Nice vid dude.
well im just speaking from a spencer perspective. yeah they all have more experience than knives does, but when it comes down to the actual character, knives has the best one. yipes and pr rog both have said that they picked up spencer just for the damage output.
and knives doesnt do the command grab incoming mix up too often because he doesnt need to. his team actually has two better choices.
It kinda shows to be honest. There’s a lot of stuff about the character that they don’t know.
yeah, thats exactly my point…which is why i stated that knives has the best tournament spencer hands down, knives actually knows spencer in and out (he may not always show it in competition, but from ive seen in casual streams, he’s easily the best out of them). Combo is still great too, but he hasnt really integrated any of his UMVC3 changes and usually settles for the basic combos
Yipes just picking him up for the damage output has no bearing on whether or not he plays the character well. Watching Yipes play that set against Marlinpie, it’s clear that his Spencer is on point and he knows how to take control of a match from a neutral position and not let up. Knives has shown that he can control a match with just Spencer, but it’s inconsistent and it normally falls on his other characters to win the match.
Thanks Criminiminal!
Raoh d-_-b
Combo hands down has the best spencer just due to the fact of how well he is doin with just spencers most basic non meter efficient combos. It wouldn’t even be close if he put time in the lab or on forums to learn some combos
lol…combo is still playing vanilla spencer…yes, he is REALLY solid, but thats cuz of his fundamentals, but it seems as though he’s invested most of his time into his nova…the only two spencers that i’ve seen integrate the new OTG double zip UVG ender is knives and Yipes…which is why i would rank them 1 and 2…and believe me, im a huge combo fan, im not saying this to be biased and im not making these posts to start shit, just stating my opinions on who would be the best tournement player to follow if you’re trying to learn the crazy spencer stuff.
Combo does that ender, so does Infrit. Even PR Rog sometimes does that. Infrit even does the latest “crisscross” ender at the end of very long combos/after bionic maneuvers.
actually, i really like infrit’s spencer as well…but figure he doesnt get much exposure outside of cali…as for combo, i have YET to see him do that ender in tournament, even last night, didnt even do it when given multiple chances, he just does the down-zip piercer
Unless you are talking about the crisscross ender then no.
i meant the ender that follows up a bionic maneuvers like he did at 1:09:42 …instead of going for the new combo, he goes for the armor piercer finish
I think Combofiend is still far and away the best Spencer player even if he doesn’t always use the most efficient combos.
I agree with duck strong. On offense combfiend spencer is scarier. I think he’s a solid player over all
I mean don’t consider yipes a full fledged spencer yet because of when he does air :h: grapple then armor piercer with vergil assist. Such pitiful damage. He could be doing bomber with vergil assist into uvg for so much more damage every time and preserve the bounce. But lol respect to yipes the second he picked up spencer he started doing so much better.
And what are people talking about with knives having better technology/knowledge and everything. I’ve seen the casual streams nothing ever amazes me.
Combofiend is w/o a doubt stuck in vanilla Marvel. I cant stand that he does the magic series into air magic series then picks up with air grapple and does bionic arm. I mean he is combofiend why not learn them. Hes too focused on nova and hawkeye. It makes we want to cry because his spencer used to be so good.
As for PR Rog he has plenty of tech but I don’t think he cares enough to use it unless he has too. He’s a training room monster so he definitely learned the zip :df: zip :db: thing he just doesn’t use it because he almost never does the 2 bar spencer combos he usually uses the bounce before the first bar.
I picked up Spencer recently and have been training with him for a while every day and I still can’t seem to get the OPs mid screen to corner combo 100%
it’s the backstep TK j.:qcf:, j:s: j.:f::s:+:atk: j.:df::s:+:atk: |> :s: that I can’t seem to get
half the time they’ll flip out of the j.:f::s:+:atk:
I’ve got a feeling it has to do with my timing on it but it seems almost impossible to accurately gauge when to do the j.:f::s:+:atk:
Any tips?
I haven’t checked to see which combo in particular you are talking about, but usually you have to make sure you’re doing a super jump TK rather than a normal jump TK as that affects the hit stun of the j. :s: (make sure you don’t hold down and try to do the motion quickly, you should be able to distinguish the heights to determine whether or not it was done correctly - sj. TK is lower). Also you should be doing the forward zip immediately after the j. :s:
Ah okay I didn’t know about the super jump part of it. I’ll try that, thanks
I know i might sound like a stream monster but combo doesnt even play nova any more, he said himself he wasnt that good of a character, he now plays she-hulk, frank west, spencer in that same order, he actually does good with lvl 3 xfactor spencer when he need em
He used Nova/FrankWest/Spencer the last tournament he was at.