UCI Zot Zone/OC Thread part 2

Eliot: me and you should have some intercourse regarding the creation of a Mas stick for me (I have stick and buttons and other parts, but I need a PCB and a box).

Happy Chirstmas, feliz navidad, merry qwannza, good hanukkah, happy new year, and watnot.

I’m sad though that I missed the Tourney at FFA last Saturday (I came in in my Zankou shirt right when the tourney was ended; 1st prize was several dozen Soda Cans). But, I did play some good games with Elena and Chun-li. Yay for me!

In that other news channel: I think after next quarter I am going to switch gears. By moving from a math oriented major (ICS) into… Engrish! I’ve only been trying hard enough to stomach Programming for 3 years, but I like to write as you can see by my posts. Wish me luck!

Good for you, Marcus! As a proud holder of a BA in English from UCI, I would be more than happy to give you a shitload of bad advice.



I’m thinking of having the next 3S tournament on the 17th of January. Do you guys have any other dates in mind? Maybe we can throw a CVS2 one too. Let’s starting chatting.


Anthony, that’s a great time for a tournament for me, since I know I’ll be in Irvine then.

A proposal to all: let’s bullshit. I’m currently v.bored. If you’re bored and have the time, perhaps you can read my bs and respond with your own. BS is something that this thread has been sorely lacking recently, and I foresee further boredom on my end in the coming days.

I just got back from Vegas and I couldn’t find shit to do there. I’ll admit that it would probably be a hella nice place to take a girl…there’s some hella romantic shit there, but personally I was left unfulfilled.

1) Video games - OK, this is what irked me the most. I went to two arcades there, and neither had a decent game. Both had Tekken 4, and one had Marvel, but other than that, nothing. Not even any shooters or anything to mindlessly play. Of course there were the obligatory groups of jackasses watching DDR at the front. SF friends, that simply won’t cut it with me.

2) Gamble - If I’m guaranteed to lose money, I’d rather lose it doing something fun, like video games. I lost five fucking dollars there and didn’t enjoy it at all. That’s 10 games of SF3 at ZZ :(.

3) Get drunk and gamble - The obvious choice. Unfortunately I can no longer safely drink due to the condition that God(and possibly some really irresponsible behavior on my part ;)) inflicted upon me known as epilepsy.

4) Strip clubs - Sorry, but I think going to strip clubs is even nerdier than than going to arcades.

5) Legalized prostitution - No, thanks.

So…??? What’s left is looking at all the insane shit that the robber barons built with their outrageous fortunes. I did that, and it is kind of cool, but I can only take that for so long. I’m really not a natural voyeur. I’ve been doing nothing for, like, as long as I can remember. I want to actually do something.

I saw a really bad movie recently called The Cooler. It’s supposed to be good or something, but it was just a total joke IMO. Plus I really don’t appreciate being shown William H. Macy’s pubes/ass fifty times. I also saw a bomb-ass movie called In America. It’s also the saddest movie I’ve seen in a very long time; possibly even the saddest movie I’ve ever seen that I can remember clearly. I would definitely recommend it to everyone…best movie I’ve seen in a very long time for sure.

Yeah, Anthony…I hope you can set up that tournament, because I won’t be seeing much of Irvine in the future if everything works out, job-wise. I graduated last quarter so I’m coming back down to Irvine in a few weeks just to move out and tie up any other loose ends, but that’s it. If I can’t find work up here then I’ll probably end up living down there in socal, but that’s definitely not my first choice. I really enjoyed playing street fighter with everyone(though sometimes it might not have shown, hehe) down in Irvine. In fact, probably my favorite part of all of my 4 years at UCI is Zot Zone. In all 4 years there’s really only been one ZZ player who I don’t like, who thankfully doesn’t post here.

For Christmas my friend gave me the Dominion Tank Police DVD. It’s one of the tightest anime that I’ve ever seen, in my opinion, because the dubbed version is so much better than the subtitled version. CPM really went all out when it made the English version. Now the story actually has a real point; it’s actually meaningful. Maybe it’s just a personal thing, but I freaking love the depressing idea of demolishing everything(self- and otherwise) because nothing is really worth holding onto. I’ve been missing that anime for over a year now, and it’s just as good as I remember it being before my cd got scratched beyond all repair.

Oh, another thing is that the DMV finally reinstated my driver’s license that it revoked almost a year ago. I’ll be driving down to Irvine when I come down there, so I’ll FINALLY be able to get around without begging one of you for rides. Thanks Abel, Marvin, Courtney, David, Archie and everyone else who drove me around. It is truly very much appreciated.

OK that’s everything I can possibly think of. Congratulations if you read this far :).


I can just tell you’re going crazy with boredom when you start blowing your insane ideology.

If you’re making a drive before the next quarter starts for us, maybe you can burn the extra 1.5 hours worth of gas to come to san diego, but there are NO ARCADES that carry third strike in san diego, except for nickel city, which naturally has busted sticks. But, there is cvs2, and we could tag team that shit. Or I could meet you in irvine or something.

No insane ideological loads being blown here, friend :). I know it sounded hella gay when I said it, just as it always sounds gay whenever anyone tries to explain something that he thinks is ultra-profound. However, the fact of the matter is that what I said is true; that really is what it’s about. You see, I’ve studied that shit hella in depth.

Oh, and let me add…I know that that’s not all that it’s about. It’s about a distant memory of perfection being worth more than the perfection itself. That’s all I’m gonna say about it because, honestly, I think the reason my friend got the DVD for me is so that I’d stfu about it for once :).

