yea…she plays music from animes and guilty gear soundtrack as well…
i was walking by and i was like…“why do i feel like i’m watching evangelion?” and shit…she’s playing cruel angel thesis…
i always gave her ratio 2…but since people like to fierce her to death with sagat and blanka…i could no longer stand her getting hurt…so…i let her retire and enjoy her life…but nooo…ace has to keep her out of retirement and make her work more…
better take care of her ace! or else…maki is coming for ur ass…:evil:
i would have made a maki av…but…can’t find many pix of her…plus mai is so much hotter anyways…
today as i was walking home i crossed a black cat…i was happy cuz it reminded me of my black cat who commit suicide by jumping off the roof:( …anyways…i spent about 15 minutes playing with the black cat cuz it seemed friendly…i love black cats…they’re so cute! <3<3
also today, roommate bought FFXI…game looks cool…i would buy it but i cost $13 a month to play online(no single player mode)
plus it takes 6gigs on ur harddrive…6gigs in which i can use for something more entertaining …jk…but yea…plus i remember back when i played diablo 2…i don’t want another one of those incidents to happen…
There’s a black cat that lives outside of my apartment. Always roaming that thing is. I think it’s either unbelievably unlucky, like i’ll die tomorrow, or the luckiest thing since charms.
Yay for hardcore nudity! We really do need streaking asian girls at zz because streaking asian guys aren’t as fun…
Bust-ah Woooooooof!
More Randomness:
Will someone remind me not to start on a project the day before it’s due? I try to keep my “submerging” (no contact with the outside world while getting work done) at a minimum.
Outkast’s The Love Below and Speakerboxx: When three computers in the same apartment are all bumping different songs from the album(s), you know it has got to be good!
You are one step away from being like those guys in the strategy thread going, "Makoto is sooo cuuute! ^^ " and crap like that. I’m just kidding. I like animals, our family has had several pets over the years including a cat that lived to be nearly twenty-one years old! Since all our animals were gone (about my junior year in high school) and we moved out to college, I haven’t been able to play with any except on rare occasions, my friends always are surprised when I spend so much time with their pets.
About the six gigs, you just have to be a good housekeeper, meaning get rid of all that hardcore stuff because you probably only look at it once. As for diablo2, I admit I was addicted to it for a while, but looking back and getting angry at blizzard, I have to ask, was it really any good as a game?
That’s what abel wants. He keeps trying to ride it all the way to the last stop but I have to tell him everytime: can’t stay on the rape train without a ticket.
Dentron: Since you play akuma pretty well, I’d like to know if you know how to defend against any of his crap. I’m pretty new to CvS2 so I need all the help I can get.
I actually started playing akuma like a week and a half ago and so I don’t know too much about how to defend against his shit. What I know is that he takes damage like a pussy. Ask Chris how he destroyed my whole team with K-groove r1 fatman. All you really have to do is land a super somewhere and I’m gone.
oh yeah, I was hoping the D-tron hat would be a dead giveaway of who I am.
Ah, sorry I didn’t see what the hat said. I’m blind as hell, and for some reason refuse to wear my glasses despite their overwhelming necessity in my everyday life :(. It’s actually kind of inspiring being deprived of your senses most of the time.
If you have just been playing Akuma for a week then damn…your Akuma is good. It’s too bad Archie doesn’t play at ZZ anymore, because you could probably pick up a few tricks from him. I think his Akuma abuses all of Akuma’s good CvS2 stuff. He seems to use a hell of a lot of air fireballs, and most of the time you can’t do anything about it, because they shield him as he’s coming in/crossing up. So, I guess I’m recommending that you try messing around with more air fireballs, because they work well when Archie abuses them.
Eliot, Akuma is definitely different in CvS2 than in 3s, but I think he’s actually quite worse in CvS2. I don’t think you have problems against Akuma, per se, but against hyper rushdown in CvS2 in general, because that kind of stuff never seems to happen in sf3. I can’t give any advice because I can’t visuallize CvS2 very well right now, and anyway, you don’t want my advice you ungrateful bastard.
I’d appreciate your advice, but I don’t know about your “advice you ungrateful bastard.” I may or may not want that, as soon as you tell me what that is.
I thought P-groove might be good against the hyper-viper rushdown, but it’s much more difficult to parry in a pinch in cvs2.