Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

naw its cool u guys, but do u have tips on fighting Zero

It doesn’t work on her at all, like I pointed out in my vid. So you’ll just have to do the older zip loop. It works on everyone else though

What do you mean by braindead timing

You don’t need to stagger anything like you do with other loops and any changes you have to do to make it work on heavier or lighter characters are marginal so that it’s really not noticeable.

If you made a vid on the gx loop I would definitely appreciate a link.


Guess I’m kinda late but I’m starting to hit these naturally in casuals now and that carry is too much. Dropping it a lot less than the original loop also. To think I went so long playing Spencer in Ultimate without a real solo midscreen BnB

So this gx loop is the best version of the zip loop or the more consistent version

I am having trouble consistently landing Spencer’s UVG after Wesker’s gunshot assist midscreen.

Does anyone have any tips on landing the UVG after Wesker’s gunshot after a basic air series? I know that there are better things to do mid screen, but I am still working on my zip loops. I can’t even do a corner to corner basic Spencer combo!

The game is telling you to stop playing Wesker.

Other versions get a little more damage but it appears the most consistent and is by far the easiest. Really it’s just about reliably getting good corner carry and saving assists for the juicier stuff later in the combo

Air magic series > land > Call Wesker > Dash > c.H xx UVG

Thanks criminal. I’ve been using air magic series,wesker,dash,cr.H,S, UVG. I will eliminate the S and give it a go.



cr:h::s: uvg midscreen doesn’t work on most characters…Just sayin
And the easiest but still good fullscreen combo is
cr:l::m::h::s: sj delay slightly air:m::m::h::s:(take your time in between the air moves to get farther foward.) call wesker cr:h: uvg, dash forward, :qcf::uf::m: fall back air:s: zip:f: zip:df: uvg maneuvers.
Works anywhere on the screen and is literally the easiest thing known to man but it still does like 700k.

Whose your third? Maybe you can spice up the combo.

Thanks for the feedback TimTim.
I actually use something similar to the easy combo that you listed. I’m just trying to branch out a little. I do have a question about the ender to your combo though.

Do you have any tips on landing that last UVG? I can do zip forward, zip down forward, S xx UVG fine. I just can’t seem to get the timing down for zip forward, zip down forward, dry UVG. Go figure!

I use Wolverine as my third. Works really well for DHC’s as I am sure that you know. I am open to any combo ideas that you have!

Nope no combos since you should use him for b.barrage. For dry uvg hit your fall back s a lot lower than usual so after your zip df you land on the ground really fast.

What’s “UVG”?

Unscaled Verticle Grapple

Anybody who plays Spencer, Dr.Strange, and Doom heres a Midscreen combo

So while screwing around with Spencer, I found that you can cancel an air zip line instantly into a “Tarzan swing”. Kinda useless tech in my opinion though…

I found that it’s somewhat viable though midscreen, as it swings you so you can grab them. In the corner, it places you just below them.

Not sure where to leave it in this forum, so I’ll put it here.

anybody got tips on doing the zig zag zip combo after the OTG consistently? (down forward zip, down back zip, UVG). I can do it about a third of the time but it either the 2nd zip whiffs, the UVG misses or the UVG auto corrects and cancels into bionic arm instead of manouvres and does less damage