Er, I’m pretty sure that charge time is affected by game speed. That is, it’s measured in gameplay frames, not real-time seconds.
My playing style is too obviously advantaged by slower speeds for me to comment on the speed poll.
Er, I’m pretty sure that charge time is affected by game speed. That is, it’s measured in gameplay frames, not real-time seconds.
My playing style is too obviously advantaged by slower speeds for me to comment on the speed poll.
I just wanted to ask.
If the poll results are close (Hung Jury LOL) does that mean a verdict can’t be reached, and the Speed will be kept at Speed 3? :razz:
Charge time is relative to game speed; it gets “longer” as the game gets “slower” and vice versa. Characters can’t throw out specials faster or slower compared to everything else in the game.
I guess a better example would be top-level shoto players dp’ing you out of everything on reaction at slow speeds. On super-fast ST T3 for example, even a Honda who just sits there won’t always respond to many jump attacks in time if you mix things up because the window to reaction is much smaller. But on T0 anything, wow, you have to be really bad to not punish any jump-in on reaction.
I’m pretty sure that charge times scale with turbo speeds so, aside from people getting thrown off, there’s not going to be a lot in the way of advantage or disadvantage for that.
The difference is that speed 0 is 60 fps and speed 3 is (effectively) 75 fps. Aside from frame skipping issues, that’s basically going to work out to moving marginally reactable stuff to fully reactable stuff.
“Reaction Blocking” is on the order of 180 ms which, with input lag, is around 14 frames at speed 0, or 17-23 frames at speed 3.
“Reaction Countering” is on the order 320 ms which, with input lag, works out to something like 25 frames at speed 0, or 33-34 frames at speed 3.
Assuming half-ping extra input lag, speed 0 online will seem faster than speed 3 offline for stuff you can only block, and slower than speed 3 for stuff you can counter.
Why are there 2 users with the “DGV” gamertag? Am I missing something?
DGV is Dark Gaiden and Vintage. They share the XBL account.
Hey Cesar, I know that this thread was originally supposed to be about promoting the upcoming ranbat, but is there any way you can mod the title of the thread to mention that we are taking a poll for the official offline speed for HDR? Thanks.
Regarding the speed issue…all the proponents against Speed 4, have any of you actually played a good session (1 hour or more) against another opponent on Local Match? Don’t use online Speed 4 as a comparison since that runs even faster. I’ve played with my bro on many occasions on Speed 4 Local Match, and it is pretty much the same speed as training mode (on T3). DG & AfroLegends played at the infamous Activergamers Non-Tourney on Speed 4 for several hours. They initially left it on the default 3, but soon switched to 4 and they BOTH overwhelmingly agreed that 4 is the better speed to play this game at. Even watching Valle & Choi play at the NCR Finals was painful. The game just looked way too sluggish.
I’m honestly surprised that the results are even remotely close. I mean, HDR Speed 3 Offline is slower than DC Turbo 3. Did that many people really feel that ST on DC the last few years ran too fast? Your votes for 3 seem to suggest that…
Anyway, I think we should at least TRY Speed 4 at this upcoming Ranbat, and then discuss afterward.
I wouldn’t mind trying it out. But I hope it doesn’t stick! :razzy:
My take on Balrog is that the faster the Speed, the better it is for him. Less charge time means he can go absolute apeshit on you and move like a human bullet. It’s icing on the cake.
I think that’s why Afrolegends prefers Speed 4. :bgrin:
I have not tried out Speed 4 locally. So it will be interesting to see.
As was said earlier, Speed 3 makes things more fair for the lower tier characters to compete IMO.
There seems to be a misunderstanding. Speed does not affect charge times in gameplay terms. No matter the speed, you still need to charge the same number of gameplay frames.
I say turbo 3 but that’s only beacuse I am referencing AE days you know what I am talking about DGV. I have never tried four, but could go for it if it feels better than 3. Thats beside the point though…
Ah ok.
Just ignore everything I said regarding charging then.
I still stand by the rest of what I said though! :chat:
Waddup Antonio! It’s a shame you weren’t able to make it to NCR. Don’t worry, next time you got the tab @ Chilis :bgrin:
AE T3 is faster than HDR Offline T3. Heck, AE T3 is even faster than DC T3. If you like AE T3, then you will “probably” enjoy HDR Offline T4.
Haha yeah i’ll be able to pickup the tabs maybe in like 5years once school is over with. I know man I really wanted to go too, I have never played john choi I can’t stand to watch him win all the time. You did great though man I could tell the speed was off, both you and mongolo were missing stuff left and right.
I felt bad when you played valle I bet it was probably so frustrating for you to miss stuff too.
I think one interesting experiment to try out would be to have players blind test the offline speeds sometime. I wonder how many will be able to correctly tell on the spot whether they’re playing Turbo 3 or 4…
So, alex6x6x6 helped me with a little testing, and the results are:
Typically, online games happen at the same speed but clip away the initial frames of moves for the opponent. (The home character animates fully.) Between alex6x6x6 and I the initial 3-4 frames of moves were clipped. (This was tested on Chun Li’s fireball which has 6 distinct frames of initial animation.
Increasing lag will increase the number of initial frames of the move that are clipped, as I saturated my net connection, the number of initial frames skipped climbed to 7 or more
Based on this, I expect that there will be no additional input lag for the home character on a netgame.
So what’s the bottom line in terms of seconds or timer ticks (instead of frames)? Are you saying the round time is the same? If not, how did the time compare to offline T3 and T4?
I don’t pay attention to the clock. The moves (at least chun’s fireball) happen at the same speed on and off line for each particular setting. There’s some wierdness associated with rollback stuff.
K Done and Done
Anyways, as far as Ranbats go this weekend i Think i will be running it on Turbo 4 just so we can try out the feeling for it? Widescreen off or on is also the other question now?
Ranbat competitors opinions? outside opinions welcomed as well:wgrin:
Turbo 4 is a bit fast for me, Turbo 3 is the default speed for HD Remix so shall it remain. To make shit look more interesting then up the speed though, I personally would like something in between 3 and 4.
So far many agree Turbo 3 is the way to go.