Hey guys maybe some one can help out with this combo, its the second combo in the 6th video in the OP. It goes like this
c.:l: c. c.:h: :s:sj. j. (slight delay) :df: :s:+ :atk: (slight delay) j.:h: I>:qcf::h:~:l: (dash up) TK. j.:qcf::s: s. s.:h: :qcf::h:~:l: (dash back) TK. j.:qcf: (delay a bit) :f::s:+:atk::df::s:+:atk: I> :s:(jcc) :qcf::h:~:l: xx :qcf::atk:+:atk:
There are 2 things in this combo I cant seem to get consistently or at all. The first thing I rarely get to work is the s. s.:h: after the bomber into the :qcf::h:~:l:, the s.:h: almost always wiffs. Some random ass times I do the combo I manage to land the s. :h: and then I can do the rest of the combo no problem except I omit the (:s:(jcc) ) to :qcf::h:~:l: to super. Instead once I land I just do the up wire grab to punch into super to end it for a sexy 850k ish damage. When I do land the combo though and get to the end I cant seem to also get that last :s: (jcc) to up wire grab to connect, the character always recovers.
Anyway I hope this isnt all messy and hard to understand (just watch that 6th vid, second combo), and it would be kickass if anyone can help me out with this.
Get rid of the cr.:h: and the followup after bomber should be much easier to land.That particular string adds just enough time to the combo to leave you at the very limit hitstun decay. You have to input the whole thing as quickly as possible otherwise it won’t work. Even hesitating a little for the air combo part can mess up the combo.
So I’m back to actually playing fighting games and having a recording setup! A bit rusty, but I plan on practicing lots and going to a tourney this weekend. Hope to get more content going next week and actually fill in the second post of the OP.
I probably won’t do well since I have not played seriously since… December. (In my defense, the new Melty Blood is shockingly good and has been holding my attention, and I’ve been toying with Soul Calibur also.) But I need to get back in the swing of things by Final Round, so…
thanks a lot duck strong ill try that once i get home. Its pretty funny how that was the problem the whole time, when i first learned that combo i was landing it pretty consistently until recently. I guess back then I was using s.H instead of crouching. thanks again
I was hoping to get some input on potential places for optimization, if possible. I’m currently running Spencer/Wesker/Akuma and been trying to leverage that Tatsu puts them airborne at the beginning of a combo, so I’ve presently been doing BnBs along the lines of:
The grapple off the Tatsu + Wesker OTG into the second grapple will always push to the corner (and since Wesker OTG is so ridiculously generous I can Dash >> call OTG >> Dash UVG early in the combo no problem). If the first grapple pushes to the corner I put In Bomber >> :h: UVG and then proceed from there.
Is there anything I’m missing here? The combo seems efficient (3 grapples and a push to the corner, 4 grapples if in the corner) but exceedingly basic. I’m just wondering if there’s anything I’m missing/anything comes to mind as ways to improve it, so far my only thought has been maybe trying to add another jump loop after the tatsu hits.
Your combo can accommodate for a ton more hit stun since everything starting with wesker OTG more or less ignores hitstun. You can def add jump loops in there and omit the bomber and probably the :s: for your 3rd UVG. It will only do a bit more damage but it should build more meter since if you are using Wesker, Spencer is meter hungry. And Akuma is always meter hungry.
You’re corner combo is pretty much optimized for 1 meter and you can always do the double super version of the combo with Spencer for more damage.
Yeah, I can tell the decay allows for more hits, the problem is I can’t figure out where I’d place it lol. All I can think of is an additional jump loop post Tatsu, a Launcher >> Magic series after Wesker OTG (which would probably do less damage), or possibly a jump loop into grapple post Wesker OTG (that might bump into decay problems though).
At the end of the day my goal is to find what the highest bracket of health ranges this can TOD with by ending with a DHC to Wesker to get his shades off. The present combo handles the 900k health range solo and 950 if the first grapple pushes to the corner, but I’m wondering if there’s any way to get the 950 non corner and 1 mil in corner off a coverage assist (even higher would be lovely ).
Yea you should try doing the double maneuvers. I don’t know the specifics of the team, but I’m guessing if you add another jump loop after the tatsu, you can call wesker and do UVG xx maneuvers, sj otg :h: grapple, and see if you can do deep air :s:, land UVG ( or air :s: zip zip UVG if decay allows) xx maneuvers. That should bump it up by a healthy amount.
Lol, I just did some light labwork and you’d be amazed at how little the numbers can change by things like that. The combo you suggested does 949k (can break 950 by otging at the end), so it edges out the non-corner combos for killing the 950s, but really you hardly see any of them besides Wolverine. Even though it’s still 3 UVGs and 2 Maneuvers, the rest of the combo seems to gets to minimum damaging scaling quickly because each UVG counts towards scaling twice (one for grapple, one for punch) so the rest of the damage becomes a bit of a wash.
