S>neutral jump>j.236M>3L+S>j.S>236s>bionic maneuvers

476,800 dmg, 98% meter gain, net loss 2%

I wish you wouldn’t say that about a combo I’ve actually done many times, sigh

It doesn’t work if you’re terribly high up, but closer to the ground it does

[S]im mashing that combo right now, doesnt work. techs out of 5m. airthrow>land>tk.236h>j.S>236h+L>2367s>5m>[5h].[/S]

[S]what char are you doing it on?[/S]

edit: oh, got it to work by just doing 236h before landing after airthrow. i guess you can’t land and do TK 236h, makes hitstun worse for some reason… my bad. figured you had to TK since they keep crossing out of the corner if i didnt get j.S timed right

If you do it right off the ground you can land. The issue is you need to have as little hitstun decay as possible.

Hit stun decay doesn’t kick in until “you” hit the ground, not the opponent. And this is off an Up Exchange. IDK about Ultimate but thats how it was in the older MvC3

Isn’t that what I was saying?


Hi guys, here’s a spencer combo vid I made a few days back. Finally got it up on youtube. Would like your constructive feedback and comments. Please be nice as this is my first time making one. Sadly i don’t have a capture card or else the footage would be so much nicer :frowning:

Shoutouts to Stark and Duck Strong for being great spencer inspirations to me, and everyone else in the spencer forum that contributed combo ideas!

1,159,300 damage solo combo - works on all (that i’ve tested) medium sized characters and above

can be done outside of the corner as long as you carry the opponent into the corner with the first zipline

j.:h:j.:s: s.:m::h::s: j.:h:(wait):df:+:s:+:atk: j.:h: :qcf::h:~:l: j. :qcf:+:s: s.:m::h::s: :qcf::h:~:l: :qcf:+:atk::atk: j.:qcf:+:h: (just before landing):s: s.:s: :qcf::h:~:l: :qcf:+:atk::atk:

builds approximately 1.2 bars, uses 2 bars.

If you don’t do the first j.:h: or j.:s: the combo does around 1.1mil and works on every character
for linking the s.:s: after the OTG,i found it abit easier to do if the OTG was done with a SJ TK as opposed to a normal TK

Cool vid, I like your corner carry combo, I think I’ll add it to my repertoire :D.

Lol, I have a Spencer combo video that I was gonna put out, but it seems like it’s mostly redundant at this point. Ah well, maybe I’ll post it anyway, I put all this work into it already haha.

I have a combo video that I’m going to put out.

It’s not redundant.

This is gonna be great, guys

By the way that’s great

Combo video I made for my team (Amaterasu/Spencer/Taskmaster). Lots of Spencer tech.


Great video, great music. I especially liked the Spencer assist, air dash down forward H with ammy

Been trying to seriously sit down and learn Spencer lately and I’ve been having some inconsistency on doing a follow up vert grapple on characters after a tiger knee bomber in the corner. Does the bomber have to hit the character a certain way for Spencer to do a follow up s.M,H into vert grapple? I find it more often than not that they’re popping out of the combo after the s.M connects while other times it works just fine.

From my experience certain characters don’t get hit by it, but I think :m:,:h:,:s: vert grapple is universal.

You might be doing it too late. The combos I mention in the opening post can fail on that particular extension if the entire combo isn’t done quickly enough; there’s opportunities for you to go too slow and have the hitstun decay timer tick down enough that you get screwed up.