Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

Nah fiddlestix I know :s: uvg doesn’t work on shorties but I was asking that after a long combo and I do air :m: zip fall back :s: zip forward zip downfard uvg after the first s they drop out before I can zip do I have to do it faster? Because thats annoying.

after longer combo’s characters tend to pop out when u hit S after a jump M or H grapple…try TK’ing the grapple, a super jump’d S has more hit stun then a regular jS…some cases tho, the combo may just be too long


Can someone give me an ender for my combo.
st. :m::h::s: uvg bomber :m::h::s: uvg call otg assist st:h::s: uvg.
I usually use jump :h: grapple fall back zip down armor piercer into maneuvers.

Wait no the regular ender does fine. 1,030,300 on larger characters.
942,100 on smaller characters.
Like a sad 740k on goddamn rocket coon sizes.

What are the best combos to use after landing an air-throw midscreen and grapple -> :l: midscreen?

I have a pretty good idea, but the results I’m getting are pretty inconsistent.

I see people doing an armor piercer after UVG and even after the bionic lancer. How that possible

It’s character specific. Just off the top of my head, it works on:


and about 10 or so other characters.

The timing is easy so you might as well use it for an extra 18k damage and meter. You just have to know who it works on.

UVG Grapple?

“Unscaled Vertical Grapple” Grapple?

Do you need some kind special setup

Just off a UVG in the corner.


Sick! Got myself a new combo especially for rocket raccoon type characters.
Does 887k
Has one assist (sentinalllll)
Works at or near corner.
Starts with cr.l

Goes like this :

cr:l::m::h::qcf::l::l:: bomber st. :m::h: call assist :qcf::l: delay :l: dash back :qcf::uf::m::m: fall back :s: zip :f: zip :df: uvg bionic maneuvers.
I cry when I use this combo because I don’t have sentinel on any of my teams :’( and I’ll never get to destroy a coon with it.

Got a 1.223 mil damage combo (1 bar)
2 assists (sentinel and doom) (lol)
starts with jump :s:
Corner only.
Lets go:

j. :s: st:m::h::s: uvg bomber st:m::h: sent assist :s: :qcf::uf::h: delay :l: (assist hits) uvg dash back :qcf::uf::m::m: fall back :s: zip :f: zip :df: uvg doom assist uvg let the rest hit uvg maneuvers. :qcf::uf::h: Very easy to do but not that reliable considering it has 2 assists that don’t belong together and is corner/near corner only.

Does 1.57 mil starting from j:s: st:m::h::qcf::l::l:
1.04 mil from command grab.
The only person you can’t kill for a bar is thor because you cant :m::h: uvg him even in corner at the beginning lowering the damage to 1.57 mil but it builds over 1.5 bars so you should be able to dhc.

Not sure why you think Doom and Sentinel are a bad fit. Spencer+Doomtinel is a monster team.

The assists are kind of like a waste. They are both zoning and getting in. No get of my assist and they aren’t the most reliable at times.
Idk if you like them best of luck and enjoy the combo you can kill almost the entire cast with 1 bar.
I do think it’s nice that you can get a mil 1 bar using only one of their assists but meh.

Spencer has loads of TOD’s on Thor for 1 bar.


Really? Can I have one?

Lol 1mil meterless combos? This is too much for me.
I’ve seen knives do
:qcf::uf::m::m: fall back :s: zip :f: zip :df: uvg
and sentinel assist would hit in the middle but I don’t get when to call the assist.

Bah since you ask, this is old as the hills. He has tons of ways of doing it with tons of assists:


I haven’t done any videos in a long while, but I might change that.

Thats the first thor tod that i’ve seen for 1 bar. And very nice video.