UCI Zot Zone/OC Thread part 2

Gotta try for the money bag.

I was always pissed off by every eight-way joystick I encountered, so I don’t recommend anything other than 360s. I mean, they are way more expensive, but I think it’s worth it, since they last longer and, at least for me, don’t cause as much swearing and blaming the controls.

If it’s specifically for the dreamcast, then nevermind, but if you made your joysticks for the ps2, then you need a specific controller in order to use the perfect 360 with it: a vanilla ps1 dual shock controller (other colors have a different voltage operation, if I remember correctly, and all ps2 dual shocks don’t work. I’m not sure if the regular ps1 controller will work, I’ll have to break it open one of these days and find out).

bah, well fuck that, ill stick to the ultimates… plus i figure if i can do good stuff on shitty controls, it should be easier in the arcade.

hey elliot, for your joystick, what was your button layout for the thing, cuz i got one from MAS for the ps2, then i bought a converter for the dreamcast, but the button layout is whack for the dreamcast now, and i noticed yours worked fine on the dreamcast, so i was wondering if you had a different botton layout for yours or a better converter…

by the way mine went like this for the MAS:

top row: L1, square, tri, R1
bottom: L2, x, circle, R2

ps: i hate periods, so i only use commas now…
pss: if this makes no sense to you… figure it out…
psss: posting high = very confusing

Dentron, I think Eliot was referring to 3s alone when he said that ZZ has perfect 360s. I’ve never seen you play sf3, so I assume you were asking about MvC2’s and CvS2’s sticks. I have no idea what kind of sticks they are, but I was at least under the impression that CvS2 does not have p360s.

Personally I think that all this ‘stick talk’ I hear everywhere is a little out of control. I built a stick using an 8-way ultimate and I have no complaints whatsoever. IMO, calibration is 98% of the equation. Now, if a particular type of stick is less likely to break or fall out of alignment, then I see why it could be considered better, but from what I’ve seen there is a lot of overrating.

well you’ll be happy to know that i have played 3s about 6 whole times since school started, and MVC2 is too crazy for me, i basically cvs2 only now because i dont have the time to learn 2 drastically different games. HOw in the world do you calibrate a stick??? the ultimates that i have have 2 options, 4 way and 8 way, and i dont know anything about calibrating a joystick. my biggest complaint is that i have a really hardtime doing the fireball part of the akuma a-groove combo, for some reason it doesnt like to read half circles.

Heh, sorry, but since you didn’t buy one of my pristine sticks with custom artwork, I’m not telling you anything.

Seriously, the way I have my layout is square, triangle, L1, and L2 for the top row, and X, circle, R1, and R2 for the bottom row. I actually tailored this to the converted buttons because I used the converter and realized that the button scheme for the converted ps2 controller must be similar to the DC, and that matches the buttons rather well. Only problem is that you’ll need to do some reconfiguring for guilty gear, but at least sf3 won’t require anything special.

Note that this is a very similar scheme to the one you have, but you need to move your hands to the right and if it allows you to configure the R2, then do it. I don’t know if you can, though, you may be screwed for third strike if you have to have roundhouse and fierce at different ends of the attack keypad.

By the way, you’ll have to laugh when sober once you see how silly a post with mostly ellipses is.

Case in point: Bear in mind that 360s don’t require calibration, and also bear in mind that chris loses the most out of all of us at third strike, an indication of how insensitive he is to such nuances as the difference between eight-ways and perfect 360s.

The next time you refer to any topic I speak of as “out of control,” I’m going to kick your ass many times. See this as your only warning.

yeah, the R2 thing is what’s so gay about my situation, so now i have fierce and roundhouse on different ends of the pad, which i sort of got used to but it’s still the ultimate muscle of gay, so one day i opened up the stick and found out there is no real way for me to just “move” the buttons without any soldering, and i have no clue how to do that, so if you elliot or anyone can help me move the buttons i shall pay you in love… or money… or any combination that you want or those two, cuz i’m tired of this shit

Eliot, my opinion concerning the importance of stick type comes from playing many different games with many different sticks in many different arcades, as well as building my own stick. Now, I’m not saying that some ppl don’t prefer p360s to everything else, just that I think the importance is largely misrepresented. I did say that it was all IMO.