Your post brought a tear to my eye, Chris. I hope you have rotten luck finding a job up north so you can stay down here. But yeah. I don’t start school until Feburary so we definitely should hit the 3S while you’re still in Irvine. Oh and your comments about Vegas are great. I’m going there on Friday.


P.S. The upcoming tournament was going to celebrate the grand opening of the Team Control website. But seeing that Chris may be gone for good, we’ll hold it in honor of him and call it the “One Man Bukkake Invitational.”

Speaking of BS, I had some this morning as I was getting up early to go to work. 8:30AM is when I got up exactly, and it is actually the earliest I’ve woken up all vacation.

I go to drink some cherry coke and BAM, as it’s going down, it feels like someone stabbed me in the side/stomach with a knife. I’ve never felt a worse feeling in my midsection before, honestly.

As I hold my stomach and stumble through the hallway to find Mr Bed, my homie’s little sister starts laughing thinking I am doing a stupid dance of some sort, since I have been bored and making up some lately. I lay in bed for 20 more min and actually have time to take shower and make it to work 2 min late. Homie’s little sis brings me some tums knowing that I don’t feel too good. TUM TUM TUM TUM TUMS!

What kinda bs is that. Punished for drinking soda too early. That’s it. I think it was the yellow chicken the night before.

Regarding Chris’s Post: First thing I thought when I saw that long ass post- “I wonder if he was stoned while writing that.” But on a more serious note, Congo Rats on graduating and all. I think it’s gonna be weird without all the people who were ZZ mainstays. Good Luck and all that jazz, hope to play against you sometime before you aren’t in irvine anymore. Oh, you and Eliot should chill on January 9th with me and others… I already talked to Eliot about it and hopefully he said something to you. It should be good times :smiley:


i’ll miss you:(
don’t leave

Wow, so many people in Las Vegas. I too just recently returned from Las Vegas; been there since Saturday. I also saw one of the MvC2 guys in Las Vegas; small world indeed. What day did you arrive and what hotel did you stay in, Chris?

Also, did you see the snowfall on 12/29-30? Wow, snow in the desert!!!

Lol, you guys are awesome.

Eugene, that same thing has happened to me before. The thing is that I’m emetophobic(afraid of throwing up), so those things kind of terrify me. It’s seriously been about 12 years…I know when I finally throw up again I’ll lose this retarded fear.

David…I arrived on the morning of the 26th and stayed until the 29th. I couldn’t believe how cold it was, but it sure as hell beats the summers there. There was ICE on the ground! I honestly don’t remember the name of the place I stayed at…it was some cheap-ass place off the strip.

sad to see you go chris, you were one of the top players that i so desperately tried to beat when i got here 3 years ago…on the other hand, that’s one less person to take my quarters…marcus, nate and i joke about how we’re the best of the worst players when it comes to cvs2…slowly but surely all the best players are either graduating or…well umm…graduating…soon zot zone will be hours…

oh yah, and i’ll be going to vegas for my 21 later on in january…i love to drink and i love to gamble…don’t be surprised if i don’t make it spring cuz i gambled away my student loans…

world peas and carrots…

congrats on graduating chris… damn so many people graduating, makes me wonder when the hell i’m gonna graduate ah well. and thanks to you i learned a new word… emetephobic… i think marcus is that now cough pussy cough cuz he can’t even drink anymore cough pussy cough without the fear of throwing up… that’s some of my BS on Marcus’ expense… hehe

and yes… with all the people graduating marcus, ace, and i will rule ZZ… after we kill allen in a terrible “boating accident”… eeeheheheheheh

We’ll see about that, hoodlum.

hey chris
i barely got to know you, but enough that i feel obligated to post something :stuck_out_tongue:

congratulations and good luck with finding a job. if nothing works out up north i’m always up for chilling and playing some video games

see you later…

Happy New Year, Fellas!

Nate: You’re a cat. Sorry that I’m not as used to throwing up as you :stuck_out_tongue:

“If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college.”

dear chris, i dont know you personally at all. I do know that tank police is bomb shit, and that you are too l337 for me in cvs2 so im glad you’re leaving so you dont steal my quarters anymore. gl with finding a job.

:wtf: Well, I’m back. haha, no I’m not. So let me get this straight:

a) Chris’ gone
b) There’s a tourney soon
c) There are no chicks at jtown anymore

What the hell is going on? The world is amiss, up is down, left is right, cats and dogs are getting along, it’s chaos! Anywho, I’m sitting here at a pc cafe wondering where the hell my 3s skill went. I’ve been playing at Pak Mann and Japan Arcade mainly, so I’ve had quite the opportunity to pit my skill against the top CPUs in the county. What’s this “fierce” button do? I’m going through 3s withdrawal, but am, for some reason, improving in MvC2 o_O

Eliot, thanks much for the gift. The game has been giving me insomnia for the last three nights. Fucking game is the best horror game I’ve played so far (Fatal Frame 2, for those who don’t know what the hell i’m talking about).

I should probably be heading down to irvine within the next three days. I will come bearing grandma’s famous tamales, and…some stuff. I need to catch up on my 3s, so whenever you see me…let me have it.

Chris: who’s phreakz0r? He never IM’ed me after all.

Now, if you will all excuse me, I am going to waste my last two hours at the PC Cafe, sorting through the asian girls thread drool Damn, I wish the little tokyo chicks weren’t warned that I was coming back :’ ( They were “HOTTER THAN THE BLUE BLAZES OF HELL!!!” <-- Back To The Future part 3.

Yeah, I watch movies too, you uncouth louts!