Welcome to the Nova Corps
The Corpsman Manual
In this manual, you will be familiarising yourself with Nova and his style of play. Fundamentals are the key attributes to develop when starting off with Nova. Movement and ground control is the biggest attribute to master when playing Nova.
Space. Bait. Punish
SSS Tier - Doom
S Tier - Strider, Amaterasu, Strange, Spencer, Dante, Vergil, MODOK, Dormmamu, Iron Man, Arthur, Rocket Raccoon, Sentinel
St. :l: - For aerial opponents and to punish opponents
St. - Has deceptive range but long startup. Can be used for kara cancelling
St. :h: - Long range and startup.
Cr. :l: - To punish opponents
Cr. - Only from a certain distance. Can be used for kara cancelling
Cr. :h: - Makes blockstring safe. You CANNOT follow up or risk dying.
:s: - Launcher. Combo only!
j. :l: - For air confirms, also for instant overheads
j. - For aerial crossups or opponents higher than you
j. :h: - For pretty much everything
j. :s: - For corner escape. Always pair with an assist
:qcf: + :l:/ - For space control. Hitconfirms off red health version. Speed Tackle is used for no red health hitconfirms
:qcf: + :h: - For ground control. Very few assists can take out the normal version.
:qcb: + :atk: - For air movement and combo only. Always pair with an assist
:qcb: + :s: - flight. Makes blockstring safe and negates pushblock.
:dp:+:l:/ - Only from a certain distance, backed up by an assist. Can be used to cross up on incoming
:dp: + :h: - Has super armor. (Very bad armor though)
:qcf: + :atk::atk: - for positioning for next DHC or for raw damage
:qcb:+:atk::atk: - To snipe assist or projectile happy characters
:dp: + :atk::atk: - fastest hyper in Nova’s arsenal, most damage aside from Grav Blaster with red health
:l:, , :h:, :s:, jump,
, :h:, :qcb:+:s:,
, :h:, :s:, :f:+:h:, :s:, :h:, :qcf:+:l:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
Ground Throw(corner), :f:+:h:, :s:, jump, ,
, :h:, :s:, :dp:+:l:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
Ground Throw(midscreen), :dp:+:l:, , :h:, :s:, jump,
, :h:, :s:, :f:+:h:, :s:, :h:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
Air Throw(corner), wait, :h:, land, :h:, :s:, jump, ,
, :h:, :s:, :f:+:h:, :s:, :h:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
Air Throw(midscreen), whiff :h:, :dp:+:l:, , :h:, :s:, jump,
, :h:, :s:, :f:+:h:, :s:, :h:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
(Air confirm) j.:h:, :qcb:+:s:, j., j.:h:, j.:s:, :f:+:h:, :s:, jump, :h:, :dp:+:atk::atk:
Resets & Setups
After an air combo
:f:+:h:, :s:, :u:+:atk:+:s: (On block, you can St. :l:, throw, or high-low)
:qcf:+:h: to ground throw
:qcf:+:h: to cross-up dash
:atk:+:s: to cross-up dash
super jump, air dash down, j. :h:
Training Regime
Daily tasks
[] Practice plinkdashing forward and backward straight for 10mins
[] Complete 5 consecutive reps of each combo on both sides. If you drop a combo, restart from 0 from that combo you dropped
[] Complete 5 reps of reset setups on both sides. Practice each mix-up option 5 each.
[] Complete 5 reps of incoming setups on both sides. Practice each mix-up after the incoming setup
Perform this for a week before moving onto the next rank.
[style size=“15px”]The Millenian + Denarian Manual[/style]
In this manual, you will be optimsing Nova’s combos and setups while maintaining the movement. These optimised combos and setups will involve your selected assists. As this part is very long, both Millenian rank and Denarian rank are put together in this manual.
Advanced BNBs Thanks to Dougiie Ovrkll
Advanced Resets and Setups
After air combo
Training Regime
[] Practice plinkdashing forward and backward straight for 10mins
[] Complete 5 consecutive reps for combos on both sides. If you drop a combo, restart from 0 from that combo you dropped. Practice for the following:
- Midscreen St L hitconfirm + Cr. M hitconfirm
- Midscreen instant overhead j.L hitconfirm
- Corner St L hitconfirm + Cr. M hitconfirm
- Corner instant overhead j.L hitconfirm
- Midscreen ground throw combo
- Midscreen air throw combo
- Corner ground throw combo
- Corner air throw combo
- Midscreen jump height confirm
- Midscreen superjump height confirm
- Corner jump height confirm
- Corner jump superjump height confirm
- Midscreen Grav Pulse L
- Midscreen Grav Pulse M
Tricks and Tips
How do I do Nova’s instant overhead?
