Make sure your doing a normal jump tiger knee otg. Just keep at it
Ok so I just picked up spencer a week ago and now I’m trying to learn the zip loop. I can get the loop 3x into the hard knockdown but after I OTG with the zipline and try to combo with :s:xx zip afterwards the characters flip out of the combo…what am i doing wrong?
I’m using this video as a reference
Tiger knee it so you get a superjump. The :s: will have more hitstun that way.
thanks yo…I was tiger kneeing the zip but apparently I wasn’t low to the point where it didn’t look like i jumped at all…before I was a tad bit off of the ground when i did it.
I’m thinking of for funnsies playing spencer/vergil/mag/ anything i can setup with either one of these assist? Combo wise of course.
Calling Virgil (rapid slash) after a UVG and doing Death from Above lets you get another UVG (provided it’s not too late into the combo). Hyper grav allows you to get a UVG as well, but you’re probably better off with disrupter.
So eh, Im tryna pick up spencer, but he seems like a lot of his combos are context sensitive, doesn’t seem to have any universal BnB’s. So I guess my question is what do I need to know while comboing with spencer so I have the presence of mind to change up my combo depending on the situation? Also whats like the mid-screen combo I should be working on? There’s this jump loop type combo I see combo and knives doing mid-screen and it seems relatively damaging but I can’t figure out what the notation is. Or should I always go for that zip-line corner carry combo? For such a basic character, comboing with him is rather complicated imo.
Oh btw my teams spencer/ammy/hawkeye, I notice a lot of assist specific combos as well so I figured id post what assists Im running with.
Notations for the jump loop type is (Spencer facing right, numeric pad notation since direction matters): L, M, 2H, 9A+S, falling air M, forward jump, air M, air H, air S, 3A+S … and repeat.
There’s another variation that goes like air M, air H, 3A+S, S and repeat. I typically don’t go for jump loops too frequently. The time to link the falling M after the diagonal zip-line is tricky.
If Spencer is first on your team, you’d probably want to do whatever grants the most meter. Jump loops in this case are better. Stark and Duckstrong have some pretty nice combo videos on Spencer. If you get jump loops down, there shouldn’t be much variation on your corner and mid-screen combos. Your corner combos should involve more UVGs if possible (unscaled vertical grapples).
So what combo do you recommend me going for since Im just learning the character? Its kinda hard deciding where to focus my time since I see soo many different combos and variations on combos.
Considering you have no OTG assist, I’d recommend the GX loop for midscreen and in the corner just do his standard corner BnB (S > j.M > d/f+Zip > j.H [land] > qcf+H>L etc)
Just check out my second post on this page if you need a visual on the loop, the corner BnB is on the front page (you’ve likely seen it loads of times though). This also works from midscreen to corner but I personally wouldn’t go for it at that position
Does spencer overhead (f+h) hit if the opponent is block it standing. I thought it only hit if they crouch block. Then again Im a rookie
It only hits if they crouch block or don’t block at all.
It’s an overhead not an unblockable.
Hey y’all, amazing thread- I’ve watched all the videos and read as much as I can but still don’t think I know what to do about this problem: hopefully somebody can help. Basically I want to find a way to get a hard knockdown after doing TK grapple after I’ve DHCed from Magnetic Tempest -> Bionic Maneuvers. Currently I can do:
-TK Grapple, zip down, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers
as my standard followup, but if I don’t have meter for that I still want to be able to get a hard knockdown so I can do TK grapple again and achieve the fixed knockdown state.
Ideally I want to get another UVG after the DHC but the only method which seems like it might work is using 2 diagonal grapples into UVG but when I tried that it caused me to be on the other side of the character and push them out of the corner. I don’t seem to be able to do any of the followups listed in the first post because by this point the combo is easily over 100 hits and hitstun scaling doesn’t allow me to use S in the air without the opponent recovering.
Any thoughts?
The two diagonal zips works forever and always just let yourself fall down a bit then do the zips as fast as possible. You should land allowing a uvg. I’d also recommend doing a tk grapple because it eases up the timing. There is no reason why it shouldn’t be working. Just practice you’ll get it. Sorry I couldn’t help at all not sure what problem you’re having.
New Spencer here. What are the 3-4 most practical Spencer combos to get started with? Thinking of good damage, easily modified once once learned, etc… There are just so many combos out there I was hoping some of you vets could put me on the path. Thanks in advance for any and all replies!
hi guys im new to spencer and i want a Basic combo with vergil’s Rapid slash if anyone could help me I would appreciatet thanks
I managed to get it working consistently- it’s a pretty exact timing but definitely worth it for the extra 80k in the combo and the following mixup. Thanks again!
:eek: Holy ziplines, Batman! So many people seeking combos for Spencer.
I hear there is a pretty sick combo list right here.
Can anyone please help me extend my spencer combo with vergil Rapid slash assist
:l: , , :d: :h: , :uf: :h: +:s: , falling air , forward jump, air , air :h: , :df: :h: +:s: , air :s:, forward jump, air , air :h: , :df: :h: +:s: , air :s: forward jump, air air :h: , :df: :h: +:s: , :df: :h: +:s:, UVG, Vergil Assist, TK Bionic Bomber, UVG, Bionic Maneuvers