Turbo 3 or Turbo 4? Which is better? RanBat 11/28!

IF you are in the So Cal HDremix Scene please try an attend these RanBats and keep our Beloved HDRemix Scene Alive!!!

Saturday 12/12 Sign ups begin at 5pm Tournament will start at 6pm-6:30pm

Bring your friends, family, Anybody is welcome!!!

hope to see you guys there!!! here is the link to the thread let me know!!!


Also after coming back from Norcal there was alot of discussion about the speed’s used DGV and Myself felt like turbo 4 with screen on was the better choice as we both played our tournament match under these circumstances.

So what speed do we prefer for local offline matches?? DISCUSS!!!


We’re most likely coming for this. Hey C, I wonder if there’s a Chilis nearby…if so, we’ll probably get kicked out of that one too, Haha. Oh yea, in lieu of recent events, I’m thinking this should be run on Speed 4…the precedence has to start somewhere, right?:cool:

Additionally, can someone please make a poll so we can see what the HDR community would prefer as the “official” speed setting for ALL offline tournies? I tried to create a poll, but I believe you need to be premium mem?

I’ll be there. With a new hard drive in the laptop.

I’m going to have to send the other one in to a data recovery service to get the videos off. Hopefully they can recover it because it’s not working at all anymore.

I’m down with Speed 4 as well.

Dude, someday could be Saturday! Just get in that car! :wgrin:

Fuck that noise! :annoy: How about some speed 2 so my slow-ass Sim can hang with y’all? :wgrin:

See you guys Saturday! :lovin:

Yeah, Speed 3 is the only way I can compete with all of you! :lol:

I’ll get destroyed since it will be too fast for me to react.

I cringe at the thought of fake fireball being even faster. :sad:

Can a brotha get a poll around here? :smile:

We look forward to seeing the “old gang” again, and hopefully some new faces cough, cough So’Cal PSN players, cough :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding Speed 4, I think you guys are forgetting that Speed 4 on Local Match is pretty much the equivalent to Speed 3 online…so, I’m not sure why anyone is particularly worried that Speed 4 will throw off the balance of power :wgrin:

This is true, especially coming back fro mthe shitty PS3 turbo 3 non widescreen… it was horrible i blame the game for losing to DGV… TWICE!!! lol j/k but no serious HD ON PS3 Sucks it feels like im goku training under heavy gravity but yet chun still doesn’t go super saiyan lol

And Vintage i dont know how to create a poll lol i’ll figure something out

k poll is up!!!

Ganelon, if you’re reading this:

Would you be willing to perform tests comparing the online and offline speeds? It would be nice to have some actual data on the matter. Specifically, online speed 3 vs. offline speeds 3 & 4.

I can (and probably will) test the game speed, but I’m not set up for checking input lag - which, I think, contributes to online seeming faster.

alex: I wish we could just time rounds separately but I think communicating the exact start and ending times is too imprecise and may lead to discrepancies of up to half a second based on inconsistent timing.

Do you or someone else has time to set up some dummy online matches? We’d be testing an assortment of stages (to ensure stage doesn’t affect anything online) and trying to induce lag with special moves (to see if internal lag actually slows down the game). It’d be best if there are at least 2 folks to connect to (and/or folks who can throttle their connection with lag) to see whether different pings and external slowdown account for real life speed differences instead of just producing display lag.

However, since Rufus has recording capabilities with exact elapsed time measurable, if he is willing to do so, I would recommend coordinating with him instead for online sessions. That would yield the most accurate results instead of me just saying it’s “x” timer ticks faster/slower.

It would benefit you Cammy, Zangief, Fei Long, T. Hawk and Blanka players to Vote for Speed 3 if you like the idea of reacting to fireballs and Hondas better!!

Speed 4 is Shoto, other projectile characters (Except Dhalsim), and charge characters on steroids! Not to mention you’ll make it easier for DGV to get his Ultimate combo on you! :looney:

Vote for Prop. Speed 3!!!

Imo a significant reason why Japan thinks ST is more balanced than we do is that they usually play on a slower setting, since lots of bad matchups can be made better by making certain things more react-to-able. Speed 2 or 3, imo.

I knew I wasn’t crazy! :clapdos:

I have a much easier time against Hondas offline than I do online which is faster.

Think of the little guys!

Slower speeds encourage turtling though because counters are much more likely to occur. For example, if we were playing T0 (which is much slower, but to prove a point), good luck getting through Honda and Guile using a non-projectile character if they get a lead with hands/sonic boom respectively.

Of course, but imo speeds 2 and 3 are in that nice happy medium range where matchups are more even.

Sorry guys, but I have to vote for Speed 4 :smile:

There’s something annoying/irritating about practicing combos/links, reversals, etc in training mode (that same speed is practically identical to online Turbo 3) and have that timing semi-nullified due to offline aka local match speed 3. It kind of defeats the point of training mode to an extent and all those online matches (timing and linking wise). I noticed this first at Evo, then Warzone, etc.

Just curious, to those who used to play ST (the US version/board)…what speed did you prefer…Turbo 2 or 3? IRC, Midwest Championships rock Turbo 3?

MWC uses ST T3, which has always been the US ST tourney standard as far as I’m aware (and way faster than HDR T4). I actually think ST T3 is a little too fast though…

T2 is actually the factory default in arcade US ST but we’ve always used T3 anyway (although I’ve always wondered how that came to be, besides arcade owners wanting more money for the same time).

I see where your coming from.

But I think while Speed 3 was an accident that was suppose to be Speed 4, it was a good accident.

Wouldn’t a faster speed give less charge time to downback characters?

The way I see it:

T0 = Far easier to react to but longer charge time

T4 = Harder to react to, but faster charge time to get back in turtling position

However in T4’s case, I think charge characters who turtle are getting the best of both worlds. Thelo seems to do just fine reacting to damn near everything! Plus he gets less charge time as a bonus.

Speed 3 strikes the right balance IMO. On accident!