Haven’t seen anyone mention this, but the best way to end the GX loop is :df:+:atk:+:s:, :df:+:atk:+:s:, st.:h:xx:qcf::h:~:l: blah blah blah.
The stand :h: makes it 99% consistent against everyone in the cast. *
- Except Tron of course :arazz:.
Haven’t seen anyone mention this, but the best way to end the GX loop is :df:+:atk:+:s:, :df:+:atk:+:s:, st.:h:xx:qcf::h:~:l: blah blah blah.
The stand :h: makes it 99% consistent against everyone in the cast. *
^^i believe i tried that a while ago…if the loop ends midscreen, it seemed to be inconsistent…the grapple would whiff…maybe i did it wrong though
I had the same problem. You just gotta keep at it. After df zip wait a bit then H right after UVG. Honestly just keep practicing
I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?tvrv3r
Launch, then early j.M, once it hits, delay slightly (wait till Spencer’s body rises above the opponent) then d/f+Zip into the opponent and hit H as you’re falling, after this give yourself a small amount of time to land then do qcf+H. You can buffer qcf as you are in the air but don’t hit H till you land. That’s all there is to it and tbh it’s easier than it seems
Doing it as fast as possible I hardly ever drop it now.
what optimal combo should I use when I hit a character+assist with abc?
Depends on whether the assist causes knockdown or if the opponent is standing and in hit stun.
I mean happy birthday
This is a combo I just made while working on incoming character mixups.
I’m sure you guys have similar combos, but this is my first time in the thread(trying to see what people are coming up with on SRK):
[near corner]:f::h: +:a2: (Disruptor), :h::s: sjc :qcf::h:, tk :qcf::s:,
:h::s: sjc :qcf::hk:, :a1:(Rapid Slash), tk :qcf::s:, :s: sjc :qcf::h:, jump, air :qcf::h:, down-forward :s:+:l:, down-back :s:+:l:, :qcf::h:, jump, air :qcf:
901,100 damage, no hypers or x-factor
you can do I think around 950-960k if you use hidden missiles instead of Rapid Slash, but I don’t like using Doom that much. You can get rid of a couple of the S attacks to make it work on smaller characters and still get about 850k. With the Rapid Slash assist, wait for the opponent to start coming back down before you do the launcher, or the up grapple won’t reach in time.
Further than midscreen, with no XF, personally I’d go with
c:l::h::f::h: > Armor Piercer > Arm > DHC. Consistent, works everywhere, no random drop outs, etc. Only issue with this is that it builds slightly less than a bar
Midscreen to corner do
c:l::h::f::h: > Armor Piercer > (dash) :s: j:m:
:h::s: > Bomber xx Arm
In the corner do
c:l::h::s: j:m:
:h::s: > Bomber xx Arm > DHC
c:l::h::f::h: > Armor Piercer :l:
:h: xx Arm > DHC
Avoid using zips or grapples of any kind when you have 2 characters, it’ll just cause the combo and the assist to drop. Also, if you don’t confirm the happy b’day and launch when away from the corner, you can salvage some damage if you have an OTG DHC or THC available. Hit the lab to see what works
So, after looking at the first post, I just got confused lol.
What’s Spencer’s most practical/consistent midscreen/corner/everywhere combo? I plan on using Spencer as an assist but it’s hard practicing without a few combos to focus on first.
Anyone got any good confirms off of Weasel Shot/Jam Session and Magneto’s Disrupter?
Trying to get this combos down. (1:14:30)
Can’t seem to consistently hit the zip line after the air S after the Dash Back -> Air Wire Grapple, the opponent will usually just pop out.
I think it has to do with the jump height but I’m not sure.
You have to super jump the tk air m grapple. Just watch for the trail of smoke beneath your feet to see if you did it correctly
if you push an opponent into the corner with air forward zip into j.s, how do you make sure you’re close enough to the opponent such that when you call doom missiles, it picks up the opponent? this is during one of those circumstances where you can’t start the corner uvgs using smash dive because the opponent will flip out. i can do it sometimes (by zipping forward enough times to get underneath the opponent while in the air), but is there anything else i can do to get close enough to otg with missiles? i tried dashing and that doesn’t seem to help.
im having a problem with this too… it also drops in the corner and midscreen the h grapple whiffs. the last part of the loop to clarify is j.MHS zip df zip df H x H grapple right?
The last part of the loop I mentioned is j., j.:h:xx:df:+:atk::s:x2, st.:h:xx:qcf:+:h:~:l:; there is no j.:s: in the last rep. The st.:h: after the :df:+:atk::s:x2 is what makes it consistent for me. Just do the whole thing as fast as possible.
I saw Knives do another variation where after the third jump loop (j..j.:h:, j:s: in this case), he does :f:+:atk::s:, :f:+:atk::s:, :df:+:atk::s:, :qcf:+:h:~:l:.
The only difference is you have to end it with the criss cross zipline in the corner to land the second UVG. By that point in the combo, HSD is too far gone to land the standard ender with j.:s:.
I’m not a huge fan of this one because it’s not quite as reliable imo, but whatever works for you. It’s really a matter of personal preference.
Also, you shouldn’t do zip loops in the corner, Spencer has much more damaging stuff. You can start a zip loop in the corner if it’s your go-to hitconfirm, but after the first j. (falling after the initial sweep into zip), go into st.
,st.:h:, :s:xx UVG, OTG Bionic Bomber, st.
, st.:h:, :s:xx UVG, etc etc. You’ll get far more damage that way.
Got it down now, thanks!
I was messing around in the lab earlier and had some questions… I don’t have the Ultimate Marvel guide so can anybody tell me the difference (if there is one) between L command grab and M command grab? Other than the followup, obviously, I mean in terms of frame data or hitbox.
With that in mind- has anybody tried using spencer’s H to kara his command grab? I found a really good setup to be (against a blocking opponent)
:l: xx :h: ~ command grab.
The amount of time between when the blockstun of the L ends and the command grab’s acive frames begin is extremely small and I doubt any button could get out of it. Lemme if this was obvious or dumb but I don’t think I’ve seen any other Spencer players use it.
st. and cr.:h: also work well for kara’ing.
Dunno if there are actually any differences between :l: and command grabs though. They’re both 5 frames and I think they have the same range, dunno for sure though.