Finally found a way to get a UVG extension with Jam Session, just trying to perfect it at this point and gotta make sure it works consistent on smalls and bigs. I know the Spencer/Dante pairing is kinda rare but this is pretty good for their synergy. I’ll try and upload a vid later
If I didn’t prefer Ammy with the THC mixups as well as her assist for lockdown for Doom I would play Dante anchor on my team. Used to convert off Jam Session assist with grapples when using it to keep out rushdown character. His THC isn’t too bad of a punish either since you get at least one UVG (multiple if you X-Factor).
Wouldn’t your 2nd combo use the wall bounce already with the air :l: grapple?
Does GX’s loop work on all character’s with different weights?
It isn’t an air grapple.
And yes, it does work.
No it’s a standing :h::qcf::l:
It’s consistent on the likes of Joe, Rocket, Zero, Hulk, Ammy, Sentinel, MODOK & Nemesis so I’d assume it works on everyone
Ahh ic, my bad, read that wrong. If you’re near corner, you can always do , cr:h:, :uf: zip, falling j.
xx :h: grapple instead, it won’t affect the rest of your combo.
Sounds good, I’ll have to mess with that loop.
Is there video of this loop on youtube? Anyone knows?
Seems like it would be a lot less damaging because of scaling but I could be dead wrong. Could you confirm that for me? Sorry I just don’t have an xbox atm and damn I really should learn the zip loops.
I don’t know thing one about Spencer, and am lurking to maybe learn a thing or two (hi!). But as I was reading I saw this, and Hawk is a character I do know a thing about. I actually think Hawk, in general, is best in the 2 spot. Some team compositions disagree, and correctly, but he has inherent weaknesses as anchor, and is much more dangerous with a few meters. DHCs into Hawk tend to be weak, but not always (If you can go into Scattered Exploding Arrows). Anyway, for this team I think you want Spencer Hawk Akuma without a doubt. I know enough about Spencer to know he wants to be your point, and Hawk is great at 2, Akuma great at 3. Plus Hawk is surprisingly strong with a tatsu.
He’s fine in second. I use him as point because with 2 assists his zoning is just ridiculous and with lv.3 xfactor he gets access to pretty ridiculous stuff. But yeah I’d recommend spencer, hawkeye, akuma.
Yeah, I didn’t wanna come off as combative, especially since we were advocating the same order. Id just given a great deal of thought to hawks best slot and wanted to 2-cents it. I agree on paper point hawk is the shit, and hawk storm morri is one of the games most fun teams. But I find when the opponent has a lot of life and characters and is more willing to take risks, hawks defensive deficiencies feel more pronounced. But again, every rule has exceptions, and this one has many. So I’m theoretically disagreeing, but practically agreeing 100% lol
thanks for the advice man im glad you said that because i was feelin the same way about the order, and i’ll look up the zip loop but my corner combo with solo spencer is pretty decent 1mil off 2 bars by using the bionic bomber otg then dash back do it again etc… but i’ll check yours out. and my level 3 x factor akuma and hawkeye is pretty godlike so that’ll be a hard decision. You got any other
team suggestions that go well with specifically spencer?
Thanks for the opinions
Don’t think so. I just saw GX do it on a JP stream once. I’ll include it in my Spencer + Jam Session video anyway, it’ll be ass quality but you should be able make out what I’m doing
I think anyone having trouble with the standard zip loop should just transition to the GX loop (I like the sound of that actually), it only does like 5k less damage but it works on every character with very little timing difference, travels corner-to-corner consistently vs everyone, works in the corner consistently and most importantly it’s braindead easy. Don’t know about anyone else, but I found landing the 3rd rep of the standard loop quite difficult on smaller characters in particular, this basically solves any consistency problems anyone had
Of course if you’ve got the normal zip loop down consistently on everyone you can just ignore what I’m saying here
It’s not 100% consistent on everyone, you have to make slight adjustments for characters like Doom (I know eh?) and Tron.
I figured out some more damaging ones than what’s been posted (~20k more), but they’re obviously much less reliable.
Where can i see your video. How do you watch the japanese stream
i’ve seen knives to that zip loop in tournaments b4…and ive seen fanatiq do it in his stream using spencer casually…
personally, if anyone wants to watch a tournament spencer, i HIGHLY recommend watching knives play.
over combofiend, over PR Rog, over Yipes
Eh, Yipes’ Spencer does the same shit and more. Yipes actually uses UMVC3’s version of a “guard break.”
Knives has fancy combos and execution but he doesn’t play as intelligently as the rest of them.
Finally got my extension down. It’s not as easy as it looks, but the extra damage from the UVG is definitely worth learning this ender over the old one with Armor Piercer
Can’t remember what stream it was, probably amalgame(?). I’ve got it in my vid anyway