Thanks Tengu, I will work on it!
Thanks Tengu, I will work on it!
Whoops, I meant Call Wesker>Dash, not the other way around but you get the point, you have to do cr.H to get it to work
Fiddlestix that’s great and shockingly easy, I was trying to do exactly that months ago but for some reason I was never able to do it with any consistency so I got the idea it wasn’t worth trying for…
But now, trying it, I got it down in less than ten minutes… My roommate walked by about that time and was like “I see you practicing Marvel, it’s time to play some Marvel,” and I got it everytime it came up in those matches… Um.
Sorry for being retarded but whats the spencer tech? Is it after the air h grapple I zip and tk up grapple?
Hey Fiddlestix
“Works on all characters except shorties”
If you TK your grapple without superjumping, it sets up a height which allows a wider timing that allows you to more easily connect this against midweights like Wolvie. And, it also makes it work against Ammy, Joe, RR, etc. Against RR, I can’t get it not to turn around and toss him the other way… But I can kill him for 0 stock using this, so that doesn’t matter THAT much.
Haha yea same here, I was inspired by the Jam session extension you did in a video a while back where I commented on trying to get another up grapple so I was messing around with some concepts but I never really got it to work. But I was thinking, there must be a way to get the Up grapple that ignores hitstun. Then after getting really good with jump loops I think am almost fully realizing the utility of his zip line, and it just came to me. And the fact that it puts them back into corner close enough to call doom is just icing on the cake.
After Bionic Maneuvers, everyone does :d:zip, Armor Piercer xx Bionic Maneuvers.
The piece of tech I found is that after Maneuvers, you do :df: zip,:db: zip, :h: grapple ~ :l: followup and you can either cancel into another maneuvers, or extend the combo.
It places them into the corner so you can call assists for further extensions (like I did with doom missiles). And I think you can actually call assist first before you do the :h: grapple too. In other words, DHCing into maneuvers in the corner now means your opponent must die.
I’m just gonna leave this here
Fiddlestix would you mind if I made a video explaining all about that piece of tech of yours, why it’s important, what it does for you? I mean your video is very good but, I mean… I have a better recording setup than you
I’ll have time to make it on Saturday… In the mean time, someone should record a video of doing the exact combo in the video I’ve embedded in this post and post it as a video response to that video (Or just link it here, I’ll see it). I’ll shout you out in an upcoming video. That one, if fiddlestix is okay with it.
Haha, sure as long as you credit me for that piece of tech ;).
I tried out the normal jump TK and it does indeed work for short guys. So this follow up works on everyone now!
It’s a pity I don’t have better recording equipment.
What do you use if you don’t mind me asking? I’m restricted to laptop stuff so if you have any recommendations for me that would be great!
On a side note I also discovered a sweet lvl 1 Frank West midscreen relaunch combo that gets to level 3 and works on everyone that I’m about to share at the Frank forums, but maybe a video would be better
I use a Hauppauge HD PVR.
Awesome, thanks for the tip. I’m gonna go buy it tomorrow and remake my videos since I have more tech to share.
credits goes to you gentlemen.
Sure do hate that I still go by Stark here
Damn inability to get a name change, I hate this
I should just make a new account
Man that combo extender after the maneuvers is brilliant! Can easily get over a million after a command throw and TOD off of a Cr.L on Thor starting with 1 meter now.
What do you like to be called
Make your signature Call me _______
Haha ty sir. You use Cap right? So now your team probably can do 1.1mil for maybe no meter negative, cause I know cap fits this spencer/doom combo extender perfectly.
So ummm guys when I do an air grapple with spencer I see most follow with :s: zip forward, zip downforward then up grapple.
Does that up grapple have to be tk’d? A
And any tips on landing it I’m execution-ally challenged when it’s something unorthodox.
So I saw Kurronn try this in a couple of matches. He didn’t actually land it completely but this is what I assume he was going for. It’s another version of the zip loop and it seems pretty consistent. Damage is also quite good:
:d::l:, :d:, :d::h:xx:uf:+:atk:+:s:, j.
, /, (j.
,j.:h:, :df:+:atk:+:s:, j.:s:/) x 3, st.:h:xx:qcf::h:~:l:, blah blah corner OTG grapple into UVGxx Maneuvers.
So basically he zips diagonally down forward after 2 jump hits and connects j.:s: before landing. Does this for 3 reps, on the third rep you wait as long as possible to hit the jump :s:, then st.:h: into UVG and then you guys know the rest. I find this easiest of all the methods so far and the damage is solid.
On the very first rep you can add an extra j. for more meter. Doesn’t really add much to damage though.
Anybody have tips for the Tiger Kneed Up Grapple after a standing S? I cant land it for whatever reason. I see the graple fly next to the opponent. Help?
What combo are you trying to do, exactly?
I planned on starting to learn PR Rogs BNB Where he does 2 up graples. One after OTG assist and one after.