Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

This has to do with the height of the character when doing your jump loops. I now actually use st. :h: instead of cr :h: since it does a little better damage and comes out faster.
To help with the jump loops, make sure you jump up and hit with :m: immediately, and then slowly do that :h:, :s:, :df: zip. If you have trouble with it at first, for the first loop, do j. :m:,:m:,:h: so it will pop them up higher and the rest of the loops is more lenient.
These jump loops are weight dependent and you need to visually assess how high the character is to know if you can land the :h: grapple or not, or just go for an :l: grapple if you know it’s not gonna work.

Can someone give me a combo that is corner to corner but still works midscreen and isn’t the zip loop combo? Idk why I just hate loops unless they are dr.strange’s

His basic magic series-> otg grapple->relaunch-> magic series is corner to corner.

Can I get something a bit more, idk Spencery?
I appreciate you answering but I don’t really like basic combos.

This, or jump loops.
If not, then you need assists and the combo will depend on assists.
Spencer combos are pretty easy to freestyle once you get used to him, if your goal is position rather than max damage.

Yeah I check that vid out. Does it work midscreen too?
Finally umm I have a lot of trouble landing the :s::h: :s: or light grapple after the zipline. I can never land the :s: and if I do land the :s: the :h::s:/:h: :l: grapple miss.
Thank you for the help.

OH YEAH. What would I do to that combo if I had an otg assist?

The hardest part is the zip part mid screen. The most consistent way is to neutral jump and then do :m: grapple at the peak of your jump. More or less works midscreen.

If you had otg assist then you can treat Spencer as every other character really. Or watch PR Rog’s Spencer combos. Real basic and utilize OTG assist. There are a lot of stuff you can do with Spencer, too much to name. It’s better to understand him as a character first and ask more specific questions.

Lol yeah I just started playing with spencer yesterday. I made my own corner combo with spencer but apparently it’s just like pr rog’s. I just do as many up grapples as possible. As for midscreen I guess I’m going to use his because it’s easy and efficient as for corner to corner, I’m gonna try the one you showed me.

So I was working on a new combo that used one assist and repeated bombers to, basically, look really cool and add a little bit of extra damage… But I decided the execution was too difficult to be justified since it didn’t add much damage and also didn’t work on most characters. Too bad.

I will probably record it anyway, because it does look pretty sweet

But yeah.

ASAP plz



I use Ammy to save my wallbounce for after the super. I can’t get in another UVG, but there’s something I can get…

Not everyone can get hit by the second bionic bomber, and it’ll also fail if you start this from midscreen, or if you do :m: :h: :s: jcc :qcf::h: (though that also doesn’t work on everyone, so there ARE times when this is actually appropriate) due to only having just barely enough time on the hitstun decay clock to connect super in this. Without the assist, you can do it on the characters it works on even in those situations, though. I really just put it in for style points and to yell at myself for calling that trick useless when I first found out about it

If it won’t work or if you don’t want to deal with it you can just cancel the reel-in punch to super, of course, skipping the bomber. That makes the combo waaaay easier in addition to less specific. B-b-but style points…!

Hmm, glad I saw this. Can use this on my Spencer/Doom/Ammy team if I’m ever in need of meter.

I found a new important piece of Spencer tech that should add about an extra 100k to everyone’s combo. Gotta run so I’ll update the post in a bit. Basically always be able to land an Up grapple after bionic maneuvers if you save your wall bounce.

Yess, that’s exactly what I’m been waiting for/trying to figure out for a quite a while. Can’t wait for your post fiddlestix.

I hope you weren’t testing on wolverine

If you were I’m pretty sure I know what it is and it in no way works on the majority of the cast

Without further ado:
As copied from description:
Some godlike Tech for you guys to enjoy.
[]Shows the new Bionic Maneuvers follow up I found. Frank throw combo that does 1mil. About 2.5 meters negative.
]Ignores hit-stun. This combo isn’t fully optimized so will definitely do 1.2m+
[]Shown working on zero.
]Throw/Knee drop combo to level Frank to 4 using Doom. About 3 meters negative. Can go for a TAC instead of the Air Photon Array Super and do the extended Frank TAC Combo to get to level 4. In that case it’s meter neutral (not counting down TAC). Note*: Doesn’t work when opponent is in corner because the the Sphere Flame needs to whiff. Does 740k.
[]My Spencer ground throw combo the requires THC with only Spencer and Frank. This version requires you to be able to land a grapple with the character back into the corner. Sets up for a nice reset or UVGxxManeuvers.
]My other Spencer ground throw combo with the same requirements. You can dash and launch as long as you are a decent distance away from the opposite corner. This version goes for TAC and does a ton of damage. About 1 meter negative (not counting Down TAC). Does 1.1m

I have a simple combo question…

How do you land spencers upward grapple from weskers otg assist mid screen? I can do it by calling wesker and doing a dry upward grapple, but not very consistently. Can you add normals before the upward grapple?

Is that even the best thing to do for a mid screen wesker otg follow up? Thanks


Dash, Call OTG, cr.H,S, UVG

This is super useful in a multitude of situations, good stuff!

Yea I think with this follow up, any X/Spencer/Doom missiles team will be a TOD for any point character provided you save the wall bounce and reach corner by the end of the Maneuvers DHC.