i luv you 3<
reading is a lost art
What makes you say that
I have to stop and say thank you all for helping me level up my Spencer. By reading this thread alone i am now able to pull off his loops and do the zig-zag zip-line finisher on a 360 joystick.
Screwed around in training mode after picking up Spencer, got this corner combo.
j.:s:,:d: :l:,:d:,:h:,:s:,
,:h:,:s:,:qcf::uf::h:-:l:, :a2: (Samurai Edge), :h:, :qcf::uf::h:-:l:, :a1: (Rapid Slash), :qcf::uf::s:, :qcf::uf::h:-:l:,:qcf:
:h:,:qcf::uf::u::h:, :s:+:l::d:,
Does 1,221,100 damage.
Builds around 1.8 meter.
,:h:,:s:,:qcf::uf::h:-:l: doesn’t work on a fair few characters, so you just emit the :s:.
So what are some good incoming character mix ups for Spencer? For example, I kill character 1, so here comes character 2.
One I’ve been messing around with is to do j.M straight zip j.fH to option select if they advance guard/xfactor guard cancel/block/hit. Still need to work on it.
can someone note the delay nuances for the gx loop? i know it’s supposed to be easy but I can’t even get the beginning down
sweep with h, diagonal up zip then wait until he’s falling and press M. I could see how the timing could be weird to you because spencers pretty close to landing and you cant mash m or it’ll whiff, then after you do that jump and chain mh zipdiagonal down, and when your almost at the ground hit a, If you press a too soon it wont come out so dont mash it!
im actually doing the modified on where its j.m j.h zip j.s land repeated twice. i thought you had to wait on j.m to keep your opponent higher in the air but i think that only applies for the unmodified zip loop. i’ve been hitting all 3 loops by hitting j.m ASAP. just haven’t hit the uvg after the last loop yet…
If you watch yipes spencer, he’ll as the incoming character is coming in from the corner he’ll doing a falling h, like the tip of the fist hits the bottom of their foot. If they block and don’t pushblock, you can dash up command grab/grab/overhead/low. If they pushblock you, you can dash up heavy command grab. And if they get hit by the h you can heavy grapple -> l into full corner combo.
With this setup, and GX’s team, I can TOD anyone for two meter.
The first is at 2/3 of the way down. The rest is mashable and very easy just try to do it as fast as possible.
So what do you guys use to keep pressure. Like the anti pushblock strings, for example magnus’ j:l::l: option select dash up or grab.
Does spencer have any cept for the incoming os that adam spoke of.
I usually use hulk gamma’s wave after a pushblock to zipline in and go for a overhead, it works a lot sadly haha.
video of yipes vs marlinpie if you wanna watch the os in action
yea. aside from that first j.m down and the second j.m afterwards (too fast and you get the j.h that’s supposed to come afterwards), everything has to be done really fast (which is nice, but faster than i expected). no visual confirms of the j.m after j.s, just gotta input j.m asap after j.s and it’ll connect.
Omg Yipes wastes so much bar when he doesn’t have to.
I’m having trouble finding a reliable Mid-screen combo for Spencer. Team so far is, Spencer/Doom/Sent
what do you guys usually do in a happy birthday combo? in 2 situations, you have them on the ground in an abc combo, and starting with a bionic arm. thanks! (also mid screen + corner might be different)
If you’re starting with a Bionic Arm, the best thing to do is 2 or 3 jump loops depending on the level of X-factor(just ,:h:,:s:, no ziplines) and then launch aircombo into OTG death from above xx Bionic Arm. Most characters will be dead before you even get to the super.
Off an abc combo, I’d just do the starter for the zip loop then go straight into 2 jump loops, that should get you to the corner.
didnt know it was possible to get an extra UVG with tasky assist…but its possible mind blown