UCI Zot Zone/OC Thread part 2

I’m flattered :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, if that’s a serious question… :slight_smile:

My best friend’s brother used to be(still is? not sure. He lives in norcal so I haven’t seen him/heard from him since the Summer.) a hardcore cokehead. Fool was in thousands of dollars of debt and he wasn’t even old enough to drink. Half of the time he would talk your ear off about the most random shit(interlaced with random quotes from movies…Blue Streak was a favorite of his). The other half of the time he was just angry and straight-up malicious. That seems to be how to tell a cokehead from someone who is just doing coke…if he gets depressed during the comedown, he’s not a cokehead. If he gets VINDICTIVE then you can tell he hates that shit but can’t stop it for his life.

Incidentally he attempted suicide a few months ago, and his parents paid off his debt as a result. I saw him the day before this quarter started and he seems like he was in good shape(albeit quite a bit heavier :)).

Anyway, coke is retarded. 30 minutes of pleasure in exchange for hours of an excruciating comedown. No thx.


well i saw kavin do something like c.short, s.jab, fan super…but that’s hard…

mai’s c.foward sucks so you can do super from that…
i think the only other one you can do is c.fierce and maybe c.strong

and since mai doesn’t seem very good at gaurd crushing…c.fierce xx super won’t do you much good…

i think the tactic you been using works best…
c.shortx3 walk up and throw(if blocked) until they stop blocking…

i think the c.short x3 xx qcb, hcf+k super is easier to do than fan super…
plus you did it on me the other day on ur first try…(and got up on the chair and said “what!?”):o
but yea…you should use the qcb,hcf+kick super…it’s pretty safe when blocked too…and you can JD if they attack right after the super is done…

yea it’s coo…i’m just pissed cuz he almost knocked my hot dog out of my hand!:mad: j/k
yes yes…and one more thing to mention
my Mai OCV’ed ace’s WHOLE team…:eek:’

YEA GO ratio 4 mai!

whoa whoa whoa…first of all, you NEVER ocv’d me…you had a ratio 1 haomahru, who did nothing for ya…except when you landed that super that no one ever lands on me…(dick)…and when you did it pick a ratio 4 mai, you did in fact get it up the butt…i don’t even remember if you made it to sagat.

eat shit and die.


2 years of posting on this thread and i still don’t know everyone. Which of you guys is Eugene and Ace?

i (ace) would be the guy who’s not there terribly often, but i came in the other day wearing scrubs (the clothing kind, not the turtler kind) i usually only stick to cvs2 and pretty much only cat who always plays mai…eugene is the guy that’s not as good looking as me.

—thanks chris for the little anecdote-----


aHA!, you’re the mothefucker that robbed me of like 2 bucks today… hahaha. one day ill be good and will be able to rc through your freaking fans. bison’s torpedo sucks for rcing because of its windup and its shotty hit box. i think im just going to have to use the scissor kicks…if only i could rc roundhouse moves…

oh that’s right…
i forgot
i’m too drugged up on coke all the time that i can’t remember anything when i play:rolleyes: :confused:

you should get to kno all the awesome mvc2 players that’s been using sent/cable/capcom and do nothing except call assist x 1000 and run away

anyways…just some secret things that i like to mention:
akuma and kim are breakdancing partners
rolento and kim like to do naughty things where it ends up with kim’s balls falling off and exploding
zangief kidnap rugal and took him to mars
raiden and raiden…well…have you guys seen that preview for the movie where matt daemon(spelling? ) and the other guy are stuck together…that’s raiden/raiden
mai makes rock burn with rage
dhalsim likes to play hide and seek with his friend yamazaki
vice and vice like to sleep together…


hehehe…i noticed you land a couple of your a-groove combos, but i would recommend getting a better feel for your game and how to change it up (notice how i was able to throw you quite a few times), then worry about roll canceling…

…but that’s just my two cents, there are a lot of people on this thread that are much better than me…but at the same time, there are people that i absolutely dominate, no questions asked: cough allen cough

you know you only won today cuz i had to leave with my gf…jk, a win is a win…admit that was some sick jd’in though.


no…i totally won cuz i’m a master at n groove…
it’s my best groove eva…
lol jk…
dude…why do you kick my ass so badly now…grr…
i’m blaming the sticks…
jk…dude…stop owning everyone when doug and eugene aren’t playing…
same goes to marcas…
and to nate…who doesn’t seem to be playing cvs2 anymore…stop owning those akuma players at 3s…

to kavin…stop playing ffXI and go back to cvs2 :stuck_out_tongue: jk
oh and my roommates play on garando(or something like that) server…in case ur wondering…they have some crazy players there that thye party up with all the time.but you probably dont’ want to get a worldpass to go over to their server since it takes 1000 billion hours to get to lvl 10…

btw…FFX2 is out
wee…yuna and rikku…drools…

To abel: for telling me that boa is a lesbian…imma have to kill you…sorry to do it…but you crossed the line…

Another nickname that I just remembered for that guy you (Chris) were walking with today: “Funnyman.” (reference to Boondock Saints) He’s the guy with the mustache, skinned bald head and earrings and was quite jovial and convivial, talked some shit to some players, and I believe even invited ace for a pint at the pub. I have not seen him at all at zot this year. What happened to him?

Post Script: Ace’s avatar is top-tier.

what the heck…i just watched that movie today…coincidence???

i didn’t really like it, though…lots of stuff, but the thing that stood out was the pulp fiction ripoff where he accidentally blasts the kitty. come on now…too obvious

boondock saints owns

boondock saints…makes me wanna be irish…accent and all…

…at least i got the drinking part down:p

and on another note, anyone here play fantasy basketball?

No, but I play fantasy your-mom-in-bed.

Just getting you back for that not as good looking comment. :eek:

eeeeheheh, yeah, my denjin ryu = akuma/ scrub killer, but yeah, i’ll go back to playing more cvs2 cuz i miss the wonderful feeling i get after i beat you.

PS: Rhode Island is neither a road, nor an island… discuss

That’s simple: it’s 'cause, through tireless scientific efforts and research, the founders were in fact found to be morons :slight_smile: kthx

better question: why is the plural of mouse “mice,” and louse “lice,” but house isn’t “hice”?

For that matter, why is abbreviation such a long word?

damn you ace and ur mai unblockables!!


another nickname that has come to my attention

people are evo2k3 called abel double rasputin

Lol, that’s “Cevant”, or “Ron”, whichever you prefer. He’s a very cool guy…hardcore drinker/dank smoker/E roller/off and on methhead. He graduated last quarter and now works midnight-8am, so he’s never around anymore.

There are a ton of funny stories involving him…pressing GTU’s taunt button in CvS2 and pissing on someone else’s car in my apartment parking lot to name a few.

:lol: !