Moons tutorial (Stick only)
(Pad only)
[details=Spoiler]Set your triggers or shoulder buttons to H+M and L+M+H. To perform the iOH, just jump, hold down and then press H+M and L+M+H immediately after. In training mode, the inputs should be this
Nova should do his air light very low to the ground now.[/details]
How do I do Nova/Spencer crumple combo?
:f:+:h:, :s:+:a1:, TK :qcb:+:h:
TK means tiger knee which involves ending your motion with an up motion like so.
:d: :db: :ub:
How do I do the unfly glitch?
Just make sure that the attack and the s are pressed on the same frame. This leads to some useful stuff such as mixups as well as consistent TACs.
How do I Speed Tacos?
General rule of thumb is that the combo shouldn’t be more than 5-7 hits or else it will go from difficult to combo straight to impossible.
For corner, hit with the initial speed tackle hit, than aim down. If you’re midscreen, after the first hit and hitstop, let Nova just fly a bit. Than when your opponent starts falling Diagonal-Down towards them. If you timed it right you can follow with s.M, or if you’re unsure machine gun punch that Light button for the confirm.Ashton is from the MvC3 reddit
How to get a crumple state midcombo without Spencer
Courtesy of motion51
[details=Spoiler]Deadpool - :gamma: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h:
Doctor Strange - :beta: :gamma: - :beta: :l:, , :h:, :a1:, :qcf:+:l:, :qcb:+:h: / :gamma: same as previous but :h:+:a1: and can choose to omit :qcf:+:l:
Dormmamu - :gamma:~3C - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h:
Ghost Rider - :gamma: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Hawkeye - :alpha: :beta: - :alpha: :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h: / :beta: :l:,
+:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Iron Man - :alpha: :gamma: - :alpha: :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h: / :gamma: see arthur (very inconsistent!)
Rocket Raccoon - :beta: :gamma: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h: both corner only!
Shuma-Gorath - :beta: :gamma: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Storm - :alpha: - :l:, , :a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h: (wait to allow assist to fully hit if you want to!)
Taskmaster - :alpha: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h: (delay similar to arthur for crumple to connect!)
Wolverine - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h:
X-23 - :alpha: :beta: - :l:, , :a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
[details=Spoiler]Amaterasu - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcf:+:h:, :qcb:+:h:
Akuma - :alpha: - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h:
Arthur - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h: - pretty easy just dont rush the rocket punch (wait for the dagger to come out!)
Chris - :beta: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h: - awkward and hard to confirm into because his slow start up.
Dante - :beta: :gamma: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Felicia - :beta: :gamma: - :beta: :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h: / :gamma: :l:,
+:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Frank West - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h:
Ryu - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h:
Trish - :gamma: - :l:, +:a1:, :h:, :qcb:+:h:
Tron - :beta: :gamma: - :beta: :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h: / :gamma: :l:,
, :h:+:a1: , :qcb:+:h:
Viewtiful Joe - :alpha: - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h:
Wesker - :beta: - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h:
Zero - :beta: :gamma: - :l:, , :h:+ :a1:, :qcb:+:h: - no delay with inputs for either assist.[/details]
3. How do I do the H loops midscreen?
You can an optimised version which is much easier. After the launch, make sure you superjump forward to close in on the opponent. Do H, fly, H, unfly. Then air dash forward with a j.LxxH. You’ll then land and then follow up with a launch to finish the job. A fairly easy link. You must be somewhat close to the opponent when you start the H loops. Other variants do exist such as air dashing and using j.H to maximise damage. Much harder however. Make sure to know whether you are close to the corner or not as the airdash can muck up the combo. Off an overhead, it’s easier to go for a normal H loop combo.
3. How do I do the raw tag air throw combos?
Mid-screen :df::atk::atk:, :atk:
You need to air dash diagonally down and whiff a normal subsequently. This will make you land faster and allow you to raw tag into anyone. This new character needs to have a fast OTG in order for the combo to start.
Corner :df::atk::atk:, :atk:
You need to air dash downwards and whiff a normal subsequently. N.B. You must use either or :l:. Using :h: for whiffing may cause Nova to actually hit the opponent.
Examples can be found here and here
Characters that cannot be OTG: Amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe, Rocket Raccoon
Tip: During the throw animation, you can hold down the :a1: and :df: while mashing :l:. This will create a perfect tag in which gives you enough time to OTG with more characters.