UCI Zot Zone/OC Thread part 2

Diablo’s fun to play now that it’s harder.

USWest/East: Rustblade9

all this talk about diablo’s making me want to play more StarCraft.

anytime you guys wanna play some broodwar, hit me up on aim. Chances are im not doing shit and i could use a little gaming.

all this talk about blizzard makes me want to …

still thinking…


makes me want to post a lot of dots!

All this talk about blizzard makes me want to throw unbreakable objects at breakable ones.

So the new patch was released, eh? I hope they fixed their broken promises in 1.10.

I’ll stick to Frozen Throne, k thx.

bump bumbumbump bump…

beware of my k bison…

beware of my A- bison, cause i can almost paint the fence from the 1st player side!!!

beware of my K chang:cool:

EDIT:i take it back…beware of K eagle…or K iori…or K athena…actually beware of my K random R2…

hmmmm…I WOULD say “fear my new Hibiki” but it’s hopeless once I step out of training mode. Must I always resort to Blanka??? :frowning:

One positive note: I can JD Chun-Li’s entire multi-kick super!!!

…except for that goddang last kick :mad:

The whole YB^2 complex is flawed. I always thought blocking produces some white sparks, and a whole bunch of white sparks when guard break happens. Not blood. :confused:

you misconstrued the blood part of ybsquared. ybsquared believes that although video game violence is quite violent nowadays, nothing is really as violent, as real violence. we don’t like turtles, unless they’re the ninja kind, and therefore, we use our own form of a taunt button to provoke them to attack, i.e. hitting them with a blunt object, which in turn usually causes some sort of bleeding. you should of known this since you’re on the team, it’s in the handbook after the chapter on “why p groove sucks, and marcus is a cheater”.

aveeno, daily moisturizing lotion!

hah…ninja kind…can’t stop laughing…

eugene:it’s okay if you take jabs for granted…cuz in a tournament…the jab button BETTER work…if you lose to c.fierce x10 + upbackx1000 in a tourny…then…you should call him gay…well you do it anyways even if you win…:-/

ahh…man i see some people who stopped turtling resort back to turtling…:frowning:

Chris:yo…we need to get together…sit down…maybe have some tea…and help me with my eagle :stuck_out_tongue:

i really need to stop doing wake up super with eagle…it’s killing me…

Wtfux. I should have joined yb so I could get one of them handbooks and stop losing.

i joined…how come i didn’t get a handbook

i’m quite dissappointed…

Sooooo… who here is going to the norcal regional


ill be playing it the Tekken tournament on sunday.

I’d go… if i didn’t have a midterm on monday and tuesday and an essay due tuesday.


I would…if I had a ride :smiley:

note to marcus: hey, dude. I wasn’t pissed off at you when I was playing or anything. I was just getting peeved that I had this weird shaking going on and it was messing up my concentration. Too much caffeine these last few days gets to me quick :stuck_out_tongue: Good games, and your Elena has gotten REALLY good.

hehehe, i would be more than happy to give rides there if i wasnt flying up… sorry.

back to practacing, i have to get my arsehole ripped open by insanelee.