UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

Even Mago gets hit by every slide

I just don’t understand

I could be persuaded to come down for this. Especially if Humbag is looking for a salty runback for last years Irish Car Bomb best 3 out of 5. Also would help the case if you kids weren’t such wieners and got costumes going this year.

My costume was gdlk last year.

I dont usually use these three letters but…SMH.

Fucking slide.

I have a costume this year.

So who else is interested? I won’t bother if not that many people want to come. And we need a repeat performance of Yakloud for sure. Only for sure so far is Unviersal_Man.

Ill go, but Id rather just play games and stay at Marcus’s. Im not into drinking much.

I’m with this guy, not much of a drinker.

i would go but i have no costume and im not 21 so i would need someone to buy drinks for me which is lame. ill just go for the games at marcus’s also

I remember when I didn’t drink, then I met Captain Morgan…

Here’s a reminder that this Thursday at Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield is the 3rd (Third!) Windy City Showdown Tournament. If you’re interested in possibly making the trip, details are here.

If you can’t make it (and I don’t blame you if you can’t, it’s a long drive), then please watch the stream. You can find it at www.justin.tv/medina4life

We promise we’ll try much much harder to improve the commentary this time, even if we have to get Brock calling every match over Skype.


Yea, see, that wouldnt be an option. Marcus too, would be coming out to have fun.

So yea, I think I’ll just cancel games then. I was going to have people over so we could all go out, but if no one is interested in going out then there is not much of a point. I’ll just go out a little earlier now :slight_smile:

Also, just an FYI, it is possible to not drink when you go out to the bars. You guys to know that it’s Halloween weekend, and there’s gunna be tons of girls dressed in costume… jussayin.

I would actually be very down to do this, but is it possible?

(sorry for the double post guys)

Girls in slutty costumes is not enough reason to go out to the bars, Brock. Back when I’d never seen a titty before…maybe. If people are going out, they usually do so to drink. :wgrin:

If you wanna get girls naked without spending money on their drinks, why not just go to a strip club? Instead of buying alcohol for a bunch of cock-teases, you could buy some dirty snatch in your face. lol

If you ever went out with me, you would know I dont buy bitches shit. I go out to socialize. Sometimes I get a number in the process. Sometimes I don’t. Either way, I always have fun, whether I’m drunk or not. I’m a people person :slight_smile:

I’m down for just games, maybe Dan will host?

Yea, games would be good. I’d be in.

Last time I just helped drunk people home…

Host where what what happened? Where’s it at this weekend I can come to Champagne even bring some ppl with me if anyone needs a ride.

i tried helping james go somewhere…but he falcon punched a stop sign and proceeded to use it as a backrest. I gave up and went home.

Im down. Anyone else? Or more so, how many. U still doing this? Txt me. 3096697319