Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

Dunno what to tell you, even if by some freak accident you manage to land a raw overhead with your back to the corner, the setup I suggested still works.

I guess just keep trying. It’s really not that hard.

Edit: Wait, do you mean when you have your opponent cornered and they flip over behind you after the piercer?

Yes, that is what was meant.

Ok, so I figured out a way. It’s easy to do 2 reps of the GX loop then do what I said with the air combo into 3 zips etc but you can get more damage and end with a vertical grapple if you can get Spencer to turn around again.

(facing right):

:f:+:h:, :qcf:+:s:, (they flip over you), st.:m: (has kara like properties so it gets you very close to them) xx:uf::atk:+:s:, j.:m:/, j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:xx:df:+:atk:+:s: / (this will get you behind them), jump straight up j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:xx:f:+:atk:+:s:, :f:+:atk:+:s:, j.:s:xx:df:+:atk:+:s:, :qcf:+:h:~:l:, tk j.:qcf::s:xx:qcf:+:atk::atk:, OTG j.:qcf:+:h:

This gets you 779,200 damage and builds a whole bar so it’s self sufficient. Of course you can tack on assists for more damage.

I did this on Skrull so no guarantees it works on everyone though I’m sure it can be tweaked.

Enjoy :wink:

Also helps if you don’t use cr. H in the initial LMHS as it’s more frames than the st. H.

I know for a fact that if you use instant j. H instead of instant j. M in that combo (which I use in the corner), you can never combo after the bomber if you’ve used cr. H.

THANK you. will try this now.

edit: I tried it, and I’m having a hard time crossing myself up (getting behind them) after the 1 zip loop… ive tried doing the j.MHS zip really fast but it still doesnt get me behind them…

I think it works better if you do it slowly actually.

It’s not easy by any means, but I tried it against a few more characters yesterday and it still worked.

Edit: Scratch that, I’m a liar. You actually have to do it pretty fast.

So far I can’t get it to work on Wolverine. Will test some more.

Couple of notes. I made a few adjustment and it’s more consistent now. I tested it and it works on everyone except Sentinel, MODOK, Dr. Strange, Tron and Shuma-Gorath. Maybe it’s just me, but for some weird reason it feels easier in the left corner. Anyway, jumping backwards after you cross them up with the zip makes it much more consistent. Also omitting the j.:s: between zips makes it easier, but you won’t build a whole bar unless you use assist extensions.

:f:+:h:, :qcf:+:s:, (they flip over you), cr.:m: (seems to work better when you jump back and is fast so the link is easier) xx:uf::atk:+:s:, j.:m:/, j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:xx:df:+:atk:+:s: / (this will get you behind them), jump **backwards then immediately **j.:m:,j.:h:,j.:s:xx:f:+:atk:+:s:, :f:+:atk:+:s:, j.:s:(optional)xx:df:+:atk:+:s:, :qcf:+:h:~:l:, tk j.:qcf::s:xx:qcf:+:atk::atk:, OTG j.:qcf:+:h:.

You can also tag on a launcher into the UVG or a cr.:h:,:s: into UVG depending on the character.

Are jump loops viable after a command grab?

Recently put Akuma on my team and found this

You could get more damage if you used the better corner air combo.

cr. L, cr. M, st. H, S, j. H, df zip, j. H, (land), UWG, TK Bomber then everything else you did.

Yes, they should all work as long as you don’t let the opponent land first. You can catch them out of the air with cr.:m:, :h: then go straight into the loops.

I haven’t played around with the hitstun on Akuma’s assist, but you seem to be wasting your wallbounce with Akuma assist when it should allow you to get an extra UVG on its own.

For what it’s worth, I was able to get L command grab, c.M, c.H xx 9zip, j.M, land, [ j.M, j.H j.3zip, j.S] x 3, UVG, TK M Grapple, 6zip, 3zip, UVG starting from one corner into the other. Does anyone know if command grab c.M is overly character specific?

EDIT: missed something.

I’m pretty sure it only doesn’t work on Sent.

Does that make this a good option off command grab when you are cornered? Seems like getting people in the corner while landing 2+ UVG’s would be strong.

You can zip off st.:l: as well to start the zip combos. St.:l: works on Sent, but it’s really tight.

Also, I figured out another method to combo into a corner UVG off the overhead, piercer against a cornered opponnent. The combo I mentioned before is quite consistent on smaller characters, but a little unreliable against bigger characters. For them, you can do:

:f:+:h:, :qcf:+:s: (opponent flips over you), cr.:m:xx:uf:+:atk:+:s:, j.:m:,/, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:xx:f:+:atk:+:s:, f:+:atk:+:s:, :df:+:atk:+:s: (stagger these so that the opponent doesn’t go too high and is pushed as far as possible), /, j.:h:xx:f:+:atk:+:s:, f:+:atk:+:s:, :df:+:atk:+:s: (do these as quickly as possible), / :qcf:+:h:~:l: etc.

This gets you around 510k before the super and doesn’t build nearly as much meter, but it’s pretty much foolproof. You might need to substitute j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h: with j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s: to keep certain fatties from floating too high depending on their hitboxes.

What do you mean by “stagger” I’m still getting use to the terms

It means space them out, don’t do them as soon as possible. “Slightly delay.”

hey duck, can you upload vids of your newer spencer tech and matches?

Yea Im having issues with the timing on this, the combo Im working on atm is standing magic series, super jump :m:(immediately) wait for a bit :df: :atk: + :s: :h: land :qcf: :h: :l: etc. Im having so many problems with this Im not sure where to start, first off, I occassionally perform TAC’s by mistake, I understand where this is coming from so ill just work on actually hitting the :atk: + :s:, secondly I either do the UWG too late(and have them block it) or do it too early and end up doing it in the air.

Im not asking you guys to complete the combo for me or anything, I understand somethings just take hours of practice to get down, but when your practicing for hours and not seeing any results you feel the need to just check in with the people who know their shit just to make sure your not making any errors or missing some important concepts. So my question to y’all is do you have any execution tips that could make the air series a little easier? Thanks in advance.

Don’t have to wait too long after the M to do the zip line. What ultimately matters is where you hit the H prior to landing. Hitting it at the top of the hurtbox, will likely ensure that the vertical wire grapple will hit. So rather than delaying the zip line heavily, delay the H.

Combo is prone to drop, in a tournament scenario, if you have optimal DHCs and meter, just keep it simple. However, it’s very powerful so learn if needed.