UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

He very well might have since this was performed as an anti-air. You must remember, Guile charges his moves in 55 frames, so that extra air time might have been juuuuuust long enough to charge the Flash Kick.

looks like tried to input u1 but somehow ex flashkick came out (judging from his inputs)

Hey, so I’m probably just pissing in the wind here, but…

I’ve been really wanting to play some TVC lately. I know everyone is [rightfully] still on MVC3, but now that you guys have had more exposure to “Vs.” style games I’ll bet more of you could learn TVC pretty quickly. I know there’s still the issue of no one owning a Wii, which I totally understand btw, but I just mean we should hop on and mess around sometime. I, myself, was interested in learning more new characters just for fun. I’d gladly help people, and in fact be willing to go as far as buy a second stick for when I host casuals.

Not a big deal at all. Just food for thought. :tup:

That game still exists?


Mr. Hypnotoad: are you wanting to go to Chicago Heart 3?

If you go do you have a 360 you could bring for AE and MvC3?

I have some extra ps1/2 to gamecube/wii adapters if you want one Mike,that might help with the stick problem. Cant make heart this weekend (its my mother in laws 50th birthday)

Everyone look closely at Zen’s new profile pic and tell me he doesn’t have a full-on boner hiding under that shirt

If anyone is planning on learning Urien in 3S:OE hit me up.

Hey guys.

If you can’t make it up to GGA with Humbag tonight, then please do check out the live stream, at www.twitch.tv/ggslive

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing everyone at Chicago Heart and Fighter x Shooter.

You can teach me Urien match up :smiley:

Done. I’m really interested in seeing what I can do with him as a seasoned player. When I first played 3S competitively, I didn’t know jack-squat about things like frame data, option selects, or any other high-level tactics.

Teach meeee :china:

ima be in champaign this friday most likely-- anybody gnna still be there minus the ones going to chicago heart that may want to play some games?

and boom goes the dynamite

Games. Here.

I will be back in champaign next saturday. Games.

finally beat big marcus in tournament for the first time in 1091390 tournaments

Yeah I saw the results of tat tourney - grats sir…hmmm glb win with ryu??? Did he have some new ryu ae technology or something???

I kept forgetting that normal yun combos into upkicks misses on ryu a lot. He uses fireballs as pokes really well and anti aired me good. I coulda forced another 3-5 but I goofed in the 5th game.

wtf I keep missing these tourneys

Days are blending in together