Personally I’ve never gone to an arcade and had any complaints about a stick that was properly calibrated. The only complaint I ever have is when the stick is out of alignment or a certain direction is broken or anything similar. Or I suppose I can’t really play on a stick that is vastly different from what I’m used to(eg. Japanese-style), but that’s not the issue here.

Dentron, honestly, I forget how ultimates are calibrated. It’s been few years and a few seizures since I opened my stick up. I remember calibration being done by messing with some metal panels on the underside of the stick(either screwing or bending).

As for Perfect 360s not needing calibration, I honestly forgot they use that optical shit. That is a good point, and if you’re willing to spend the extra money and deal with power then that’s an advantage over sticks w/microswitches IMO.

I would just read this thread.

Pack it up. Oh, yes, friends…pack it up.

Don’t worry, Chris, I was trying to get you bent out of shape. I was hoping you’d respond with some sort of trash talk but you never did. I’m alone there, now, in our special place. Waiting for you… silent hill. My experience comes from the comparison between MAS sticks and my own creation, which isn’t perfect (seems to not like dive kicks to the right) but I still consider much more accurate than the old eight-ways. What first turned me on to them was playing at camelot with the annoying third strike machine, then going to guilty gear since no one was playing (and as some know, the arcade is way slower than the ps2 version, so I needd to practice the new timing). While I was playing I noticed 100% of my intended motions came out, except I was using the wrong button from screwing around on the ps2 scheme. Still, it detected dp motions and half-circles perfectly, and being pissed off at third strike at camelot (and SZ) certainly helped to shape my exclusive preference.

I can solder for you, nate, but I’d need and iron and my dad doesn’t just let me bring the thing anywhere I please. If you can find a relatively cheap one, we could buy it and you’ll just learn how so you can make use of it in the future. I’ll need payment in some money but mostly love, seeing as how chris is obviously avoiding me.

Maybe it’s just your execution.


My execution does vary between games using similar controls, after all.

Belated Introduction

Hey everyone,

I’ve been meaning to post for some time but never got around to it. My name is Curtis, and I play a scrubby Hugo (Scrugo?) at ZZ with most of you when not earning a phD.

Since coming here I’ve gotten alot better thanks to the excellent competition; most notably anthony, abel, marvin, elliot and chris. The level of competition even at ZZ is light years beyond what us hilljacks back in Indiana are used to.

I’m curious If any of you are planning to go to other arcades in the area over the break, I wouldn’t mind getting some matches over the next few days. Also where do you think the best competition is at?

See you all later.

Belated Introduction

i think your hugo is no where NEAR scrubby…

yeah… like i just said to me friend… it seems like the whole city of irvine dies for winter break

Competition for 3S: Go to Family Fun Arcade in Granada Hills. I think there’s a tourney there tomorrow (sat, the 20th) but just post in the FF Thread for details and to set stuff up. It’s about an hour and fifteen to an hour and a half to get there from Irvine. But, it’s only like 15 minutes away from my place in the Valley. Too bad I don’t go there often enough though.

Good to see you online, Curtis. Did anthony pressure you into posting or did you sign up of your own volition?

Anyways, it’s too bad the school closes everything except the counselling office the second finals end. I remember at least being able to sell my books on saturday.

Camelot golfland is pretty good, too, and people are starting to go to the Regency fun center, both of which are within 40 miles (I think).

I guess I’ll have to practice over the break since I can no longer complain about your illegitimate victories on here! I mean, me giving you so many rounds and all.

Damnit, doesn’t anyone want a joystick?

Hey, what’s up, Curtis?

What are you getting a Ph.D. in?

Hey Chris

Hey fellow low-tier maniac,

I’m in the Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry program (MBGB). If any of you are undergraduates in the life sciences, you might see me as a TA next year.

Has anyone seen Rotk, yet?

i have! its pretty good.

i think i know who you are, but you probably dont know me. i play cvs2 only pretty much, a-groove akuma/ken/bison.

ne ways, the movie was pretty good minus the sappy bs parts.

i saw rotk today…i think it was just as good as the other 2(which is pretty good)…
but the ending…whoa…the movie could have ended after a billion scenes…but they just kept going to the next scene and i wasn’t sure when it was going to end.

i might get curtis as a TA next year :smiley: