UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

Yay Melty Blood

make it to Chicago Heart 3!

Julian are you gonna go to CH3?

I wish I could go.

Im back from teh DEAD!!! sorry Its been a while since I posted last I totally forgot about Chicago heart. :frowning: its probably for the best. I got free 3rd row tickets to the very first Ring of Honor TV taping on saturday WOOT) Im very much interested in Fighter X Shooter, and I am also very very interested in learning Urien in 3SO

BTW I do have a Wii and I do have TVC. I just dont have a stick :frowning:

I can teach 3s like a boss. Happy birthday to the ground.



$40 ain’t too shabby if you ask me. :tup:

+40 more if you want a decent stick though…

those stock parts wear out way to fast

Damn you Humbag your Yun is mine next time! I got my anti airs right now!

We should have a team tournament(2v2) the week of Shooter-X-Fighter as well.

Ohh and congrats on the Big Marcus win as well bro, was a damn good time. Next time we really do need to get some beers from across the street.


AE is too early :frowning:

your face is early

Holy shit, it’ another fuckin’ day…it’s the best day every agayy-uuunnnn…

Now im shittin in a box cause I don’t give a fuck.

uh-oh…this thread is going into its random “weird” phase again.

Pssh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, Patric. We don’t go through “weird” phases in this thread. We’re all mature, responsible adults here.




So. Freaking. Awesome.

^ this x 1000 ^

Just announced the GGA Windy City Showdown schedule for the next month here: CHICAGO 2016-2017 Thread: Welcome New Players, check out the Facebook Group page as its more active!

Hope to see you guys there soon.

Ok everyone listen up. I will be able to host a game night at my house around the beginning of September so instead of coming to Brock’s or Humpback’s place you guys can come to my house. I MIGHT need maybe 1 or 2 people to bring set-ups…idk it depends on how many tvs we have left in our house. I’m supposed to be moving into a new home and my parents will leave the apartment to me and my siblings while we’re in the process of moving. There will be food, we can get drunk (but just keep it clean of course), and it will pretty much be a casual night so everything’s free. EVERYONE IS WELCOMED so keep your eyes and ears opened and I’ll tell you guys an exact date as the time approaches. Brock, Humpback…you guys got my number so give me a call if you want to talk to me about it. DUCES

ps I forgot to mention for those of you who don’t know where I live, I stay in the same apartment complex as where Brian aka Burn-Your-Ego used to stay so if you need any directions feel free to call me @ 217-390-5113 or just hit up Brock/James/or Mike and they’ll tell you ;D
