UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

Hey wassup dude. Just keep sticking around this thread for info on hookups. They can be kinda spur of the moment and other times we plan them a few days or more in advance.

Count, you should meet up with InstntHellMurdr. He’s from Danville, too, and I know he was looking for local players. :tup:

But yea just keep an ear to the thread. We host pretty frequently in one form or another.

i lol’d

Thanks guys I’ll be on the lookout!

I’ll host tonight if anyways want to play. I live literally down the block from ISR.

Text me at 224 578 5808 if interested

Deadpool buffs are good… but why did they nerf Sent… again? And Wolverine will still be decent on certain teams, but losing all invincibility on berserker slash really hurts. I really like the nerf to She Hulk… now she cant mash cr. L and lead into huge damage.

Deadpool/GhostRider/Hawkeye go go go. Maybe a little Dr. Strange mixed in there too :slight_smile:

Nova. Everyone else is hella gay – especially Brock’s team.

I’m really excited to try the new Iron Man. He basically got all buffs. Woot.

Ghostrider/phoenix wright/Nemesis

Team new blood

How is November 10th for everyone up in here.

Where ya meeting at?


[LEFT]I say 10 words and it sparks controversy on all the comments. I love it. Also, some of the funniest comments ever, such as “Yellow Snorlax.”[/LEFT]

Lol, youtube hates you.

But the real FGC loves me. Except Dennis. I threw a bottle at his head. Sorry Dennis.


All those damn bitch assed Daigo apologizers piss me off. He’s a big boy he doesn’t need your help. Besides he called out AMURRIKA. and got beach-bodied. The game being “unbalanced” is not an excuse. He knew what snake pit he was stepping into.


Rufus aka Yellow Snorlax

Fucking Americans, no respect

Why are you nipples so hard


A few people can come by today if they want. Minorities must be escorted by a brighter race for safety.

Nov10th. House party at my house in Normal.

Who can come.

I can.


I think Im in love.