Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

This I already know. What he was talking about, and what we have been talking about, is opening people up with an assist, not getting a clean hit, meaning it would most likely be heavily scaled and you have a little less options for the high damage series.

As for guard breaking stuff, ambiguious cross up + assist is good. I sometimes do j :h: + assist, zip diagonal down, and then high/low/grab mixup. Pr Rog has good stuff to check out. Hes not particularly strong as a Spencer per say (or maybe he plays differently against high level players), but he has some tricky incoming character stuff.

If you have problems opening people up, command grab more, have an assist that gives you free command grab mixups, and have a combo that can kill a character off a command grab (at least in corner).

Remember when Fischerprice was trying to develop a concrete b&b with :d::h: :uf:zip stuff a couple months back?

'cause I do.

So I worked on getting a bit more optimizations and generalizations into it to make sure it always got full screen assistless and did a bit more damage.



Always appreciate the stuff you develop Stark. Hate to rain on your parade, but this combo has its flaws. I tried this combo out a bit too to see how I liked it. The one I posted earlier does slightly more damage, and it works on all the characters that this combo also works on.
This combo does not work on “all characters except sent”, it also doesn’t work on magneto or zero.
These are the ones I practice against when I experimented with jump loops because magneto falls faster than most chars and he is also slimmer in the air than most characters. Combo also doesn’t work on zero because he is really floaty so when you get to the 3rd rep and you do the air :m:, :h:, :s: :df: zip, you reach the end of the screen instead of the ground with the zip.
That’s why I do the air :m:, :h:, :df: zip, :df: zip in the 3rd loop instead because that works against all characters (except Sent and magneto still). Also Magneto in general can’t get :h: grappled at this point because he is too low to the ground in your version and too slim to be snatched with cr. :h: xx :h: grapple in my version.

Um. It absolutely does hit Zero. I’m running over this in training mode and it’s working every time.

Mags is an oversight, though. But you can make it work on him by replacing the second :m::h::s::df:zip with a :m::m::h::df:zip to get him higher, albeit dropping ~15k.

True facts: When I going over the thread, I wasn’t able to get the variation you posted about to work. I don’t think I’m reading it right. Could you post a video of it? If it’s better, I’ll make a note of that.

I don’t have a capture card but if you wanna see crappy camera on TV stuff I can make a vid of it.

As for the zero one, I guess I just didn’t time the loop right, my bad. Good suggestion for Mags! I’ll try that out. Against Mags, I’ve just been doing :l: grapple for him for my loop ender. I use doom missiles tho so he’ll die to the combo no matter which grapple at the end. But I’m sure for those who don’t use missiles, they would love to get that :h: grapple in there.

Hmm~ I see why it wasn’t working when I was trying to do that. Alright. It’s not really enough extra damage for me to want to switch over to it but it is pretty cool.

Haha, yea if only you posted your version earlier, I wouldn’t have bothered learning that. But its muscle memory now and its a few more hits since I use Frank West 2nd. I’ll try to mess with the ender on Mags and see if 2x j:m: works instead of j:m:, j:h:. Not sure if that makes much of a difference in height but worth a try. Against sent I use duck strong’s carry variation to get him to the corner. It’s not very damaging, but again I use doom so it’s all good ;D.


I made this video purely in the spirit of one-upsmanship, but I thought I’d post it here anyway because I’m pretty happy with what I came up with to add damage to the doom assist combo. I’m not sure if this modified form works on everyone the regular one does, but it hits Haggar/Hulk/Tron/Thor, which when I was testing was what I cared about.

are there any vids on spencer/strider? more specifically what he can get off of a raw vajra?

I imagine it would only be similar to what he can get from a throw, just with better scaling.

I don’t really think Strider does much for Spencer’s neutral game. It keeps them out of super jump height, but Spencer can do that himself to some extent with zips and grapples. On block it doesn’t leave them in block stun long enough for him to convert anything useful unless you’re already zipping in.

Yea, meaning not much. Spencer if anything needs an OTG assist, not a hard knock down assist. He doesn’t have damaging options for OTG.
+1 that strider doesnt really do much for Spencer. Even in combos.

I like it! Those extra hits for doom assist are stylish, I’m gonna have to steal that :wink:
How tight is the doom -> bomber into :h: grapple? Also, I’ve always wondered but never bothered to find out, does cr :h: cause soft knockdown, since it looks like a sweep? If it does you might be able to get off a cr: :h: xx :h: grapple on Haggar with the dante assist. At the very least you can try :df: zip, :f: zip, :df: zip to pop him up higher and see if you can straight up do :h: grapple for extra style points.

This may not be helpful to many, but I’ve also figured out better (read: safer) welcome mixups with Doom’s plasma beam (I’m sure other assists work, the timing would just be different).

Instead of jumping and doing a horizontal zip or doing a j.:h: then zip while calling an assist as they come in, I call Doom right before they come on screen, jump at the edge of Spencer’s j.:h: range and hit j.:h: then zip diagonally down. The j.:h: puts them in block stun and they fall into the beam, holding them there. At the point that you zip down they should already be on the ground or near it so by the time the zip animation finishes they’ve landed, but still cannot act while you’re hovering low above the ground in front of them. This is where the options come into play. You can:

  1. Land and do a command throw.
  2. Land and do a low.
  3. Hit them with j.:h: for a really low and hard to telegraph overhead.
  4. Add another zip (horizontal zip presents more options) to make your mixup even more ambiguous. From here, depending on your timing you can do any of 1-3, though for some characters you may have to rely on j.:l: or j:m: as you’ll be hovering lower to the ground since your initial diagonal zip hits them differently.

