Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

If anybody runs Spencer, Sentinel , And Doom heres a fun combo

how do you guys get past pushblocking when using spencer? should i just go straight the h overhead or sweep

God that team has ridiculous combos. Like everyone helps everyone. I got a TOD with with each of them for 1-2 bars.

Also the thing with that zoop is like hitstun. The SJ trick really helps but sometimes its a lost cause.
For like a regular 12 hits with spencer you can do the zips ridiculously slow.
By 25 hits you need to do the initial zip almost instantly.
After 30 hits its a lost cause they will always fall out during the first zip.

What I mean by 12 hits and 25 hits I mean something along the lines of
:m::h::qcf::l::l: bomber :m::h::s: uvg then the tk medium kick bla bla bla. Thats around 12 hits or something like ground magic series to air magic series otg with wesker uvg. Thats 12 hits and very easy to connect.
25 would be like
:m::h::qcf::l::l: bomber :m: call sentinel assist :h::s: uvg assist hits uvg call wesker to otg :s: uvg then the tk :m: bla bla bla. Thats around 25 hits and there you would need to seriously speed up your zips.

yea its pretty dumb i get 850k in the corner 2 assist before i get to super, i build up something like a little less than a bar and a half

The hell have you been watching? Yipes’current Spencer combo w/ Vergil’s assist does 900k+ with 1 meter… look up his vids vs. NerdJosh. He optimized the shit out of that team and even plays Combos “old” team at some parts.

It’s about time, not hits, but I get what you’re saying if you’re just doing Spencer’s regular combos with no assists to start out.

Does anybody have any suggestions for a good substitute for sentinel

I can easily get a mil plus for one meter. Using only vergil assist -__-. Those are far from optimized, but occasionally he uses vergil assist like knives uses sent assist for a double uvg which is the closes thing he does to max damage.

I recently bought an arcade stick. I hope to become better at fighting games. Now I’m learning umvc3 all over again. I learned spencer jump loop on a pad. The way i practice it on pad, i cant use it on the stick. How did you guys with an arcade stick practice his jump loop. Better yet what training excerises you guys use to practice his jump loop

Yea Yipes is where I learned some new spencer combos. Utilizing his stuff with mine, I can get well over 1.1 million using 2 bars and wesker OTG assist. Without the OTG assist it ends up being 1 million.

Using she hulk resets, I can Kill thor without using any meter.

Also take a look at Knive’s spencer. It is just as sick.

I’ve been considering different points for an xxx Doom Ammy shell, and theoretically Spencer seems like he could really utilize Cold Star well. Ive literally never used Spencer before, so I’m wondering if Plasma Beam, Hidden Missiles, and Cold Star are good for him. I tend to favor neutral assists over combo extenders, but since this is the combo thread I’m curious if any of those assists are combo friendly for Spencer. Or even if he fits in this shell well. Seems like his fwd+H overhead should make Cold Stars nightmarish to deal with, no?

Also, any recommendations for an easy midscreen BNB to get started with, and then go into fancier stuff once I can no longer say “I’ve never used Spencer before?” I dont need to TOD yet, just consistent damage when I land a hit. Thanks!

Edit: Also, in training I’m finding after BBCS after a launch, I’m finding the only way to hit an OTG grapple after is if I start my air series immediately and do it quickly. Am I doing something wrong, or do you just have to do it like that w/ Spencer? Most characters you want to delay somewhat upon launching.

Hidden missiles are amazing for spencer, it lets you get in and it lets you get two UVG which is a free 180k-190k damage. I was also thinking of running Spencer/Doom/Ammy as I’m currently running Spencer/Hulk/Doom but I’m not really like Doom as an anchor character.

You’d be amazed how many assists are awesome for spencer but Imo the 2 best are doom and sentinel. They let you get in and add good damage. I’m amazed at how awesome spencer vergil synergy is though. Like combo potential is ridiculous, everything is safe as shit, life = good.

I was watching the runback and they said for Zero and Spencer, you can continue the combo from a rekkoha in a DHC if you whiff the bionic arm and then do H grapple. I saw it tapebot use it once for a reset option. As a combo extender, can you do H grapple, OTG air Grapple, Criss Cross Zip, H Grapple into Bionic Manouvres (or air grapple to save meter) and if so, does it do more damage than the bionic arm alone?

Crossposting from video thread.


Thanks! Would you mind typing out the midscreen combo you’re referencing? I tried Spencer in battle for the first time yesterday and had decent success landing hits, but am not too sure how to relaunch from an OTG air qcf+M so my combos were weak. Though I did get down, for corner, OTG air qcf+H, late jS, land jMHS xx A+S, land, S relaunch. Yay.

I know Ive got some work to do on getting damage from different kinds of confirms, but was wondering if someone could spell out two things:

  1. As mentioned above, how to keep it going on a midscreen BNB after OTG air qcf+M. Im assuming it’s a downfwd A+S zipline thing into a jS, but can’t seem to get that after the air qcf+M
  2. After overhead fwd+H, qcf+S my wall bounce gets used up, so when I launch and air series, doing the OTG air qcf+M/H doesn’t let me pick back up, etc. Do I just settle for a shorter combo off a confirmed overhead, or is there a way to keep it going after the first launch?


:eek: Regarding your question about comboing after overhead, Cold Star might actually hold your opponent in place after the second grapple if you time if tightly enough.

Actually, to answer most of your questions, Spencer really is a rhythm character when it comes to his combos. Because of the tiny details like distance from opponents when using grapples, the starter you used, how long your ground string was, etc. – many of the intricacies of his combos aren’t in black and white. Maybe I’m just a slow learner for this character type, but it took me about a month to learn his stuff in vanilla and an extra two for Ultimate. Long story short, when you’re trying combo stuff, and you see you’re failing something, try it with a different timing or a different rhythm. All the notation in the world doesn’t help anybody get a real feel for when to do what, so aside from actually learning the notations, learning how to practice -differently- is essential to learning the character, I think.

Mix it up. You can be thrown out of the overhead’s recovery between armor piercer, so it isn’t safe unless there’s an assist behind you. I have to get that out of my system because people are picking up on it. Instead I usually end my chains early and jump and do a diagonal zip or just cancel whatever normal I ended with with a forward zip or diagonal forward zip. Sometimes people push block and immediately try to follow up with a dash or jump so if I pick up on their pattern I’ll throw out the respective grapple (though that’s another bad habit to get into if you do it predictably).

I run Spencer/Doom (beam)/Ammy (cold star).

I prefer beam because in reality getting up grapples with Spencer is really not that difficult without missiles if you’re in the corner with this team. Sure, I could probably kill any character with missiles without using meter in the corner if I did Spencer’s corner combo (If my math is correct and hit stun decay allows for it I think you’d get 6 up grapples which should undoubtedly be enough to kill… maybe having to waste a meter at the end on Thor) but in reality, most characters being used don’t have high enough health to make using meter an issue with him. Beam just seems better for him from a neutral point because it clears anything on screen which helps Spencer get in since he can’t do it as well for himself, and it allows for better mixups.

As for using Spencer’s diagonal grapple it’s very combo dependent. If you’re doing a standard magic series, the speed at which you do it determines what type of grapple will connect. Sometimes you can TK, sometimes you can’t, sometimes you can normal jump, sometimes you can do a down grapple.

Combos on the front page should be more than helpful at illustrating basic stuff. Zip loops are what you want to progress towards though.

Stark, I will never understand how you get Ammy to save your wallbounce. They never get held by cold star so I do bomber M, H, (call Ammy),S>UVG>UVG instead.

However, definitely going to try to use some of your Ammy stuff.