Tyler Texas needs an FGC!

I think Geek World would be our best bet. I can talk to the manager Mark (he’s a friend of mine on Facebook) and see if he’ll let us bring in setups (in case multiple people show up). Or maybe someone can ask ahead of time if we can do that. I will be out of town this weekend, in LC the next weekend, and Dallas that following weekend.

Consider it settled, Geek World it is! What does everyone’s schedual look like, I’m off on Sunday and Monday.

sorry I’ve not really been around, I’ve been running myself mad trying to plan this campus event and game tournament that happens next week, and keep my coursework in line. My schedule is really in flux right now because Mondays and Wednesdays I have to be in Marshall by 9am, Tuesdays and Thursdays by 10am. also, every other weekend I’m in Naples taking care of my father-in-law. My schedule next semester though is a little better, mostly afternoon classes with the exception of my on-campus internship, which the schedule is TBD. I’m also in the beginning of planning stages for Evo next year in the hopes that I can attend.

Also, how many people in the area are interested in going up to Dallas for Bar Fights X? I’m at 45% confirmed right now, just gotta get everything together and in line for the date of December 12th, same day as the 25th anniversary finals. Right now, I’m guessing Jeff and Kent will be doing the same stuff as last one, maybe throwing in DOA5 and TTT2, as they’re real popular right now. If we have enough, maybe we could organize a carpool or something.

Also, I am in the process of organizing something fairly good that will start taking place in January, and I hope that I get the okay for it at our next club meeting which is TBD.

I live in longview, there’s a few of us that still play. I’ve just been more focused on other things lately. I’ve decided to drop p4a for now, and focus on SSF4, maybe umvc3 and definitely ttt2. There used to be a Longview thread or Gregg County whatever, it’s probably buried or been deleted by now. Longview and Tyler used to have get togethers when Vanilla SF4 first came out but once key players from Tyler moved to Austin and I went with them. Scene kind of fell off.

We have two setups with asus monitors so there are no lag issues. If you play a fighting game I probably play it too. Super Turbo/Third Strike/AE2012, TekkenTag2/SC5, BlazBlue/P4A/Learning GG/MB(lool).

Me, my roommate Josh and friend Nick all went to Absolute Battle 3 this weekend. Very hype. We’ll definitely be attending Bar Fights X as well. If you’re trying to get games in online use these tags for xbox: Man Whut and Ikaru Montoya. And these for PSN: ManWhut and RyanUnlimited. I play SF on 360, 3d fighters on psn. If forming a get together or want to see about coming by our place just text me at 903 926 5346. Name’s Ryan.

We need to get our shit together and see about getting some sessions in before Bar Fights in 3 weeks. I know that I’m going for AE, Marvel, and Tag 2, but I will also be going out of town next week for the holidays.

You Longview people could always come play at Ron’s house. He’s pretty much always down to play.

Could you PM me Ron’s address? I’ll see about coming Friday.

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I’m pretty sure you kicked my Guiles ass and took god knows how many of my player points from me lol

I’ll go there when I want to play tekken but I don’t see the point otherwise. Because I’m more focused on SF, the game Tyler doesn’t play.

I been going to geek world pretty much by myself on Monday’s just to see if I would get lucky and run into some people there but to no avail. Hopefully we can all get something put together somewhere soon, I would be cool with going to our new buddy Ryan’s house to play or Geek world or where ever, I just want to play and learn why I suck so bad! lol I want to go to bar fights as well, and I am ok with going 2 and out as long as I get some XP! My days of getting scrubbed out are gunna come to an end.

I play SF, pretty much the only game I play, I played P4A for a little bit don’t play it as much as I did trying to concetrate on street fighter at the moment as well.

Just text me whenever man, I’m usually down to game.

I don’t know his address I just know where he lives. You got his number?

Yeah, I got his number. I’ll text him later this evening and see if I can swing by.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2

Texted Ron, he’s busy this weekend. I’m busy as fuck Saturday and Sunday with prior committments in Kilgore and Marshall, so if I made it out anywhere it’d have to be tomorrow night and I’d have to leave kinda early (9-10ish). I may give Ryan and the Longview crew a call and seeing about getting some games in tomorrow with them.

alright, I’m wanting to get a headcount as to how many of us are driving to Plano for Barfights in two weeks. I’m arriving with my wife the day before (Friday the 7th, which is two weeks from the date of this post) and I’ll have my PS3/360 systems in tow along with my LG monitor. The hotel chain my wife and I frequent (Comfort Suites) tends to have HDTVs in the rooms, and they normally don’t have problems with us having guests in the room either to a point. So what I’m saying basically is I want to have a meetup before the event and we can play any of the event games (I am going to have a rental copy of UMvC3 on hand since my copy got jacked out of my house) from 7pm - 1am on the 7th. If you’re interested, shoot me a PM or simply reply to the thread before Thursday the 6th.

Also, my campus will have bi-weekly ranbats starting in mid-January, so if you feel like getting some games in … the time will soon be near.

why you no accept my friend request…?

my plans have changed. I will not be staying overnight in Dallas, instead my wife and I will be leaving the day of @ 7am. Dependent on whether or not I am bringing someone from my college who wishes to participate; I will have 2, maybe 3 seats open in my vehicle for people who need a ride. Each person who fills a seat will need to bring up to $20 to cover the cost of gas to and from the venue. If you’re interested, let me know via PM ASAP so I can take a count.

Well I hope you get a few people to go with you man, I wish I could but all I do is work work work lol. One of these days though I will go to a tournament so I can get 0-2’ed and sit in the corner for the rest of the time! but until then I will just have to stick to the ol’ XBL and possibly get those meets going at geek world soon on the weekends. But good luck man I wish you the best and hope you do well and a safe trip!

What is this Geek World you speak of and where can I find it? Actually from the pics on google it looks like the inside of the old Ground Zero comics.
Bah, I really need to move to Tyler. Henderson has nothing going on.