Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

I 'm not familiar with nemesis assist y, but alot of the cast can actually help spencer land an extra UVG by either doing :s: + :a1: xx UVG, and then doing another UVG, or doing :h: + :a1:xx UVG, and then doing another UVG (only in corner usually). Works with alot of different assists and you can def try to incorporate that into your combo somewhere if it does work instead of just doing it for “random” damage and maybe even help you save that meter to kill someone.

nemesis’ (y) assist is his rocket launcher, it does 150k fresh and causes soft knockdown. that assist is what allows the two consecutive launchers in my combo.

True, but if it allows you to get 1 more UVG, thats a pretty health damage boost. Again don’t even know if it works since I’ve never used nemesis with Spencer, but you’d be surpised how many assist the method I described works for (Phoenix Wright dog assist and capt america shield slash assist to name a few).

yeah i know but i like my team composition, not sure if you noticed but i use what youre talking about later in the combo with nova’s (b) assist.

can anyone tell me if the first combo in this video still works?


after the jump QCF S, i connect the standing medium, but the opponent rolls out when i go for the standing fierce after. i also tried to go straight for the S after medium, doesn’t work.

Oh that thing

Yes that still works, just gotta be fast~

the rising j.:h: after the :s: also makes the timing way harder if you want to connect that followup or against small characters, so most people just use j.:m: instead which is generally accepted as more reliable

hmm its so weird my characters fall out when doing the b,c,s after the TK QCF S. must be doing something wrong

heres a video of what im talking about http://t.co/psYz90NB

Just need to do it faster I’m sure.

after messing around with it yeah its pretty much what he gets from a throw with a little tinkering. I don’t agree that strider does nothing for spencer’s game if you tag them in the corner you get the beefy vert grapple stuff. my three best characters are zero spencer strider. So thats the team i usually use i haven’t necessarily built a team around spencer I’d prefer to have 3 character that i can actually use instead of simply an “otg” assist that enhances spencer but i can’t play worth a damn. thanks for the input though.

I’d say a better assist would be better overall for your team, though. Zero gets around the same help as Spencer does from Vajra. You’d be better off with a beam, jam session (or weasel shot), rapid slash, tatsu, or any other “top tier” assist to help both Zero and Spencer approach. I mean, I’m aware that Zero in particular doesn’t NEED help opening people up, but aside from having three strong point characters your team doesn’t really have much to work with as far as assists go.

i don’t need to do magic series faster… that doesn’t make any sense… i’m doing magic series as fast as magic series is possible…

yeah i definitely get what you’re saying. for that very reason i’ve put in some work with dorm. i hate most of those characters you just named so i shy away from using them. Dorm blackhole has been working wonders for me though. Zero/Dorm/Spencer team has given me great results. I’ve been trying to use Spencer/Zero/Dorm but i don’t like dorm on anchor much.

The spencer i watch most is PR rog. Since he doesn’t use a “top tier” assist and just relies on solid gameplay and maximizing the damage once you get the chance.

No, but you are doing the air combo bit + dash into bomber slower than in the video.

Yeah, his team is kind of awkward, but I used to play Wolv/Spencer/Akuma so I know there’s some synergy at least. I wish he’d change his order around at least putting Wolv on point.

I just think it’s vital to have at least one good assist, whether it’s defensive or offensive because it serves to stifle your opponent’s offense whenever it’s used correctly. It gets hard to deal with some of the bullshit that certain combinations of characters can dish out when you’re basically playing 1v3 the whole match.

That’s why I want to eventually drop Wesker and pick up a strong anchor because Spencer and Doom are by far my best characters, but I haven’t settled on one and can’t get in the practice necessary to master a character like Ammy, Strider, Dante, or Dorm that would be a good anchor and would help at least one if not both Spencer and Doom with their offense. That and I don’t like Akuma anchor anymore because of his low health. I mean, giving a footsie heavy character with no real mixup options super low health is kind of annoying… then tack on the shorter duration of X-Factor and I’ve lost all interest.

Thanks for the Vid Stark. I for the life of me could never get the third loop in

Instead of the MHS after the OTG, try just doing MS, it will probably work for a little less damage.

Other than that, I’d say you’re probably too slow on the OTG. With my BNB, the timing on the OTG has to be spot on to get MHS otherwise I have to do MS into UVG.

What are the best options I can do from a raw maximum height j.L Grapple? I did it in this match (right at the end) but I had no idea that I’d be so far below my opponent that Bionic Arm missed:


In that situation you fell so much faster because of XF. You could have either down zipped without hitting him and combo’d once he was low to the ground or zipped and up grappled, or did a raw launch after just falling then did an mmh followed by 2-3 zips to corner him, though it looks like that would be risky because he was basically on top of you and you could have gotten crossed up on the super jump follow up. Outside of XF, depending on the height you can follow up with a diagonal zip into a combo, but this isn’t really a situation that I’ve been in often or practiced.

I think the up grapple into bionic arm would have killed.

After thinking about what Start said about lifting opponents higher, I came up with a few solutions to get jump loops on everyone:
Original combo:
cr :l:, cr :m:, cr :h:, :uf: zip, falling j :m:, land, air :m:, :h:,:s:, :df: zip, land, air :m:, :h:, :s:, :df: zip, land, air :m:, :h:, :df: zip, :df: zip, land, cr :h: xx :h: grapple.

On magneto (or people you have hard time getting consistent on):
First loop do :m:, :m:, :h:, instead.

On sentinel:
First two loops do :m:, :m:, :h:, instead

Here’s a video to demonstrate (Only first minute or so, the rest is just some team stuff). Sorry for low quality, too poor to afford HD capture stuff.


this is awesome!