We’re bringing back Society for Competitive Fighting Games (Anyone got a better name?)
We need 5 members minimum which shouldn’t be a problem
Post your full names and netids
Patric, apparently we need to take some quiz on compass
Here’s my name suggestion:
Illinois Fighting Division. Get it? :wgrin:
Dan Zebrowski
Ricardo Lopez
Patric Takagi
I assume the quiz will show up on compass once you give them my net id? Or do I need to do something else? Just lemme know.
David Kim
Thomas Hernquist
So confused about Pill’s name being David, but we call him Pills and there is a P in his netid.
IFA. I FUCKING AGREE! Good shit Mike.
Illinois Fighting (Games) Division?
Illinois Fighting Division might get a lot of random MMA dudes thinking its that.
Anyone hosting tomorrow. I might drive down.
Fighting Gamer’s Alliance? Something like that?
3 AM. Humbag probably drunk watching Min stream weird Genesis games.
You must be bored.
my name used to be pil gon when i first got here, then i became AmeriCAN last year and got name change
Im calling you Pill Gone from now on. That shit is GDLK.
Someone should host for the world series tonight and late night games aftrword.
What’s the World Series?
Games where
St. Louis Cardinals playing Texas Rangers last baseball game for the year.
Now smack yourself Fllexo.