For smaller characters you can also use this tactic to cross over by spacing your starting j.:h: differently so that it barely whiffs (much easier to predict than it would seem and specifically for characters such as Zero/Wolverine/V. Joe/Arthur, I haven’t tried Ammy or any of the “average size” characters towards the shorter end of the spectrum such as Strider). In doing so, the j.:h: does not hit causing them to fall toward the beam, however you zip over them causing a L-R crossup just as the beam actually hits. In order for this to work, obviously it’s best that they aren’t pressing buttons since Spencer is exposed due to the whiff so it would probably be a good idea to hold onto this trick until you condition them to try to block your mixup.

This basically prevents them from grabbing you post-zip or X-Factor cancelling into a grab at any point because you’re never in throw range for the period of time that they are airborne. This also allows you to convert on a hit because the juggling from any combination of the :h:/zip/beam assist will give you ample time to improvise a followup.

Now if only I had thought of this before the tournament last weekend ;[

I had to use the Magneto variation to do the combo on Dr. Strange, but maybe that’s just me not doing it properly.

Also: If you have two bars and need to do more damage, if you omit the TK M Grapple and cancel the initial UVG right to Maneuvers, you can TK H Grapple, falling S, UVG xx Maneuvers, for what that’s worth. Does 929k, probably only really worth it if you have an OTG assist, as the combo will crack 1.0m in that case.

First off at that point with the dante assist basically any hit that isn’t hard knockdown causes them to tech instantly. And you also can’t do three zips because only three specials per jump and you used one on wire grapple. I tried a long time to see if I could get a UVG in any way at all… You can get a UVG with dante assist after a reel in punch with TK bomber + :a1:, :qcf::h:, but only relatively early in a combo, not that late.

Also, yeah, the bomber + doom is rather tight. I’m not sure it’s match practical or that it works on everyone who doom assist can hit there. However the second part, the :h: :s:, should work on everyone and is easier, you just need to time it so that :h: is over them as the missile hits so you can hit with :s: early enough that they’re still getting hit with missiles and don’t tech.

K i’ll just practice the :h: :s: for the second volley then.
Too bad you can’t fit the extra UVG from dante would def make the combo beyond godlike. To be fair, soft knock down and hard knock down serve the same purpose for combo extensions except for OTG stuff. Thats why vergil’s cr :h: ignores hitstun: it causes soft knockdown.
But yea, using dante assist early on wouldn’t make much sense.

hey guys i have a question!

is 1,093,400mil in the corner good damage with two meters off a command grab?

Absolutely, and I feel like you’re doing the exact same combo I am. Does it only work on medium-to-big size characters?

for that damage yeah i think so but theres alternatives for the smaller characters that does less damage but still gets the ko.

my combo uses both of my assists though, i wish that was all solo damage! whats your team sirius?

ill post the combo in a bit i need to do some verifications for all character types.

My team is Wesker/Doom/Spencer.

Yours uses both assists? Hmm. I can’t remember if I used Wesker assist or not. I feel like I don’t.

If not my combo is

:dp:+:l: - :l:, :m:, :h:, :s: xx :qcf: + :h: (jump cancel) ~ :l:, :qcf: + :s: (TK), :m:, :h:, :s: xx :qcf: + :h: (jump cancel) ~ :l: xx :qcf: + :atk: + :atk:, :qcf: + :h: (TK), j. :s: (land) :qcf: + :h: ~ :l: xx :qcf: + :atk: + :atk:

If Wesker assist is used it’s after the last UVG instead of cancelling to super.

But since Spencer is my anchor I usually practice combos without Wesker assist. I’ll figure it out next time I load up the game.

nice! is that the same damage as what i listed above? if so thats awesome!!!

my team is spencer (y), nemesis (y), nova (b)

my combo is corner only (though im sure i can work something out midscreen eventually!)

:dp: :l: or :m:, cr.:m:, :h:w/:a1: (nemesis assist y,) :s:, :atk::atk: (dash,) ( :s: jcc):qcf::uf::h:~:l:, TK j. :qcf::s:,:m:,:h:, ( :s:w/:a2: (nova assist b) jcc) :qcf::uf::h:~:l:, :atk::atk: (dash,) ( :s: jcc) :qcf::uf::h:~:l:,:qcf::atk::atk: TK j. :qcf::h:, :d::atk::s: (zipline down,) :qcf::s:, :qcf::atk::atk:, TK j. :qcf::h:

by splicing my combo with yours ive managed the following -

:dp: :l: or :m:, cr.:m:, :h:w/:a1: (nemesis assist y,) ( :s: jcc):qcf::uf::h:~:l:, TK j. :qcf::s:,:m:,:h:, ( :s: jcc) :qcf::uf::h:~:l::qcf::atk::atk: TK j. :qcf::h:, :s:w/:a2: (nova assist b,) :qcf::h:~:l:, :atk::atk: (dash,) ( :s: jcc):qcf::uf::h:~:l:, :qcf::atk::atk:, TK j. :qcf::h:

does 1,126,000 damage.

max damage i can think of now is the following -

j. :h:, j. :s:, :m:, :h:w/:a1: (nemesis assist y,) :s:, :atk::atk: (dash,) ( :s: jcc):qcf::uf::h:~:l:, TK j. :qcf::s:,:m:,:h:, ( :s: jcc) :qcf::uf::h:~:l::qcf::atk::atk: TK j. :qcf::h:, :s:w/:a2: (nova assist b,) :qcf::h:~:l:, :atk::atk: (dash,) :qcf::uf::h:~:l:, :qcf::atk::atk:, TK j. :qcf::h:

with that small change of an opener the combo now does 1,321,700

with a cr. :l:, cr. :m: opener the damage gets reduced to 1,267,300