On the bright side, I did find that you can reliably add a second MHS air series after the Wesker OTG and still complete the rest of the combo no problem (you can do it after tatsu but it’s a lot harder to land the UVG after two air loops). That helps build a nice chunk of meter, and reliably puts the combo at one bar, 900k+ with Wesker DHC (which unfortunately can be a bit random). I’ll tinker with it a bit more, but that’s likely roughly the best I’m gonna get with this opener (maaaaaaybe 1 mil with 2 air series 3 UVGs 2 Maneuvers, but I doubt it). Thanks for the input!
That combo seems pretty great, Zansam ;_; sometimes wish I had an assist that knocked the opponent airborne. Though I guess it’s better for pressure and hitconfirms that I don’t.
Thanks! I used to just do launcher into regular BnBs, but then I realized “uh wait, Spencer can do fantastic things on airborne opponents, why the heck am I wasting it?” lol. And it’s not as bad as you’d think for pressure/hitconfirms; Zip line hit confirms for Tatsu, which then allows Spencer to combo. If it’s blocked Spencer gets a semi-difficult to see high/low covered by akuma spinning/electricity. Glad I can have it break 900k now, ToDing a good brunt of the cast off a zip + assist hit confirm and getting Wesker’s shades off is pretty nice ^^.
Oh, and Wesker can go straight into Gun loop off Akuma assist. It’s sick ;).
Yea, most of what Spencer does outside of UVG is for meter building really if you start off with an assist. When you can land 4 UVG’s in one combo that will kill most of the cast especially if you do some Tatsu chipping. The more important one is probably the corner combo since when you kill, you can use Akuma for incoming character mixup and get a quick kill if you can get a 1mil damage one. Problem I’ve found is that if you kill the point character too quick with two maneuvers in a combo, you won’t have meter for 1 mil damage combos if you use an assist to open people up, but I guess thats not really a “problem” lol.
In my experience, it’s far from impossible to kill a beginning point character for one bar (950k-ish + some attrition damage if necessary). That means you gained a bar, give or take a tiny bit, then if you land a hit on the next character, you’re going to do between 900k (command grab) and almost 1.2m (any decent clean hit).
Spencer hits Deadpool with a combo, requires one Maneuvers, does >900k, builds a bar, leaving him meter neutral. Spencer “guardbreaks” Doctor Doom, builds a bar, does a combo with two Maneuvers, does 1.0m. That’s generally how my games with Spencer go when I’m able to land a clean hit on an opposing point character in the beginning of a game. Do a combo that maximizes meter build/corner carry, “guardbreak” second character, mixup or “guardbreak” third character.
Would you mind elaborating a bit on your mention of “guardbreak”? Incoming character mixups is one of my underdeveloped areas of the Spencer’s game. I always tend to do the same thing: Call Assist, Jump Horizontal zipline to tag them and then attack while they fall to the ground in blockstun. I know this is the combo thread, but I figured I’d just ask since you mentioned it real quick as this can be a huge part of starting Spencer’s combo on an incoming character.
Not sure on what his “guard break” tech is, however, I figured I’d share a couple of my mixups.
One trick that is pretty ambiguous is to normal jump then diagonal down zip while calling an assist. This works on players who tend to press buttons when they come in, but is less effective on characters with double jumps (for obvious reasons). If you can get the wire to hit, depending on your spacing you’ll either just stop short of them in front, or go underneath while putting them in block stun momentarily and cross up to the other side. This works really well with beam assists and tatsu as well.
Another thing I do, similar to your tactic, is call Doom + jump horizontal zip, forward :h: (in case they go for throws - I used to use :s:, but after people got used to it they started throwing me out), horizontal zip again and :s: (or :h: again). If it’s done correctly you’ll be really low to the ground and the :s: will hit although it looks like it won’t reach active frames because of being cancelled by landing. As such you can turn this into a high-low mixup and intentionally whiff the :s: and just go low with :l:. Additionally, instead of the second horizontal zip you can do a diagonal down zip and either go low or go for a command throw. If properly timed, they’ll have landed by the time you zip to the ground and you’ll have frame advantage to follow up however you’d like because of the blockstun from the wire. I try to mixup how I initiate these mixups - sometimes starting with an :h: or jump loop attempt instead of just going in with a zip to lessen the chance of them getting off a successful throw attempt. These mixups also work if you land a hit at any point because the zip keeps them airborne and in hitstun
I’m kinda interested in this guard break, though, so I’ll be looking forward to that response.
This is a guardbreak in the loosest sense of the term, but nonetheless: On an incoming character, do a very early jump L as they enter, such that they leave blockstun before they land. This negates the grab invulnerability incoming characters have normally, and is capable of turning into 1.0m given you start with a bar, have an OTG, etc. Here’san example, courtesy of Stark herself, being performed on Phoenix upon her being snapped in.